Sharing freedoms and opportunities with others

Editor’s note: This was given on the Fourth of July but applies at all times.

JANU: We are Janu speaking, celebrating this evening the mutual goodwill of so many in your nation on this Fourth of July celebration. May the spirit of goodwill and freedom extend itself to a greater degree into the affairs of humanity.

So many are in fear of inconvenience and loss with immigration of so many from other countries that suffer and die, and are deprived of basic opportunity and rights to be. We encourage humanity to grow into an attitude of collective concern for each other. This is a good opportunity for people to reconsider what the Founding Fathers of this country of yours envisioned, as people from around the world came to the shores to make a new life and to become Americans. A time of reflection and the opening of hearts and minds. A substantial portion of human destiny hinges upon the attitudes of immigration and the taking care of others who risk their lives for a chance at freedom and a better life in a rich country founded on such principles.

July 4, 2014 B                                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross