The cause and purpose of the diversity of life

JANU:   Diversity, then, as such speaks of creation, manifestation, endless interactions and relationships, and the realization of potential. Let us explore, this morning, the purpose of diversity; why there is so much of it.

Diversity belongs to a theory of evolution that originated in the early beginnings of life, as life discovered its vast potential and decided, in a manner of speaking, to experience it, to explore it, to discover its truth, rather than just postulate what it means. So it began: from the diversity of potential into universes, worlds, consciousnesses, energies. One must realize that the awesome diversity of life comes from the diversity of potential and the life of that potential initiating discovery of what can be.

Now, the journey of creation yields diversity, through its own creations, as a result of its own creations. For when life creates and the manifestations ensue, new life is created as a result of existence and interactions that reveal possibilities of continuation. This is a simultaneous reality. The process of life goes on and becomes the scenario for a continuation of the thrust to exist and enrich the equivalent consciousness of the source of potential.

Even though filled with nuances and diversity, it all comes down to the reality that all of this diversity is the oneness of life, revealed.

There is much more to explore here, but not during this journey, for the stage that has been set for exploration must be refined. Namaste, our brother.

Apr. 7, 2014                                                       Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Old and new visions

JANU: Surveying this region of life that pertains to the destiny of Earth’s nations and, of course, peoples, what we see here evolving is not a movement towards one world government, but a one world ideal and an overview of philosophy, values, an understanding of life that applies to everyone, including the so-called leaders. Government of the people and by the people finally understood, that war and aggression truly serve no one.

Humanity’s moving forward in life in many ways is hampered by lack of cooperation, common goals, and mutual respect. Consider a world united in peace and a common vision for the future that includes many points of view, for each can contribute in their way to a better and richer life, at the expense of no one. Humanity will, and must, come to terms with this, for it will eventually perceive that its own demise hangs in the balance. How can one consider mutual destruction mutually beneficial?

Now, what we see here is movement in the direction of enlightened ones incarnating with an agenda to help point humanity into a more prosperous direction. And this is already occurring, but many of the current humanity will be confused by this, hanging on to old ways and traditions that are not working. The challenge is for humanity holding old visions perceiving the merit of new ones, for what is their frame of reference? But there is already a movement in that direction with part of humanity. The scales are tipping, our brother, in the direction of human potential.

So be steadfast in your utterances, your awakening vision and philosophy and love for what humanity can and will be. Namaste, our brother.

Mar. 18, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The Founding Fathers

JANU:   What we have before us this morning to explore is the Founding Fathers’ principles for the beginning of your nation, with concerns for the rest of the world as well, and humanity. These concerns were not limited to just your country. They explored a great deal, in their deliberations, and based some of these on ancient history and were inspired by their inner spirit and guides. They knew that this fledgling country would be beset with many challenges that could overturn their effort, so their prayers and considerations were in depth and they were inspired from within and without. And yes, Saint Germaine played a role in this, among others.

So, for when reaching for solutions, the challenges of the day and the direction of humanity and nations around the world, be mindful of their considerations, inspirations, and guidance, for they are valid at this time as well. Even as humanity leaves the confines of the Earth, these hold true, for life is life everywhere, and core values are the same, even though interpreted differently here and there.

They have not abandoned the Earth with their departure from mortality and still have connection. Consider what they had to work with in the beginning to build a nation. Yet build it they did. They had wars and poverty and little or no communication, a fledgling economy just beginning, and a constituency with traditions of many different countries, different backgrounds, different relationships. No easy task, our brother. What they did have in common was a desire for freedom, to raise their families and survive.

As fragile as conditions were then, they are fragile at this time. For so much of your infrastructure in many areas survive by the economy, the confidence of the people and the leadership of government. Return then from time to time on the conditions and principles of the Founding Fathers. Namaste.

Mar. 20, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross




The Dynamic Range of Progressed Thought and Understanding

JANU:   In looking at a new adventure this morning, may we consider and explore the dynamic range of progressed thought and understanding. In order to accomplish this, one must acknowledge the reality that whatever there is to explore already exists, whether in the present or not, for potential has its own reality, as does manifestation. So let us begin our exploration.

Exploration of this nature is not based upon models of past experience or current experience. It is based upon all realities. So let us begin with the range of consciousness that has the capacity to remove this perspective from the limitations of current experience and adopt an overview of life’s realities. And what is required to be conscious of anything, our brother, but the attunement to the pattern-matching of potential or any creation, into its nature—meaning its existence, its vitality as the flow of life.

So, being conscious of an element of life that you are not currently consciously at-one with, is a degree of conscious awareness. But to be conscious of an element of life that you are consciously in oneness with, it is experienced as if you were that element of life. Yes, consciousness can be aware, simultaneously, of the intimacy of oneness of any element of life and the integrity of its identity, understanding that oneness transcends the limits of individuality but includes it as well. Being globally conscious in your world includes all the elements as well, not just the collective. So, if this is true, one may walk the incarnate life in oneness consciousness and relate to, be effective with, the integrity of individuality.

In duality thinking, it is one thing or another. In oneness consciousness, all is included. So one may focus upon any element of awareness and explore it and perceive not only its integrity but its role in the tapestry of life with which you are one. Not an easy concept for binary mind. We will continue these explorations at another time. Namaste.

Mar. 10, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



A life of Oneness adds flavor & depth to every part of life

JANU:    We have with us this morning an opportunity to expand upon our understanding of oneness. The word means what it says; however, living a life incarnate in oneness consciousness casts a different flavor on experiences, perceptions, relationships, and self-awareness. For the most part, a life in oneness is a departure from perceptions of separation, individual identity only, survival at any price, and competition, for in oneness one does not succeed at the expense of another. Together, you rise above circumstance, challenges, and the so-called unknown.

Oneness does not stifle creativity, desires to become more complete in your life expression. It reveals unimagined happiness, peace of mind, and joy in all of life.

In oneness, one does not judge another, but allows the many variations of life. Life on the move, through infinite expressions, reveals its vitality and omnipresence. Oneness reveals sharing your life with another, with all others, our brother.

Oneness brings harmony into your vehicles, for disharmony arises from the perception of being alone. And the changes oneness makes to the integration of your systems of life are harmonious balance, mutual support, the natural enrichment.

A life in oneness is a life that is conscious of, aware of, everything it touches. And a life in oneness, our brother, can inspire others to consider their possibilities. In oneness, the genius of all becomes mutually supportive and collectively endless expressions of genius.

You question then: “What happens to the process of experience, wisdom-gaining, problem-solving?” It continues, our brother, but in an enlightened way. Choices still remain to the degree of the perception of oneness adding flavor to understanding, and the choices of what you will include in your life experience. There will still be that which is new to you to be realized, to be discovered, and to experience. But one does so as an awakened being, in ownership of your True Nature.

Now, the conscious incarnate mind still has limitations on how much information can be processed at the same time. The super-conscious mind, the True Nature, is not so limited, you see.  So, as an entity, you still shape the course of your life’s experience, depending upon your interests and maturity.

Mar. 9, 2014                           Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Making the best of life

JANU: You query about the range of experience throughout life (from the destructive to the sublime, the negative to the positive, seriousness to lightheartedness, ignorance to illumination, conflict and peace) and why this exists in the life that you experience at this time. You recognize that, if not disallowed by life, they offer an unlimited range of opportunity for experience, understanding, interaction, and manipulation. Your question is, “Why is this the way it is?”

It is allowed for that very reason, our brother: unlimited opportunity of experience and wisdom. And you are correct. The reason for sojourning in this environment is to, as you put it, make the best of it. And the best is what you have come to understand. Each one has that point of view. So the challenge, and the opportunity, is make the best of life. Enrich it. Continue it. And serve it.

The point of existence, our brother, is to exist and engage life and become more one with it in your consciousness, your choices, and your performance, and your beingness. See life not as a mess that needs cleaning up, but as an opportunity to enrich it, expand it. In its own way, life loved itself into being, including you.

We’ve heard you say you’ve been enriched by these journeys and, in turn, you enrich others because of them, by sharing and inspiring. As we continue with these, more and more will become clear but the questions will always be there, changing their focus. And that is part of the journey as well, our brother, to inquire, discover, understand, and grow. All of this serves life. Namaste.

Mar. 4, 2014                           Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



What is true peace?

JANU:  We are moving away from, at this time, the need for what could be called ‘collective bargaining’ in our endeavor to bring about a measure of peace in your world. For peace is not a function of agreements to back away from conflict for the time being. Peace is from within, leading to no need for the social conduct that triggers conflict, rooted in fear of loss not only of life but of possessions and territory and power. Our concern at this moment is the revitalization of awareness of the reality of the innate nature of peace in primary life and disposition of the Light Being.

Let us begin this change by saying that true peace is not a weak position in the face of warring realities of humanity. It is a position of strength greater than warring conflicts, for it induces and invites creative power, realization, illumination, wisdom, and supports productive and strong relationships with each other, other worlds, other beings, and the other creatures of your world. A peaceful nature registers very quickly with other life forms. Few understand the reality of peace, for they confuse it with a cessation of warring or violent conflict or submersion, deceit and manipulation.

So we focus this morning on the true power and nature of peace. As we have said, peace is innate in the nature of life, of which humanity is a part, as we all are. And if so, peace is not created as wars are. It is the opening of a mind and heart that allow your True Nature to express itself as a chosen way of life, with the many benefits and advantages over violence. Understanding that violence comes in many forms, and not just physical attack, it is helpful to recognize the difference in the presence and energy of peace and violence.

Being sensitive to life and your nature is not a sign of weakness, but of strength. Some feel that possessing a weapon of some kind is an act of strength. It is not. It only builds the false illusion of apparent strength through violence, justified by fear and a need for protection. True peace brings an inner glow of confidence, gratitude, and oneness with life.

Let there be then, an upwelling of peaceful consciousness and choice of lifestyle that honors and expresses this. Grow in understanding, experience and the wisdom of peace. Namaste.

Mar. 14, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Transitional Migration: moment to moment & lifetime to lifetime

JANU:    We proceed along these lines of the challenges to migrating from one life experience to another, and the identity shifting that takes place. Identity shifting is natural for those who incarnate or engage in new experience, to deepen the experience with a minimum of distraction of past memories and identifications.

You seem curious about how this transpires between incarnations. The challenges are similar, for the frame of reference for perceiving life in one’s own identity migrates from the engagements of life and their identities to True Nature. This is not an instantaneous process but undergoes transition experience, slowly, allowing for absorption of these experiences by the True Nature. We would have you understand that the rate of change is up to the individual’s will to embrace it. Letting go of patterns that have dominated for new ones requires an honesty within the self concerning obsessions, preferences, and the movement and flow of life, for even these processes are part of the flow of life and run their course for completion.

One has the perception that when one passes on it’s an immediate transition and a complete one from incarnation to the so-called ‘larger life.’ It is not instantaneous, our brother. It is process, and all of life experience is process, with many variables, influences, and elements in the flow of life to complete their journeys.

Transitional migration is an ancient and complex reality, for the influences and patterns are without number and have a life of their own, to a degree, which play out on the fabric of life, or tapestry. The ability to focus attention, let go of obsessions, make transitions from one pattern to another can be practiced and developed, which we have accomplished to some degree in these journeys. Many are the life stories that can be observed, reviewed, and understood that have already taken place and are taking place throughout life. One can observe and understand their own transitional migration of the many migrations of the past. Many have been with success and can build your confidence for success in those to come.

Our transitional migrations are larger than just from one incarnation to another in physicality. From one to another of the many realities of life, it can seem as worlds of their own, physical or not. Life is a journey, our brother, and every moment of it a journey of its own, with transitional migration challenges, even moment to moment in the midst of larger journeys. Every pattern you hang on to influences the next migration.

So the choice is yours, always, how open you wish to be to new patterns of life, new journeys, how much you require they appear as the old journeys or completely new. Choose wisely, our brother, as you consider this, even from one day to the next. Namaste.


Feb. 21, 2014                                                       Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Energies–the Power to Exist

JANU:             Today’s focus comes at a time when consciousness throughout the universe by sentient beings is awakening to the point that a more mature grasp of life leading to a fuller participation in it is a harmonious change.

What is the ‘power to exist’? How does one understand this, or begin to? And what does ‘existing’ mean?

The ‘power to exist’ is the result of universal consciousness and its desire to create, experience, and become one with more of potential manifested. And ‘existence’ is the realization of life’s potential. This recurring theme belongs to the understanding that life creates after its own kind.

And, you see, even destruction is a form of creation, an expression of it, for it makes way for change. And even destruction requires understanding of what is being destroyed. But, in truth, our brother, even destruction of any creation is not the end of life, that it is and was. That is a change of relationships of the elements of creation.

Even your consciousness, our brother, can evolve and change into another life expression. As one moves from individuality focus to cosmic consciousness, consciousness evolves, changes, and the life that it is finds new expression. The ‘power to exist’ becomes a range of changing existences that continues to serve life, which is beyond time but includes it. So to understand even eternity, one must be unlimited beyond the perception of time and space.  The ‘power to exist’ is the energy of creation, a reality that exists as a reality, created by life itself, so to speak.

Jan. 18, 2014                                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


A life of Oneness, conscious of everything

JANU: One might describe this experience of Oneness as exalted, compared to life without it, meaning being conscious of everything—the life that you are, the life around you. Yes, and even in its potential. Oneness is a reality that has always been and is the nature of life, all of life. How can any one part, any one example or element of life not be ‘one with’ that which is common to all of it?

What does a life of oneness reveal? It reveals an intimacy with everything and every no-thing. It reveals a way of appreciation, a connection that life in motion is your motion as well. Every movement you are aware of, you move with it. The rhythms of life are yours. Every manifestation that emerges intrigues you, as it develops. Everything you understand as it experiences its own potential, and you realize that it is your own True Nature that is accomplishing this. It is one thing to observe life evolve, and another to be completely one with it as your own. Being at peace, our brother, clears the way, opens the consciousness to all of life. You experience returning home.

You ask, “How can one be in this state of consciousness yet walk the Earth in the daily routines?” Because, our brother, you are conscious of all of this and it all co-exists within you. Simultaneous awareness is as life is, conscious of everything. And ‘cosmic consciousness’ includes many aspects of your awareness co-existing. Only the incarnate mind is limited to isolated singular connections.

Jan. 14, 2014                                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross