JANU: This does open up the possibilities somewhat for exploration, for your world has experienced the cultures of those with understanding and demonstration in those areas yet realized by your current society, you see. There have been pockets of culture or civilization not large enough to be recognized as a nation or a country that have exhibited profound or transcendent relationship and understanding. These pockets are scattered around the world. Some exist today. many have long since disappeared, you see. And, yes, there have been those who have come and gone to your world, moving on to other adventures, multi-dimensionally speaking. There have been those called world shapers or world planners that introduce new possibilities of understanding or redirect or shape the direction of understanding in existing cultures, you see. There are many of those in your society today that if they possessed this ability to move about and influence would spin, so to speak, and overwhelm the culture, to where it would lose its bearing, its identity, and ultimately its will to stand as co-creator with life. Much to be learned from this enlightened approach to assisting others when dealing with other cultures in your world at this time, one to another.
Let us examine, then, this range of possibilities, for the benefits of awareness of the realities of other cultures of other worlds have already been visited upon you, some in ways you may never realize their origins. Others, suspicions grow that this is so, among your researchers.
How, then, do you offer a new possibility to another? Examine this carefully. Do you do it honoring and understanding their nature and their path to their current experience? Or do you do it only from the conviction of your own? Do you monitor carefully that your method and your suggestion bears fruit in harmony with the soul desires and patterns of those you would assist, according to their timetable and not yours? Do you encourage in such a way that they will grow to eventually understand and embrace you and others with understanding, self-assuredness, and ownership of their being in truth as free beings? Examine your motivation to assist another and grow in sensitivity and awareness to the motivations you would welcome in those other cultures that might assist you.
One advantage of this other world/other culture examination is to assist in the long or larger view of possibilities and outcomes. For we speak here of the lifetime of worlds and many cultures and not the advantage of one over another, you see. The flow of life, has many tributaries and many directions and is in constant change. And these tributaries are all connected in some way. One stream leads to another and another and another. When you connect with the life of another world’s culture, do you not connect with their connections, as well? And, of course, they connect with you, too, and your understandings. As you would gain from another culture’s path and experience, with the same joy and enthusiasm, are you equally as eager to be a blessing for them as well? And as our dear brother Ramtha has said, “Each are givers and blessed in the giving.”
This approach this morning is for the purpose of laying the foundation for the exploration and embrace of these realities for successful outcome. When you reach for the life understanding of another, do you reach to receive only or to give? Let that be your conviction and your declaration at the onset, you see. And do this with your neighbor as well. To take only, spirals downward and withdraws in on itself. When mutual assistance takes place, it expands and grows, with endless possibilities. So connect with life in this way, dear one, when you reach for the stars, when you reach for the truth of your being, and when you connect with your neighbor.
Let us proceed in this manner in these future journeys and we will expand into limitless possibilities. This is a good beginning and foundation. Namaste.
January 28, 1997 Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross