The flow of life

JANU: We are holding the focus for this morning’s journey, that being the dissemination of what some would call ‘the will of God.’ More appropriately called, in the larger venue of life, the ‘flow of life.’ What is the flow of life, then, but a movement of change? Most collective life realizes its potential and every part of human existence is part of that flow, that evolution, that realization.

Now, holding the focus for the flow of life does not mean controlling it or managing it, but being in harmony with it, understanding its true being, its true power, its nature. The flow of life is a constant, but rich with countless nuances, for the flow of life is expressed in every reality. A universal constant for virtually all universes, with some exceptions, for life has a cadence, a rhythm, a pulsing, an ebb and flow. But there is always change, always life in motion. The ebbs and flows are natural occurrences, allowing for redistribution, balancing, expression of potentials left behind, in a manner of speaking. So even the flow of life, our brother, is very dynamic. You ask, “What about the flow of life in the individual being?” The patterns exist there as well. As opportunities come and go, decisions and commitments are changed, completed, making way for new ones.

The flow of life is inherent. The flow of life is owned by no one. It is part of every experience, to be benefited from and contributed to by living in harmony with it. A life in harmony with the flow of life is advantaged. Doors of opportunity seem to appear from nowhere and open. Obstacles, unbeckoned to life’s movements, soften and, in some cases, disappear. Helping others freely beckons opportunity and a rewarding joy in giving and, at times, enjoying the fruits in the lives of others. Caring for animals is a strong part of their finding peace in living. Nature responds universally to human assistance.

Your contributions to the flow of life move downstream, so to speak, and enrich where they may. Others wonder at the miracles bestowed on them, not realizing that they found them on the flow of life from the contributions of others. The flow of life is life in motion. And without change this does not exist. So, when you contemplate your existence, allow the sensing of the flow of life in and around you, and its influence of change and opportunity. Namaste.

Dec. 28, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The game of life

JANU:    We are happy to announce the progression of that which belongs to the ‘game of life’ in the sense of the miracle of drama, enlightenment, and manifestation of potential. Let there be seen then, at this time, an inclination of humanity towards sorting out its differences, conflicts, ideologies, and perception of needs and desires. The game of life is played out everywhere. The rules of this game are created by the participants, more than one might realize, for even though individual destinies and potentials exist and are at play, the true nature of all of life expressions is the One Life. As one becomes more aware, through the path of awakening, one is presented with the opportunity of a balancing of, a merging of, individual integrity with the universal Oneness, the One Life. For there is always a larger and more fundamental reality than which you’re aware of, what you function in and as.

Be mindful that the challenges of the moment are couched in the larger understanding, a piece of the larger puzzle of life to be assembled in your consciousness, filling your vision and the gaps it contains. But as the puzzle pieces find their place, the greater vision allows the finding and placing of more. Realizing that no matter how complete your vision of the puzzle of life, there is always more.

Yes, the game of life is like a dance, of movement in symmetry and balance and creativity. Even as the musical notes are rearranged for new patterns and symphony and experience, so are the elements of life, the puzzle pieces of creation, for they are dynamic and changing. What a symphony life is, and can be! Playing the game of life benefits from perception, commitment, understanding, passion, and love and respect for all of the pieces of the puzzle for what they reveal when assembled. And even that is changing, our brother, constantly.

Pigeonholing life, so to speak, is a fruitless endeavor. It is a constant journey of change, revelation, and understanding. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

Dec. 16, 2014                                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



JANU: We have here, on this day, a portrayal of life that depicts the many coexisting layers of reality and the challenge for finite rational mind to walk that path and make sense of it. These patterns are so constructed because that is the nature of existence. Not one thing at a time but, in a sense, everything at once. As life processes itself, by way of you, by way of all of us, your selective attention allows for finite mind to maintain a semblance of order and rationality, choosing to deal with as little or as much as it decides. Not an issue, then, of right or wrong, success or failure, but more a reality of choices and their results. Life can be engaged in so many different ways. How can one point a finger at one over another? So choose, our brother, life paths, multiple paths without regret or disappointment, for there is always another with countless possibilities.

So you see, your station in life, subject to many changes, is always your choice. A simplification but: as a child choosing what to play at next keeps absorbing experience, learning and growing. Why not then just choose to live and be and marvel at the journey and what it brings, living in peace? If life is in you and with you and will always respond to your choices and, in turn, you enrich it by making them and experiencing them and changing, why not be at peace through all of this? And enjoy the journey, as do we. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

Dec. 2, 2014                                                           Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Pattern matching

JANU: We are establishing this evening a routine that brings about a solid foundation for revealing the flow of life. The routine we speak of is signified by the configuration of consciousness that brings about rapport with the essential patterns of life, seeing then revelations of the Truth of Life as recognizable and understandable patterns in the tapestry of life.

How then does one begin the process of pattern recognition and comprehension? It is done by correlating it to the manifestations of the patterns, you see. Now you ask, “What does a pattern look like? How is it presented?” It is presented in your auric field and your consciousness, as a visitor. The presentation will depend upon the sensitivities and preferences, and the character and consciousness of the individual. It’s not a thing or an object but a life presence with vitality.

These patterns have revealed themselves always, for, understand this, our brother, life communicates with life in both directions. Life plays a role around you and these patterns of understanding have always been there and sensed without understanding what is being sensed. Patterns are created by other consciousnesses. This is how life replicates itself and communicates. Setting up a pattern in your own consciousness of particular attribute attunes to other patterns and the sharing ensues. Patterns of healing can be generated and communicated to another.

This does not limit this reality. We have called this process before ‘pattern matching.’ So become conscious of the patterns of life, and your own, and communicate. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

Nov. 20, 2014 B                     Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Patterns of Life

JANU:   Surveying this opportunity to explore life once more, having to do with pattern recognition and what this means to, or affords, the journeyer. All of life manifestation has patterns of existence and these patterns are created by the unique nature or characteristics of that creation and its process of being or existing.

When one visits a manifestation to appreciate its reality, it is these patterns that are observed. The degree of connection or interface is up to each. This is the reason for the protocols in researching life. These patterns are part of the nature of the creation of their association, existing outside of time/space. For those who move through life in the subtler realms, these patterns are a vehicle for communication, understanding, and serving. The patterns consist of an arrangement in motion of life forces with an intimate relationship to the manifestation they are related to. They are part of a larger life, larger reality, not just a creation, and can be a vehicle for consciousness of an individual or group to explore their own history, their life path, their record, and reach into awareness of capabilities that have been hidden or ignored.

A life pattern can be seen, on certain levels of awareness, as an orb of light, light patterns in motion as if they were a sphere of living energy. Not to be understood as being here or there. Difficult for the human mind to embrace a reality that is not based upon location or shape. Now, as to the purpose of these patterns of life, they play a role in the destiny of the consciousness of the True Nature as to interfacing with future incarnations and future relationships with other elements of life. They act like your resume, so to speak. Yes, this is a natural occurrence for all creatures, even worlds, in a different way but the same principles.  Patterns of life are everywhere, or should we say, every Now?

Oct. 4, 2014                                            Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross