Climb the mountain or be one with it

JANU:    We are assembling the notion that life is like climbing a mountain. It can be, if that is your perception and your desire. It can also be a seemingly effortless gliding through the vast richness of life, absorbing understanding and becoming one with many realities. The True Nature is served, our brother, by all of this. And any reluctance to engage life takes more effort than to be one with it. The peace we spoke of earlier, on a recent journey, is the foundation for engaging life in a more effortless way. Climbing the mountain is one thing. Embracing it is another. Another pattern of life with wisdom to be gained. Becoming one with any reality strengthens your integrity, your True Being, your consciousness, and your service to life grows. Serenity and a passion for life are not at odds with each other. Namaste.

June 15, 2015 B                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


A better life

JANU: We are accustomed, then, to these proceedings in the vein of exploring life and serving humanity. As we focus for today’s journey, let us be reminded that there are coming great changes for humanity, especially in the area of discovering and embracing the true power of True Peace and the insanity of violence. Exploring this, then this morning, let us choose to sense this change that is coming, this opportunity to reconfigure life, human society, in this direction.

You ask, “What is the tipping point for this change?” Some might suggest that a unique leader is needed to start this change. But the magnitude and destiny of this change is too important for one person. It will come in the form of inner desire and divine sanity to occur in the people. Now one person, or a small group, could plant the seed of understanding, but it must become a vision owned by the people. Only then can it not be thwarted or pass away on the shoulders of one. When it is owned within by the masses, it will be difficult to lead them away from what they know to be true.

So let us encourage then, in our own thoughts and relationships with others, the birthing of the commitment to peace and the awakening of humanity. The Earth can be transformed rapidly, with all the resources, energy, and lives sacrificed restored to constructing a brighter future, rooted in cooperation, mutual respect, enlightened education of the children, and a love for life and its possibilities.

Humanity does have a role, our brother, in the diseases of the world and the unending parade of new ones. So much of humanity is not at-ease and creates, energetically, according to its fears, angers, and frustrations. Humanity awakening to True Peace and integrity and a concern for each other will bring a new reality to light. Namaste, our brother.

Aug. 16, 2014                                                                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

Resolving the complexities of life through enlightened simplicity

JANU:   For this morning’s journey, let us view an understanding of the complexities of life. From an incarnate point of view, these complexities seem to compound over time—complexities leading to complexities—yet the inner life seems devoid of solutions and insight. Not always, but much of the time. How does one, then, initiate a change in these complexities towards solution, leading to more solutions? The simple act is a beginning, our brother. Not just simple in possessions but simple in circumstance, simple in motivations, ambitions, and goals.

Even though one may choose numerous paths of engagement in the incarnate life, the approach can still be simplicity, free of complex manipulations, deceptions, and maneuvers for power over others. Goals include the benefit of humanity, the growth of peace in the life, and by ‘peace’ we mean the harmonious relationship with the nature of the endeavor, the patience for natural unfoldment instead of pushing beyond natural evolution in understanding and service. Genius of insight, understanding, and solutions is revealed more freely and naturally when the approach to complexities is free of agendas that disturb the flow and cause turbulence and reversals of direction. It is possible, our brother, to embrace a new path or goal and gain insight, clarity, into the ramifications, whether turbulent or flowing. Waiting to see what will happen is not mastership or guided insight.

Complexities are developed or enhanced by ignorance and lack of perception, not only of the goal but of the self and the motives. While surveying the larger life and its vastness and diversity, simultaneous reality, look for the simple truth that explains so many of these, which is their root, their origin, and a bit of their destiny. Complexity, mastered with simplicity, enlightened simplicity.

July 23, 2014                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The power and genius of humanity to lift humanity

JANU: We are Janu speaking, serving once more this morning on the occasion of commencement of another day as a new opportunity for humanity to open itself to a more balanced life.

There are those in humanity who have grown into the balanced life we speak of, and many who have not. Now, the more awakened humanity are aware of those who are not, but these factions live worlds apart. There are many who sacrifice everything to come to your country for a better life. And there are those still warring, blinded to—and even against—the nation that struggles to perfect this life, for their identity and power is based upon conflict, revenge, and the lust for power.

How then does one serve the raising of consciousness of all humanity? By not seeing the power of violence as powerful, but the pervasive presence of life itself and the opportunities life offers as the true power. The national leaders of the world conform in a direction for humanity, but this is not the reason they’ve taken power. Let us suggest that many more of humanity, who reach for a better life, see themselves as powerful and unite in consciousness and commitment to exercising the power of peace through their choices, their conduct in life, their relationships with each other. The power of violence can only exist if the people allow it, fear it, and cower from it. The people have the genius and the consciousness and the True Power to become a new direction for humanity, all of humanity. This is what we serve, our brother, the freedom to be and live in peace. Namaste.

Aug. 3, 2014                                                      Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Why warring still exists, and choosing true peace

JANU:   The discourse this evening centers around the unwillingness of humanity to claim its true power, seeing the violence around them and around the world as powerful. These forces have no power but what people give them. Humanity lives in fear of such apparent power, but will find joy and peace in the True Power within. “How does one find such power?” they might ask. By desiring it, our brother, and loving it into your life, for this True Power is in harmony with a loving nature.

Now, humanity can have wars as long as it chooses, but there are a growing number of those who have chosen the alternative, and they will move on in their awakening and understanding of life and who they are. Wars only lead to more wars, because it is a model of behavior for problem and conflict solving that most of the people and the world’s leaders have allegiance to. Why then would so many choose this path in life and hang on to it? It is because of a fear, our brother, and fear is a strong emotion, and it feeds on itself, masking more harmonious attitudes and emotions. They have yet to understand or witness the power of True Peace. Those who lose the battles harbor resentment and ill-will against the victors, festering in their culture, their consciousness, their hearts, until eventually one speaks up to lead them and the warring continues.

One can choose not to fight and move beyond the perception of, the model of, winners and losers. Compromising with solutions that benefit everyone is always a better path. Making choices in life with greater and greater understanding is the way.

July 21, 2014 B                  Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

Peace of mind

JANU: For this morning’s journey, let us delve into the reality within humanity of ‘peace of mind.’ Exploring this brings attention to the reality of stress, frustration, anxiety, anger, and loneliness. Stress is created by humanity, society, industry, economics, and the lust for power. How does one manage stress–by manage, we mean not succumb to it–in a world that is filled with such every day? It helps, our brother, to have a larger view of life and comprehension of the meaning of this. It helps to know, to be one with your true center and nature, focusing then upon becoming one with the elements of your being that are beyond this.

As many have learned, meditation or attunement, going within to the quiet which leads to illumination and understanding, is effective. But beyond this there is merit in a growing consciousness centered in serving life, giving to others, being part of the flow of movement of life, being in harmony with anything you cherish. For some this is music, the rhythms, the associations, the harmonies, and the upliftment of melody. For others, it is art. And for some, rhythmic exercise or physical activity. And others still, the rhythms, the movement, the visual beauty of nature. There are many elements of life in the Earth, in the world of humanity, that are peaceful, balancing, harmonious.

Stress, frustration, hinders the view of these. How many take vacations with their families and return exhausted? For they see their return is to the cause of their stress. Others find joy in their profession, for it is what they enjoy and they’ve chosen these paths in the face of no guarantee that a living can be made and success found. But they are true to their hearts and their inner passion or fire, if you will, to embrace what gives them joy. The reason for the joy is the giving to life of what and who they are.

So, peace of mind is finding peace within you and around you and every part of life you enjoy. Peace does not mean inactivity or non-involvement or laziness. It can include commitment to an effort to fulfill a dream, the overcoming of challenges through faith in, belief in, the worthiness of your dream. This peace of mind brings improved health and harmony within the systems of the body, the emotions and the thoughts. Peace of mind is a virtue and honors life and serves it.

July 15, 2014                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The New Peace

JANU: What lies before us, then, in this journey of life that bespeaks of a different kind of peace within the human journey? The peace that many consider is the absence of war and violent conflict. In the peace of the future there is no underlying turmoil to bring on the next war, you see. So this new peace is one of inner strength and knowing, deep profound compassion for each other, confidence in the future, at-one-ment with the natural forces of life. From this foundation of love for life and each other will be built a future embracing many other species and worlds, realities of life both gross and subtle, and possibilities of co-creation not dreamed of.
The new peace for humanity will be tailored to the needs of its journey, as it is to the needs of other worlds who have achieved the peace that has no place for war within its understanding. Most have considered violence powerful. The power that is True Peace renders war impotent and a distant memory. It brings worlds together for mutual benefit, prosperity, and journeys of grand discovery. War does none of these, and only leads to more war. Societies that possess vast weaponry do not see the world and themselves the same as those who no longer need them.
The new peace allows humanity profound insight and perception of the truth of each other, the inner agendas, motivations, and passions. It sees genius, which to some degree and in some form is within each one, as something to treasure, to cherish and nurture. The new peace attracts to humanity’s awareness so much more of life that it cannot see when living in fear and violent ways.
Would that humanity could enjoy some measure of happiness, optimism, and peace of mind each day, anticipating with relish the possibilities to come. And when does this arrive, our brother? Its arrival is the moment that you choose this. Choosing alone and embracing cleans up, so to speak, the messes of the past, the debris of destruction, the discord and confusion. These things dissolve through lack of attention that no longer gives them life and perpetuates them. Every day, choose your path and the future you prefer, for the future is now, our brother. Namaste.
June 6, 2014                                     Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



A peaceful life

JANU:   Let us begin then by saying that forecasting the future has always included the entire spectrum of life from what might be called destructive activity to creative and beautiful creation. The most complete forecast of the future is that life will continue, opportunities will continue, the genius of life itself will continue. Worlds will come and go but life continues. So, your sense of security as a being is: the forms will change, new ones created, but life continues. Your weather will go through big and small cycles of change, suiting the needs of your world.

Where is the lesson in all of this, our brother, for surely this is no mystery to the inquiring mind? The lesson is: your core values, perceptions, relationship with being and all of creation is to accept its coming and going as well as your own. In the flow of this, be focused in the moment, invest in life, love yourself and your neighbor, filled with gratitude and joy in the gifts of the moment. Peace and involvement and contribution, marveling in the magic of life, appreciating its eternal presence and the opportunities you are afforded through this.

Life is not about hanging on to anything, or being stuck in repetitive patterns, or knowing ahead of time all of its manifestations. It is about being and doing the best you can in the moment, allowing others and all of creation to partake of their destiny as you do your own. These are the elements of peace, our brother, to be understood and loved. And greet each day with confident anticipation. This keeps you free from being owned by patterns and memories and relationships, for all of these, our brother, come and go and are changing. The only guarantee is that life will continue, and that is what you place your hopes and dreams and aspirations upon.

Always in motion. Always patient. Always allowing. And always loving life into being. Be at peace and namaste.

Mar. 8, 2014                           Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



Exploring peaceful worlds

JANU:   For this morning’s journey, let us move in the direction of peaceful neighbors. By ‘neighbors’ we mean those of other worlds, cultures, and they do exist.

There are worlds, our brother, that are the model of peaceful co-existence. Their cultures are creative, confident, healthy, and have a successful balance between individuality and a sense of group, of community, of common purpose. This does not suggest the community has only one purpose, but there is a commonality there, harmonious mutual support, with a vision larger than any individual purpose. Individuals have a global sense of their life and of their reality and of their potential. They do not live in fear of other worlds or each other, but live by consensus and virtue. They are extremely productive, innovative, creative, with rich lives, evolving into many new abilities and creations.

Earth humanity would be challenged to relate to or identify with much of their culture, for humans of the Earth to a degree live in fear, suspecting their neighbors, in fear of defense of their own possessions and well-being. But there are social structures to rise above these things. Those of other worlds spend little energy and time with such concerns. Earth humanity’s resources are, in large measure, expended based on these fears. Even the extensive drain of the military on your wealth and time includes the fear that they will be attacked with violence from other worlds, a fear yet to demonstrate through evidence. Born only of fear, generated by each other, of each other.

There are many who would view a peaceful world as exploitable, to be taken advantage of, ‘easy marks’ if you will. Much of the creativity needed to venture to these other worlds is restricted from humanity by its own fears, its model for living, its consciousness. A world of peace attracts life, patterns, harmonious with its being. The Earth has not demonstrated this yet, but will in time. Journeys in consciousness to worlds of peace are a good beginning to appreciate this quality of life and modify and mature Earth consciousness. Welcome to these inquiries and this path of understanding: a peaceful life.

Jan. 31, 2014                                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross