Standing in Truth

JANU:    Standing in Truth is a pillar of light that bequeaths, on everything in its purview, awakening. Supporting the potential for awakening is a divine service. It brings about the thinnings of the clouds of ignorance, confusion, and doubt. It forecasts an evolutionary theory. It returns balance to the forces of life, including nature, creatures, sentient beings, It is the healer of discord. It is in harmony with peace. It brings clarity and understanding. It is what we are. Namaste.
Feb. 22, 2021                                                         Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


What is wisdom?

JANU:    Wisdom has many faces, yet recognizable for its reasonableness, its simple ability to resolve, provide understanding, to make sense out of scattered thoughts. Always ultimately calming, the simplest, most profound solution in a complex situation. The bringer of peace, the tamer of life, the revealer of truth. The result of experience, the circle of life, the universal communicator. Namaste.
Feb. 2, 2021                                   Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


More on being at peace

JANU: ‘Regulator’ comes to the forefront again. Being at peace regulates, if you will, the elements of being into a harmonious reality that generates consciousness of a balanced nature. Equilibrium suggests vital reality without disturbance or contradiction. Being at peace has its own dynamic nature that corresponds to natural life imperative of being. In this way, Life embraces variations for the purpose of expression, evolution, realization of potential, wisdom and understanding, and a foundation for advancing the manifestation of potential.

Being at peace is a reality of being that supports awakening and harmonious return to consciousness from the confusion of incarnate existence. While incarnate, being at peace engages that life from a perspective of continuity of being that brings coherence. Contemplating the reality of peace is a worthy journey. A fundamental in group work. Namaste.
Dec. 21, 2020                                       Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross

 More on this concept may be found under category of ‘Peace’ as well as the 2018 post “Understanding being at peace.” 


Comment on the Inauguration

JANU: Looking forward on the day of reckoning does not ignore the past for they are both connected. One perspective is determining what to do but the other side of the coin, so to speak, is determining what not to do. The results of each are compared as a reminder and a confidence builder. When one makes a decision, is there clarity on what it is based on? Both sides of the coin are wisely considered. This contributes to an appraisal of progress made. So focus upon gains to be made and gains that are made, without condemnation or retribution but well-being and peace, full of confidence and determination. A comment on the moment on this day.
Jan. 20, 2021                                                                                Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Being an explorer

JANU:    Exploring can be an artform. It calls upon intuitive ability, a harmonious relationship with life forces, open-mindedness, and respect for the nature of things. You call yourself an explorer; you aspire to this. Allow these qualities, and more, to exist. Nothing is permanently out of reach. Explore limitations in perceptions, confidence, and understanding. Let us explore at this time.

Creativity occurs on many levels, in many ways. Creating happiness and peace of mind, even if only for a moment, is creativity. Bringing that to the experience of another creates that in both at the same time. It has memory, healing properties, peace of mind, confidence in the joy of living. It inspires the same thing in another, for it is natural to share joy, humor, light-heartedness, possibilities. Be mindful of this when walking this path. There are many forms of service that enrich life. None are insignificant. Namaste.
Dec. 8, 2020 B                                                    Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Qualities of responsible enlightenment

JANU: ‘Shiroq’ is a name given to obedience factor of those elements of integrity that maintain discipline in the quest for enlightenment. Integrity in these quests, these searches, brings order to the many different opportunities of inquiry and discovery. So, even though the opportunities are many and diverse, disciplined integrity is essential. So what we explore is an understanding of this.

Enlightenment accumulates responsibility. Responsibility calls for wisdom. Wisdom comes from experience of applied enlightenment. Peace, patience, commitment, integrity, and light-heartedness enrich the experience. We will continue. Namaste.

Nov. 17, 2020                                                                                Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Finding and maintaining peace

JANU:    Urgency seems to be the pattern sweeping human social consciousness at this time. Very few at peace; the pressure of circumstances weighing heavily. Survival is in confusion and, because of identity with the physical life, nothing beyond it seems as real, so everything seems in jeopardy.

Awakening to the Larger Life brings life into a larger perspective. Not the ‘all your eggs in one basket’ scenario that it seems. Physical existence is only a small part of the truth of your being. An important part and, while incarnate, the focus of existence. Finding and maintaining peace promotes balance in all of the systems of your existence, promoting well-being and longevity. Also keeping the consciousness open to wiser decisions and solutions.

Replacing urgency with the calm and peace of knowing, of resource of larger perspective, of clarity and priority is called for. The larger you, your True Nature, knows this. Prayer is not to something outside yourself, but with the truth of who you are and its resource, the gift of life that has always been with you and part of you. Don’t just witness challenges; see through them by way of your True Nature.

Life is richer, larger, and deeper than what you see outside of yourself, your surroundings. Claim your power. Choose wisely. The truth is within you. Namaste.
Nov. 5, 2020                                                                             Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross



JANU: Retribution flies in the face of forgiveness and peace, but it fuels many wars with much loss and suffering. To small and large degrees, it is a catalyst for destabilization of the realization of human potential. Another life pattern to be understood and dealt with. An alternative is standing in the other’s shoes for a moment and thoroughly understanding the circumstances.

What is forgiveness, then, but finding a way of leveling the playing field of life peacefully, without the life patterns of frustration and loss. What do you identify with? Who are you being in any circumstance? Being free to choose comes from mastering life patterns and creating those chosen wisely. Namaste.
Oct. 27, 2020 B                                                                            Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Live free

JANU:    Profound is the experience of total freedom. “Freedom from what?” you may ask. From ritual, from common life patterns, from repetition, from identity, from expectations of others, from isolation, from the limitations of time and space, from mis-emotion. Being at peace is freedom: freedom to be, freedom from the sense of loss. Everything you need, you already have through your True Nature. You have access to any part of life. Be at peace about possessions, security, and well-being. Leave ignorance behind. Embrace enlightenment. Live free. Namaste.
May 26, 2020 BP                                                                        Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


True peace while engaging life successfully

JANU: Salient to today’s journey is the mitigation of life patterns that tend to negate the sense of self-discipline or control. Being critical of one’s condition unreasonably does not bring balance to life’s relationships, privately or with others. So, where does balance and reasonableness appear?

There is merit in observing life and its expressions with an attitude of ‘isness.’ When one attempts to navigate the waters of a stream or river, it becomes wise to understand and tolerate the eddies and currents, to navigate, take advantage of, and learn from through direct observation. Be forgiving of what seem to be conflicts or ‘underminings,’ for strong is the one who navigates life and what it includes successfully. And by that we mean: conscious survival, contribution, and intimacy. Still a free being, inspired and inspirational, generous and receptive, persistent and patient. Find peace while engaging life and awakening. Namaste.
Oct. 22, 2020 B                                                           Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
Be sure to return for the next post, further examination of this concept.