Life is full of wonder

JANU: We are supporting the notion that life is full of wonder, forecast by its potential. For the time being, human consciousness is preoccupied with survival in the physical. When enlightened beyond this, it will realize that life is not temporary, just the physical is. And the wonder of life will always be there to explore, to expand your consciousness, to reveal to you so many understandings. And, yes, even you are part of the wonder for you are life exploring itself, manifesting itself, creating new discoveries. Individual and collective consciousness are one. So, as you explore the wonders of life, the discoveries and the understandings become a part of the collective human mind.

The current voyage to Pluto is one of the wonders. Notice how it stimulates imagination, excitement, a look into the future and a larger life by so many. It liberates consciousness from continuing mundane and somewhat pettiness of life, by comparison. Discoveries such as this bring the thought to humanity: “What else exists? What else awaits us? What are the possibilities of discovery?” And that quickens so many levels of reality within the human, including the physical. Everything prepares a little bit for the answer to the question.

So, wonder at this discovery. Absorb its revelations. And understand its role in life’s realities. Namaste.

July 14, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross