Pope Francis

JANU: This morning’s journey is focused upon Pope Francis. His pattern of generosity, loving people, living simply, and cherishing the scriptural truths is part of an archetypal pattern of consciousness that a number of spiritual leaders in the past have been part of. This he has in common with incarnate beings such as Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, and many others unknown to the public. He represents the best of the Catholic Church and much more. The Church would do well to follow his lead and make changes.

This is not his first journey as a spiritual leader. He and Saint Francis walk the same path during incarnation. He brought these qualities with him. They are familiar friends of his nature. His time as Pope is only a small portion of his sojourn’s service. He understands the foibles of humanity very well. And, yes, he shall return to the Earth, more fully endowed consciously, as a servant of the Light.

When he asks for prayers, he is sincere, understanding that when prayed for it opens him more spiritually to serve the people. When he embraces so many publicly and privately, he blesses each one and they realize a portion of the Divine, the love of life that he knows, that lives within them. When honored around the world in public displays of opulent celebration, he thinks of the masses that live in poverty. They pull on his heart for blessing, uplift, and strength to continue each day. The Church needs this Pope, unraveling in certain areas to be united once again in simple understanding of the profound truth of life.

We do not see him remaining <long> as Pope in this lifetime. Great ones such as this are drawn to other venues of life for their service. Pay attention to his truth as he lives it, as long as you may. He accepted this position realizing that it was a public platform to reach many around the world. The trappings of this position are not who he is, but are being used to uplift people as an opportunity. So, indeed, pray for him.

Sept. 27, 2015                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross