The processes of incarnation

JANU: We are Janu speaking, delving into the subject of prolonging incarnate life. The first question being: Why would you want to, other than avoiding transition? When achieving and mastering the coordination of physical and spiritual existence into a combined reality, the venue of incarnate life becomes one filled with miracles indeed of discovery, achievement, and co-creation. The more you embrace the nature of life, the deeper and greater the joy. This takes nothing away from the discarnate life and its possibilities, but the incarnate life harmonious with your larger life is unique. Not better than life in other realities of existence, but unique.

What contributes, then you ask, to prolonging incarnate life? For this purpose, growing day by day in consciousness of the realities of both allows one to perceive existence, and the possibilities and opportunities that arise, in a more complete way. Becoming conscious as your complete being and the reality that it is one with brings balance, peace, and harmony, and rejuvenation to the being, including the physical vehicle, you see.

Giving back to life from the profit of this journey inspires others to the truth of their existence and the miracle of life. Being conscious only as a human being has its purpose but is limited. Being conscious as a complete being opens up the rest of life to the consciousness and to the experience and enriches physicality, the physical reality.

Now, understand this, our brother: When mastered to a larger degree, moving in and out of physicality does not require birthing and awakening yet again. It is a continuous existence, to engage at will. The process of birthing is not the only path to incarnation but has served well enough, even with its limitations. It is possible, our brother, to precipitate or manifest a vehicle and it has been done. Consider then the magnitude of change this has on the perception of incarnation and birthing, aging and passing on. So, pondering the question of prolonging life in the physical becomes understood in a new way, where the process of aging leading to transition becomes irrelevant. Incarnating in this way does not require the dropping of the veil of forgetfulness. One is conscious always and becoming more conscious. Consider the many possibilities here and the changes in perspective and goals and desires.

Mar. 5, 2015                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross