Science’s grasp of the larger life

JANU: Subject to this evening’s exposure to science: theoretical physics, creation, so-called ‘Big Bang,’ universe and universes. These theories, namely string and end theories, and membrane theory, and others that will come, are all works in progress, summarized as glimpses of the larger and deeper truth of life. But the truth of life is evolving, our brother, as are the realities referred to. So, what is needed is a theory that evolves, that can flow along with the changing truth of life. As these scientists look back upon the evolution of their theories, it will occur to them that no fixed theory describes all of reality. These predictions of ten dimensions, plus time/space, are limited as well, for they do not move in their theories as one life, ever-changing, evolving, in motion, and these larger realities are beyond their science.

The evolving truth, our brother, is consciousness is not limited to any of these realities and all can be explored as awakening continues and the evolution of awareness marches on. For what is, is. And what is becoming, is becoming. And it is all Life, as is consciousness. So, the ideal here is a consciousness that evolves, not limited or with limitations that are open, as easy to leave behind an understanding as it is to embrace a new one.

Explore with these scientists as you choose, seeing their discoveries and their limitations, their evolution and changes, as you journey into the larger life. Namaste.
May 16, 2017 B                               Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

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Destructive and creative patterns of Life

JANU: An interesting subject, our brother, the recycling of life that continues to evolve, self-create as it continues. Consider what is currently known by your science: creation, evolution, destruction. Regeneration of the universe. This cycle of life exists in the smallest venues of life, and the largest. True not only physically but emotionally and mentally as well, on an individual and collective basis. The nature of change, of life in motion is inherent with this. The physical bodies come and go, yet life continues, evolving.

The changes in the DNA explain these things, but it goes much deeper than that, our brother. There are energetic realities as well that are changing. So, if your identity is as a human being, the eternal nature of which is change, evolution, continuation, the identity must change with this. Is your identity in motion, evolving, changing, expanding or contracting? Are your perceptions of life around you and within your consciousness the same?

Your existence is an echo of, a mirror of what the universe experiences. Allow these changes in the elements of your being. Adapt to them and with them, every day, even moment to moment. Life emerges through the so-called destruction of change. And what is that life, our brother, that the universe is and so are you? Patterns of life exist but are changing, but the identity is still Life immortalized through its creations and changes.

There is peace in this, our brother. It is the order of things, and it works. Be more aware of these patterns of life outside of you and within you, and through these your life continues. Namaste, our brother.
Jan. 18, 2017                                Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross


How completely do you know who you are?

JANU: Wondering as you do about the nature of life within and beyond the physical, we would suggest that your attention or concentration be on the reality of the physical being one with that which is not physical, in the common meaning or sense. Taking a position of one thing separate from another diminishes an understanding of the reality of either one. Everything in the physical-only point of view sees only form, borders, limitations, and some relationships. Taking this unified view reveals the true nature of a larger reality that includes the physical. For as you probe the reality of the physical, you discover elements co-existing, with correlation. The questions left unanswered by physical appraisal only of the nature of life become more clear.

When embracing the nature of the so-called physical, it is having non-physicality as part of its nature, its essential reality, its so-called substance. Science has learned some of this. But witness the two referred to earlier on the media, able to move their hands through objects, de-materializing and re-materializing what their attention is on, to read the mind of another, no longer convinced they cannot accomplish these things and many more. And that is the difference, our brother.

How much of one’s life is shaped by their sense of reality and unreality, of the so-called laws of physics, or the social point of view as to what is possible and what is not? Merging the so-called physical life with the subtler life opens the consciousness to unlimited possibilities, which has always been available, attainable, and part of the larger life. Who and what are you really? How complete is your understanding? A worthy question to ponder, our brother, and awaken to. Namaste.
Nov. 30, 2016 B                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 11 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Activation of new DNA

This is a question received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only in understanding life’s development and progression.

Q: Is having the DNA strands from Sirius and also the Pleaides significant to my being at this time?

JANU: Her inquiry as to DNA strands in the human physical vehicle, whether influenced from Sirius, Pleaides, or anywhere else, is a misinterpretation in the sense that the strands do not come from there at this time. They are in you, dear one, and have been for some time.

Now, as to the manifestation of these and their influence upon the system physical, as support vehicle for the expression of, and demonstration of consciousness advancement. These additions, extensions, or evolutions of this marker system in your genetic code comes to the fore at this time to varying degrees depending upon the presence of the light of consciousness in each. These codes of which you speak are by design at an earlier time. The evolution of your DNA code structure is a design intent of the planners of your world and others, you see. This is a natural and common occurrence in species across the universe. It is not an external introduction to your beingness, although, as you term it, external support may play a role from time to time of encouragement, monitoring, and determinations of outcome. The new codes are yours, dear one, and always have been.

What then to think of and how to respond to these developments might be the question. Each code, each marker, has a correlation to the ability of the physical vehicle to accommodate and distribute finer energies, subtler consciousness, and the increases in energetic flow through the many systems. These code structures will take some time to develop the systems. This is not an overnight process. You will be alerted to their development by the experience of greater capabilities in pursuits already engaged. The improvements or enhancements will be easier to discern when looking backward in comparison to your previous capabilities. Most changes of this nature are gradual. They do not come in a sudden rush, a frenzy of excitement and demonstration. They would be a distraction and a hindrance in that manner of development, you see.

Not the need here for microscopic attention on these developments. Your task and your opportunity is to hold your attention, your desires, and your service to life in constructive direction. These changes take their cue, if you will, from your reaching for and providing assistance to the ongoingness of life.

In your case, dear one, there are three elements of extension or DNA enhancement about to make known to you increased ability for comprehension of subtle reality and the better management of those forces through you. Look for, be alert to, and expect noticeable improvement in consistency of connection, perception, and assimilation–or channeling, if you will–of life forces that consciousness and understanding compel. You will in time find that certain hesitancies, doubts, and confusions about your capabilities, your worth, and expanded involvements in life service will diminish, partly by your willingness to let go of them.

There is much interest in this phenomenon at this time. But once again the emphasis has been placed by many on external forces and external design. The advantages, the openings, of greater abilities are primarily achieved through your own determination. Life assists choices you have already made, commitments you have already engaged, momentums you have already built and are building. It does not determine these for you. It does place opportunities in your path, based on the callings of your heart and your consciousness and your soul.

See these changes in this way, dear one. Allow them in your perception to unfold naturally as they will. Place your attention on the grander opportunities afforded by these. The changes are not the object of your attention, but what they afford is. See this experience as movement in the direction of becoming consciously more complete within your being, free to engage life in any of its realities, not for dependency but to give. You can do this, dear one, and yes, it is your destiny, for you have chosen this. Continue as you have. Find peace in everything you undertake. Namaste.

May 7, 1997                                                       Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

For other personal inquiries, see also Miscellaneous 

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.


Nature of manifest and unmanifest

JANU: The physical attempt through math and other means to describe ‘nothing’ are approximations, estimates, missing elements of reality beyond their computations. But they do point in useful directions. They are like road maps on a journey, not describing everything but a practical usefulness for direction, but based upon space/time orientation. But most of life is beyond this or not limited by it. This is where direct knowing comes into play, being.

You ask, “Does the unmanifest have a source?” This is where the understanding of ‘source’ and ‘manifest’ comes into play as being one. In the finer truth, they cannot be separated. They are each other. Then the subject turns to ‘finite mind’ and ‘infinite mind’ and what is their relationship? Truth being, our brother, they are one, again. Different expressions of the same thing, suited to the tasks presented and sought. Time/space deals with exclusions, borders, where and when. That is the frame of reference. So the foundation for understanding the unmanifest is limited. Nonetheless, the unmanifest is true. So the manifest and the unmanifest are one. The unmanifest is reference in potential, the manifest is created to explore the potential, bring depth and richness to it, and expand the foundation for further exploration.

This consciousness grows into the oneness reality of superconscious and conscious mind. Added to it, becomes the ability to grasp each other. Needless to say, our brother, the dynamics and parameters of your consciousness and your life will change. Priorities expand. Life becomes more profound and meaningful. Namaste.

Jan. 2, 2016                                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

See also post of Jan. 22 for preliminary discussion.


Grasping reality beyond the science

JANU: The focus this evening has to do with the numbered system of life as pertains to approximations in understanding. The scientific community fancies its portrayal of the science of life, the physics and the laws and the properties, explainable mathematically, as a rational approach to research and understanding. Verifiable evidence. Understand this: mathematics exists within the parameters of life that are non-linear, unpredictable, and cannot be contained in linear approaches to the nature of life. When attuning your consciousness to realities, let it be more organic than that. For even mathematics, our brother, have a fluidity not described by the math. How does math contain an understanding of reality beyond time/space where those properties do not exist? Moving then into probabilities.

So what do you hang your hat on while exploring life and serving it? Certainly not a rigid system of understanding. Something created from nothing. And what is the nothing, you see? So as we continue our journey of exploring life, be that open and unregimented to grasp reality beyond the science. Remember, any system you employ has a larger truth behind it. Everything comes from nothing. Namaste.

Jan. 1, 2016 B                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

Be sure to check out tomorrow’s post “The Nature of the Manifest and Unmanifest,” as it extends this concept.


The so-called Big Bang

This has been addressed before from a different angle. Please check out Understanding the Big Bang for more.

JANU: For this morning’s journey, let us assume a focus of the creation of this universe. Your scientists have said that the beginning of the universe sprang from nothing. This does not capture the reality of the moment, for the forces involved were non-physical and out of these began physicality for this universe. The culmination of the changes in these forces, which come from a reality beyond energy and forces, was a threshold of configuration initiating the spark of physicality that is still maintained in intimate relationship with these forces, even to this moment. For the physicality, you see, and its energetic nature are maintained by these subtler realities.

Even the moment of initiation was not instantaneous, for when understanding the initiation, everything is a process. Time/space being the result of a process of the true nature of life. From a human perspective, it is imagined as being instantaneous, the culmination of a sequence of processes, non-physical yet still process. Your birthing into a physical body is process, not unlike what occurs at the beginning of a universe, the moment of creation of a star and its activation. This occurs continuously in life, as it must be, for the patterns of life are one. So, in this understanding, the so-called Big Bang event never ceased.

Much in life seems instantaneous from the human perspective, but from the larger consciousness it is still process, some call ‘the flow of life’ even though much of it is beyond time/space. The continued new expressions in the universe as it unfolds and expresses are part of the process of life that begins the universe. They are all one. Many levels of reality with a common pattern of initiation and preparation for being.

Even so-called ‘death’ can be better understood from this point of view, but life continues, our brother. So the thought of beginning and end, cycles of existence, is a limited perspective. Namaste.

Dec. 3, 2015                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Color: An introduction

JANU: With color being the focus for this journey, let us return to a more scientific approach to discovery, bringing forward more of how life works.

The main ingredient of color is interpretation, with the influence of color on the person determined by the make up of that individual. Now, the oneness factor and common DNA leads to common experiences. The publication of these interpretations of experience contributes a more common interpretation. The perception of the color can be in part by the color of light and the color of reflection, which amounts to the same thing, our brother. Now, light contains all colors and different materials tend towards one color reflection, as do light filters. Remembering that light is all colors at the same time, when unaltered. As to vibratory rate, it identifies one color or combination thereof. Everything has vibration, including light, and these vibrations can be modifiers of each other. So this extends past visual interpretation, which is by no means uniform, evidenced by variations in colorblindness.

These vibratory influences, modifications, have wide range, not just on the physical body but on each other. You ask, “Can someone in blindness experience the vibratory rates of colors?” The answer is yes, but with different interpretation and sensitivities, different modalities. And, yes, this does come under the understanding of oneness and connectivity.

So, once again, one asks, “What is color? Is there such a thing as no color?” Color is a visual interpretation of energy, but this same energy specific in its way exists whether visually interpreted or not. It influences creation according to the sensitivities of that being influenced. The same energy can have its vibration out of the visual light spectrum, as well, still the same energy, of different pattern. So one must unlimit the mind to interpreting color as only visual.

The color light spectrum is different for different creatures. Many creatures have different light sensitivity. Witness the nocturnal creatures. Their color range is different, as is their sensitivity, and the sensitivity is not linearly applied over the range of color perception. This is true with humans as well. So, seen in a larger way, the reality of colored light can provide a map to understand the nature of everything it touches.

And this world of reality extends outside the physical as well, a vast study of many levels of reality. To be continued, our brother. Namaste.

Nov. 16, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Which eyes of perception do you see through?

JANU: We are assembling at this time a bright focus upon the meanderings of human endeavors. Any of which are laudable for their achievements, primarily limited to the incarnate existence. What we explore this morning is humanity’s potential to create in a larger way, utilizing all of its understanding in the physical sciences, but also embracing the science of life in a larger way.

Scientific pursuit keeps bumping into, so to speak, the limits of its approach, not realizing that the larger science of life is where the answers are found. Not only in creation, but in the consciousness of the individual. How does one determine that the wall, the obstacle in their pursuit does not lie somewhere in the physical life, yet undetected, but in the larger life beyond physicality? So that pursuit in this area of life seems less fuzzy, imprecise, vague, but through the desire of awakening, becomes repeatable, trustworthy, and a doorway into larger truths.

The language and understanding achieved in one reality is not as revealing as in another. The structures of understanding must be allowed to grow and change, to pattern match, if you will, with the reality of larger venues of life. So it is internally with your own psyche, thought processes, range of sensitivity to subtler existence. Not so subtle, if you will, when achieved. Direct observation of concrete structures of physicality does not reveal their whole truth to the concrete mind. The larger truth of life includes physicality, but physicality on a much deeper perception of reality.

Life is everywhere, and in everything. No matter what reality you’re focused upon, the deeper truth and understanding has always been present. And the true part of your nature has always been there. So, in a sense, the question is asked: Which eyes of perception do you see through?

Aug. 23, 2015                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Understanding the Big Bang

JANU: We are taking a shift in perspective for this morning’s journey. There is what you might call a ‘back door’ approach to life, allowing perceptions to shift to the unexplored alternative views to what seems straightforward. You ask, “What is the nature of the ‘back door’ approach?” It is one that leaves established perceptions and finds its way free of the subterfuge piled upon direct perception by personality and ego and the more common perceptions of others.

For example, let us reach into the seeming abyss of the unknown, the whole concept of right and wrong, religion, spirituality, and find a truer balance, peace, symmetry, and freedom of perception. Your origin of the universe, physically, and other realities, aspects, subtler creations, the Big Bang theory, so to speak, misunderstood.

There is a reality called pre-creation. It lays the foundation for manifestation. As with any human creation, physically it begins with an idea, a seed thought, a moment of insight. Such it was with the beginning of the known universe for what you would call design and planning. Duration in time and space but a moment, but rich in elements and considerations. We are speaking of origin here, not explosive episodes in the manifestation. Even a solar explosion, if you will, a nova, is a long time in the creating. So, you see, these seemingly violent events are the culmination of eons upon eons of preparation. So see not the Big Bang as the beginning of things but a culmination in evolution.

So choose to perceive what leads up to these culminations. As has been said, “Then you know the rest of the story.” And even after the culminations, a protracted evolution of life continues. Life is a process, our brother. Settling for Big Bang scenarios hides the beauty, the dynamics, and the understanding of a wondrous life process. A consciousness that is timeless can perceive all. Namaste.

July 23, 2015                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross