Expanding self-perception towards universal oneness

NOETH ATULE:  We shall proceed again to explore the New Paradigm, as you have termed it, this emerging lifewave of opportunity, of potential for your region of the universe.

Humanity has done well in creating this new lifewave of potential, but the best is yet to come, our brother, as these changes in consciousness approach and become realized. Be not in fear or trepidation, for many changes are on your doorstep, letting the old ways of thinking, behaving, and being slip from the forefront to the background, opening to new and challenging opportunity. Be not dismayed, for these new experiences are of humanity’s creating. It is the natural order and way of life, for life to progress itself and provide opportunities to do this. We of the Atule have long known of this process, embraced it, and moved beyond it to a degree to new realities for the evolving of consciousness and the enriching of life.

Humanity still perceives themselves as individuals and, for many, physical beings only. Much to change here, our brother. For the next lifewave, which is upon you, one must see limitations for what they are and understand that they are limiting, but the question arises: “Limiting from what?” And that’s what this lifewave is about. The physical universe still exists and operates as it has, but the universe is far more versatile, complex, and active. And it will take an opening consciousness to allow this change in understanding and self-perception and so-called natural laws of existence. They will still exist, our brother, but no longer humanity’s only path.

Always be apprised of the reality that humanity is far more versatile in its existence than physicality. And now, the exploration of the subtle universe will include the investigation of the subtle human. You will sense, intuit, appreciate, and actively engage these realities, new to humanity but old in reality. There will be a paradigm shift in what it means to be human, and what does it mean to be an eternal being. The human experience for each one is but a moment in time, temporary, but the richness in consciousness through the experience will continue; and continue to serve the next adventures for those who have chosen to experience the human existence.

Initially, this is probably the most significant challenge and opportunity for consciousness: a paradigm shift in self-perception and awareness. What was thought to be impossible to experience will in time become common and a normal way of living. Humanity will not be the first, for these discoveries have existed from the most ancient of times. And even this concept of past and present and future will blend into one understanding of all that has been and all that will be known. Difficult at this time to embrace.

Challenges of perception have been mentioned, and they are real, but they are opportunities, our brother, rich with purpose and meaning. Consciousness is moving inexorably to oneness, universally. We welcome humanity as brothers on the grandest of journeys without end. We are of the Brotherhood of the Atule and we encourage and inspire your achievements.
May 15, 2014                       Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

This is a return to a topic much discussed. Be sure to check out the category New Paradigm or New Paradigm-volume 7



The Future is now, manifesting in the tasks at hand

JANU: These journeys will play a role in the awakening of humanity and other relationships as well. Profound insight expanding through the collective humanity will bring a much clearer vision of the nature of humanity, its destiny, its potential individually and collectively. Life will be seen differently through many different eyes, and conflicts of the past, although more clearly understood, will be seen for their legacy of missed opportunity and an appreciation for a richer life. For today’s journey, may we partake of an evolution in consciousness that grows in intimacy with many other beings in the spectrum of life.

Let us postulate that journeys to other worlds are in humanity’s future but long before humanity arrives there, contact will already have been made through journeys such as these. For there are a number of your world who are capable of such and have been operating in this way. More than you realize. The masses are not aware of this yet, but they will be. And, of course, there will be attempted exploitation by those who only see advantage in power and control, but the power and the control is a temporary illusion. Manipulation of opportunity for personal gain is not new to the universe and has been dealt with successfully in many locations.

Contemplating the future, so to speak, has its benefits. But the tasks at hand must be given their due for they are part of the future as well. In a very real sense, the future is now. So let us continue to develop the abilities with these journeys that they evolve, reach new thresholds, and continue to provide opportunity to inspire awakening. Namaste, our brother.

May 8, 2014                                           Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Pure Being: True Identity

JANU:   What is Pure Being, then, to be understood, to be one with, to allow the knowledge of, into your life? Pure Being stands in the reality of True Nature. Pure Being is Essential Nature, as a spiritual being, a Light being, the prime reality of existence, the most subtle of existence. And Pure Being is not understood only as the nature of an individual’s being. It is the nature of life. An animal has a Pure Being reality, as does a plant and, in the truest sense, as does any object or creation.

Now, when a worker constructs a device or object, it is composed of, comprised of materials that have a Pure Being nature. We discuss primarily that of a human being, for the human being can do much with the information, attuning to the true reality, the primary reality, the causal reality. Through all of the elements of creation of the individual, Pure Being is present and is one with each manifestation.

What is practical about this understanding is that it affords the individual a root reality or pattern for choosing a course in life that is fully supported and in harmony with their True Nature, bringing profound integrity to that life. A more complete attunement to the reality and presence of the True Being affords regeneration, greater clarity of thought and understanding, and a greater access to the power of co-creation, discovering the solutions for challenges that are opportunities for evolution. Awakening to the presence of your True Nature brings about a harmony in the life, balance, integrity, and a unification of consciousness which enhances one’s service to life to inspire others.

When one is so centered in that reality, the incarnate experience is understood as a brief one, rich with opportunity but no longer identifies the whole of the life and its experiences. Fears for survival and power over others are seen for the illusions that they are, and no longer rule your decisions. How many can really honestly profess they are at peace and confident in their lives and know who they are and what they are? So stand in your truth, our brother, be at peace, fulfill your destiny, and enjoy fuller life. Namaste.

Apr. 29, 2014                                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

Seeing the truth behind wars and terrorism

JANU:    These journeys into legacies of past civilizations represent much of what is to come for humanity, for even then there was knowledge of human potential and interaction with the larger life. This legacy was deposited here by representatives of its origin.

This legacy can best be described as fortuitous for humanity, for it brings fortune upon those who endeavor to exact the best of themselves and humanity for world peace. For without it the waste of resources, time, energy, and lives would interfere with humanity’s immediate future. To bring about world peace, humanity must collectively value this above the disturbances and conflicts.

Now, those consumed with the fear of wars and the like blocking their vision, their clarity of workable alternatives, this legacy inspires or encourages humanity to see the beginnings of a viable alternative and demand it of their leaders through non-participation with their decisions of force and destruction, warring, and the economies of these. For where would the current wars be, without the colossal funding borne on the backs of the people who want a better life? This legacy brings clarity to the public perception of the truth behind wars, terrorism, and the like, those who instigate such, and their hidden agendas. Once again, the importance of awakening for the public, the masses, to see the truth, for the leaders of these conflicts are not so inclined to withdraw.

The people are beginning to exercise their power in areas of conflict around the world, but this will grow. Nonviolent non-cooperation will be a component. The True Nature of humanity is in harmony with the ideals of this legacy and is the authority for these changes.

Apr. 19, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The Nesters

JANU: I am Janu speaking, arranging then this morning for our journey that which belongs to a group of “nesters” that exist along the ridge of the Himalayas and have determined to embrace the Earth, the world, the collective of its being, as proactive service. From their point of view, in their connection with life, they see for themselves coming down the mountain and walking among people, and the conflicts of the day, as futile compared to their vantage point. Some would see as isolation, withdrawal. They see as proactive and effective.

These Nesters have a tradition that is unique for it is ancient in the sense of a continuing tradition, even though many have come and gone. Yes, they are incarnate, our brother, but they are not alone. They have gathered a view of life on many levels and have become a channel, a doorway, a window for the Great Ones not incarnate to serve the Earth. This is their calling, and this calling they have met. They are serene, indeed, and are a blessing to the Earth.

Their origins are by no means limited to that of the Earth. And they are oneness indeed. We honor them and support their service. Namaste.
Apr. 8, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



Observing each other’s lifestyle for mutual benefit

JANU: For this morning’s journey, let us embark upon the tale of two worlds, beset with struggle, conflict, much unrest. Then they discovered each other and prolonged their struggles until one could see the futility in the other of such behavior, and communicated this to each other. Realizing that, together, with one observing and one portraying, they could do better. So they used this relationship to monitor each other’s progress, inspire each other, taking counsel from each other, and achieved a greatness in their cultures never even dreamed of.

They have taken this principle to other worlds as an example of what can be achieved and have inspired many to pair up, if you will, to help each other. For, you see, even in the human environment, it is easier to see the faults or difficulties in another than in yourself. The challenge and the opportunity is to see the wisdom in the counsel of another reflecting to you what they observe, and both parties growing in their honesty of their mutual appraisals and perceptions.

Coupling in your culture, marriage if you will, can have this scenario as well. We see this opportunity missed in many of your couplings around the world. Would that it be taught more clearly and carefully and effectively, one to another. This principle occurs whether the coupling is heterosexual or not. This is not the issue.

So be at peace with relationships in difficulty, realizing that this principle is yet to be applied. Namaste.

Mar. 26, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



The Nature of Service: Life responding to Life

JANU:   The focus this evening is the refinement of and the enhancement of service. And we learn that service is a life response to itself, to help fulfill its destiny and its creations, to open the true power of peace for creative genius and natural healing, and the wisdom that comes from exploration. Service is not now and then, here and there. It is a continuous reality of countless forms and modalities. All of life is in service, our brother, whether aware of it or not. Intimate service from a foundation of oneness reveals that you cannot serve without being served, in one way or another. And what is service, then, but the enhancement of living and all that that includes?

Mar. 27, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross




The human collective

JANU: The human journey includes a perception of life that has changed greatly, gone through cycles. The religions of humanity speak to this as well, and one can see the many changes in these perceptions of the truth of their own nature, behavior, aspirations, and achievements. Religions are far more organized in terms of structure and business, procedures and rituals. But religions are not the only source of structuring in humanity’s societies and philosophies, accepted norms, and included many changes in direction, both enlightening and depressing the spirit.

When one takes an overview of the human journey, it is filled with many so-called ‘sparks of Light’ of understanding and achievement, but evolution is seldom a straight undisturbed path of discovery and change in one direction only. There is enlightenment and confusion in the mix. The journey of humanity has grown, not only in its physical component or structure, but consciousness and what you call DNA is all evolving.

Now, on a much subtler level, realize that human consciousness is subtle as well, and the consciousness of others, on other worlds that have a pattern link to humanity, contribute to these changes in consciousness. And your achievements contribute to theirs as well. Human achievement will accelerate by comparison, once humanity embraces the reality of one life, connection with all life, in both directions, you see. Losing then, more and more, this perception of isolation and separation which limits the conscious mind in its influence upon the physicality. The Truth of Life exists for all to see and understand. And what is to come for humanity is uplifting and enjoyable and rewarding, filled with the freedom to Be.

Reviewing The Archive of Knowledge of the Human Journey reveals the movement in this direction and the range of human potential, which is part of its fabric of being, its Tapestry of Life. So discovery, our brother, is not just a linear thing from day to day, but a timeless reality without limit. Simultaneous awakening, in any direction of understanding, especially when viewed collectively, as humanity as a Being. The individual pursuits have merit, but so do collective pursuits. Humanity united as a collective being, conscious of its collectiveness and in embrace of it.

Grow in your appreciation of life collectively, our brother. Think in these terms. Ponder life globally. Namaste.

Mar. 17, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The power of gratitude (Service)

JANU:    The flow of life into each being’s consciousness is enhanced by the energetic power of gratitude. It opens the heart, opens the mind, opens the charkas, and opens the channel of light through the charkas. Now, some will say, “What is there to be grateful for?” not understanding that gratitude is not caused by anything. It’s a choice, a determination by the individual to experience this and communicate with life more openly, letting go of any need to justify gratitude.

It allows for spontaneous love, and joy, happiness, and peace, and the rejuvenating properties of the flow of life. It removes conditions, restrictions, limiting the perceptions, and strengthens the so-called fiber of your being. It reduces anomalies in the balance of systems throughout your vehicles. It allows release from the obsession of memories, of self-condemnation and the condemnation of others. And it is true that, whatever state you are in, you attract similar states in others and in the patterns of life and energy that are everywhere.

A loving gratitude attracts to you similar patterns of life, and what better service this evening than to support these conditions for humanity? These revelations have a home and, more and more, the home is the hearts of humanity, supported by a loving consciousness. Let us serve in this way this evening, our brother. Be a grateful inspiration for those you meet. Namaste.

Feb. 24, 2014 B                                                 Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



Children and Parents

JANU:     For this morning’s journey, let us attune to a portion of the Light, which is the Truth of Life, dealing with children and parents and society. Few realize how significant the entrance of a child into a family is. This child’s consciousness, although unused to communicating in your language, is still attuned to, awake to its True Nature and its experience before birth. Many profound understandings from direct experience inherent in these children.

Yet humanity, which has lost for the moment that attunement to their True Nature, does not perceive this. Yes, they find joy in the child’s presence, not from its wisdom but from its promise and need for their caring. Still, many children are lost from parents consumed with their personal obsessions, the struggle to survive, and the frustration and anger of their circumstance in life, all of which is their choosing and making. Yet the child knows nothing but love for and patience with troubled parents.

Attuning to the consciousness of the child, the parents would gain much, including the needs of the child, its preferences or the kind of life it needs to fulfill its destiny, express its creativity, and, yes, serve the parents as a loving being fresh from a life that is free by comparison and attuned to the Truth of Life. Yes, we recognize that children enter this world with obsessions of their own, from the patterns created in previous existences. But with enlightened parents, the parents and the children can work through these into a more successful living.

The quest for the awakening of humanity includes the children as well. But they are, in fact, messengers of life not fully understood or appreciated. Even as humanity wastes the genius of so many sacrificed in wars and other ventures of crime, and power, government, and even the legal system. Awakening would change this, for humanity would begin to understand the futility of these endeavors and how they sabotage humanity’s future and freedom. Children are exploited all over the world, in sweatshops, immoral trafficking, slavery, and abuse. The need for awakening is grand indeed and the children are a vehicle for this, if humanity would but realize.

Many would even ask the question to this proposition “Awakening to what?” having no idea, no vision. We continue to serve to inspire the consciousnesses of humanity to see a glimpse of their possibilities and their potential and open their hearts and minds to a better life, including their children’s. Namaste.

Feb. 26, 2014                                                     Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross