Human evolution on another planet benefits Earth humanity

JANU:     For this morning’s journey, let us pursue a discourse on the evolution or elevation, if you will, of a pronounced victory or achievement in the course of human development, not of the Earth but of another human type world, for the struggles are similar but the timings are different. Humanity has yet to realize how strong the links are between their consciousness and evolution to that of other human worlds. Profound achievements that we speak of are occurring. A brotherhood is forming between diverse cultures, races if you will, ideologies and cultures. Their challenges to universal theology have not been as strong as they are on Earth. One less hurdle. But they have theology based more upon an understanding of the nature of life than on faith and belief. Now, faith and belief exist, but not on a pedestal, as a final goal, but only as steppingstones to universal understanding.

All of these elements in their culture have a synergistic composite making the path to universal freedom and consciousness a smoother transition. Differences are truly understood more clearly as strengths collectively, and are taken advantage of in that way. Collective creativity and genius are blossoming.

There is merit in Earth humanity to become more aware of this reality, but not ready yet for contact. These embryonic changes in the other world are not firmly established enough to withstand the onslaught of the challenges of Earth humanity, but they will be. Once again, the need for the right timing of developments in an interconnected universe. Earth humanity still sees itself as alone in the universe. Not only that, but alone in their own cultures, their own communities, their own nations. And with some, their own tribes, you see. We are not saying that are not others on the Earth world who understand this.

Earth has yet to realize that other examples of humanity on other worlds, and their achievements, lift humanity. Subtly, of course, but it is there. For consciousness, our brother, is not limited by time and space but can enjoy connection with the focus of interest. A valid question to the seeker of truth: What are your interests?

Aug. 31, 2014                                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

A better life

JANU: We are accustomed, then, to these proceedings in the vein of exploring life and serving humanity. As we focus for today’s journey, let us be reminded that there are coming great changes for humanity, especially in the area of discovering and embracing the true power of True Peace and the insanity of violence. Exploring this, then this morning, let us choose to sense this change that is coming, this opportunity to reconfigure life, human society, in this direction.

You ask, “What is the tipping point for this change?” Some might suggest that a unique leader is needed to start this change. But the magnitude and destiny of this change is too important for one person. It will come in the form of inner desire and divine sanity to occur in the people. Now one person, or a small group, could plant the seed of understanding, but it must become a vision owned by the people. Only then can it not be thwarted or pass away on the shoulders of one. When it is owned within by the masses, it will be difficult to lead them away from what they know to be true.

So let us encourage then, in our own thoughts and relationships with others, the birthing of the commitment to peace and the awakening of humanity. The Earth can be transformed rapidly, with all the resources, energy, and lives sacrificed restored to constructing a brighter future, rooted in cooperation, mutual respect, enlightened education of the children, and a love for life and its possibilities.

Humanity does have a role, our brother, in the diseases of the world and the unending parade of new ones. So much of humanity is not at-ease and creates, energetically, according to its fears, angers, and frustrations. Humanity awakening to True Peace and integrity and a concern for each other will bring a new reality to light. Namaste, our brother.

Aug. 16, 2014                                                                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

Giving and receiving

JANU: Let us begin then this evening by pulling together the necessary ingredients, if you will, for Divine assistance in the recollection of our venues and nature of service. They are like the cycles of a tree through the four seasons. Although the cycles of the tree are linear, in the larger understanding of this analogy the cycles are simultaneous. And as the leaves fall to the ground in the Fall, they are as blessings to the Earth, for they monitor or regulate the moisture of the rain for the tree, as do blessings for the Earth and the people influence the life in a regulatory way, but not controlling. The leaves in the summer filter the air and the life of the Earth relies upon and absorbs the elements of the air that that life must rid itself of. Symbiotic relationship.

So you see, life, our brother, is better understood as the symbiotic relationship of giving and receiving to the nature of existence. Striking a balance, if you will. The tree analogy is must one part of life that symbolizes reality, as does every other system of life. Even the presence of humanity is a system of life, taking and receiving of the life of the Earth, and in many other realities as well. Giving and receiving is the theme here, and all of life needs all of life. So, you see, our brother, everyone is worthwhile and needed. Everyone.

Aug. 12, 2014 B                                    Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The Progenitors of Life

JANU:   The focus for this evening rests in the hands, so to speak, of the progenitors of life. We would have you understand at this time that these progenitors discovered life resting upon the Earth in the form of a vacancy of manifest life. These progenitors took the opportunity to initiate patterned recognition that brought life into motion in the origins of Earth’s history of manifest life.

These progenitors are not individual beings as such, but belong to a group of catalysts of life, carrying the patterns of creation and imprinting these upon the many fields of creation or life potential, as they occur. Now, one can call this ‘intelligent design’ if they were so inclined. But it’s not as many have imagined. The imprint of their seed of the patterns of life remains with all of the life that was born. The reality of the creation of everything has many mysteries within it, having little to do with how you might prefer life to have begun. Namaste.

July 30, 2014 B                                      Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The creative process of a physical species

JANU: Classic moments in time reveal traditions of life expansion and the patterns that reveal purpose and direction. There are,in fact, weaves of cosmic material and energy, moving throughout the universe, in pockets of concentration that, when entering the atmosphere, the biosphere of a world, allow for the creation of lifeforms that are conditioned and patterned based on environmental conditions, what is available if you will. And there are those who exist in life that can support these relationships and lifeforms are created and imbued with the potential for evolvement and consciousness.

You ask, “How does it all begin?” This is part of the answer, our brother. Physical life does not begin with physicality, you see, but follows the patterns of creative consciousnesses, not necessarily physical. Countless species are initiated in this way and this is why lifeforms can have similarities on different worlds, where their conditioning and patterning and environment and materials of creation are similar. This is the common denominator between some lifeforms. The early formations, physically, of species do not begin in physicality but energetically in the subtler realms where the patterns of creation have greater flexibility and influence over what evolves.

Exploring the beginning, the creation of lifeforms is indeed a worthy study, but it includes far more than the physical result. Some fundamentalists would say that ‘God’ created humanity. In a much larger sense of understanding, this is true. Not all creative elements of life become physical, you see. In fact, most do not. But the path to physicality is through these non-physical realities. Namaste.

July 28, 2014                                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Choosing experiences wisely

JANU:   We are Janu speaking, moving our journey in the direction of participation in the network of communication that exists between the human mind and the human brain and the human body, or bodies, we should say. These networks of communication exist to perpetuate the life, gaining wisdom through experience, which is part of the path of enlightenment, you see, which is part of the reason for incarnation—experience. Not theory or philosophy or deduction but experience, for experience triggers response and records in all of the vehicles through the brain/mind interface.

So what experiences do people choose and why do they choose them? The less awakened mind chooses them for entertainment, comfort, relaxation, self-punishment as a result of what they call ‘mistakes.’ And some stumble, as it were, into experiences, not by conscious choice. A fundamental reality in the incarnate life is understanding and wisdom gained through experience, with its own flavor by being incarnate. Choosing experiences wisely accelerates the gaining of wisdom, revealing more effective choices on the path of discovery and self-realization.

Ponder an experience before choosing it, not to the point of choosing no experiences but consider the possibilities for your enlightenment and your contributions to life. We are not suggesting here that these considerations are required in full before choosing, you see, for much is revealed during the experience, and considered at the same time. Now, employ your many levels of understanding and capacity for sensitivities to enlightenment and these elements of innate understanding and processing will be part of your communication merging these with your life in motion, a simultaneous reality of awareness. The choosing and the experience is life in motion.

We are not suggesting a long process here of deliberation, for these can occur in a moment of insight and direction to the one who is awakening. The choices are always yours and part of your freedom to be. Namaste, our brother.

Aug. 1, 2014 B                                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

The power and genius of humanity to lift humanity

JANU: We are Janu speaking, serving once more this morning on the occasion of commencement of another day as a new opportunity for humanity to open itself to a more balanced life.

There are those in humanity who have grown into the balanced life we speak of, and many who have not. Now, the more awakened humanity are aware of those who are not, but these factions live worlds apart. There are many who sacrifice everything to come to your country for a better life. And there are those still warring, blinded to—and even against—the nation that struggles to perfect this life, for their identity and power is based upon conflict, revenge, and the lust for power.

How then does one serve the raising of consciousness of all humanity? By not seeing the power of violence as powerful, but the pervasive presence of life itself and the opportunities life offers as the true power. The national leaders of the world conform in a direction for humanity, but this is not the reason they’ve taken power. Let us suggest that many more of humanity, who reach for a better life, see themselves as powerful and unite in consciousness and commitment to exercising the power of peace through their choices, their conduct in life, their relationships with each other. The power of violence can only exist if the people allow it, fear it, and cower from it. The people have the genius and the consciousness and the True Power to become a new direction for humanity, all of humanity. This is what we serve, our brother, the freedom to be and live in peace. Namaste.

Aug. 3, 2014                                                      Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


New Earth

JANU:  We are changing course then this morning as a result of a venue of opportunity calling on our attention. This venue we speak of dominates the emerging life on new worlds and the reappearance of life on others.

There is a new world in your vicinity where the new life exists and is, if you will, in its incubation period. It belongs to a region of stars in your equatorial sky. It is embryonic to the point where one would be hard pressed to predict species, but many of the beings to incarnate are from the Earth, for a reason. Humanity’s consciousness is not ready yet for such responsibility of oversight and guidance, but humanity will have a bond, a common footing with this new species and will be ready when it’s time.

By design, this species will advance quickly, becoming more conscious even than humanity is at this point. Much to come of this, our brother. In a very limited way, let us refer to this as the ‘new Earth,’ for connection purposes.

July 11, 2014                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

The Repositories of Knowledge

JANU: For this evening’s journey, we would begin by saying that all of this Brotherhood of Light are honored by the achievements of humanity, for many key awakenings and achievements have been recorded. The significance of these is that they prepare humanity for more profound levels of understanding and achievement. Understand this, our brother: that any achievement of humanity is a shadow of larger achievements. We of the Brotherhood of Light hold the vision for humanity to take its place among the stars, so to speak, making its contribution with so many other worlds and species growing into their truth.

Humanity of the Earth will be part of a composite of a focus of information exchange with countless other worlds, who have access to this repository, a living repository, evolving constantly, to be inspired and informed. Wise and accomplished beings will serve those who embrace this repository with conveyance of meaning across the barriers of language, or should we say limitations. Other repositories, part of other realities of life, are part of the network of the tapestry of Life.

You ask if too much information stifles the passion for creativity? It can, our brother. For those who are awakened, enlightened, in the larger reality of life, will not succumb to this, and those who do will be no longer attuned to the repository. Life’s natural balance and way of metering, if you will, the power and the wisdom of enlightenment.

July 16, 2014 B                     Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

Peace of mind

JANU: For this morning’s journey, let us delve into the reality within humanity of ‘peace of mind.’ Exploring this brings attention to the reality of stress, frustration, anxiety, anger, and loneliness. Stress is created by humanity, society, industry, economics, and the lust for power. How does one manage stress–by manage, we mean not succumb to it–in a world that is filled with such every day? It helps, our brother, to have a larger view of life and comprehension of the meaning of this. It helps to know, to be one with your true center and nature, focusing then upon becoming one with the elements of your being that are beyond this.

As many have learned, meditation or attunement, going within to the quiet which leads to illumination and understanding, is effective. But beyond this there is merit in a growing consciousness centered in serving life, giving to others, being part of the flow of movement of life, being in harmony with anything you cherish. For some this is music, the rhythms, the associations, the harmonies, and the upliftment of melody. For others, it is art. And for some, rhythmic exercise or physical activity. And others still, the rhythms, the movement, the visual beauty of nature. There are many elements of life in the Earth, in the world of humanity, that are peaceful, balancing, harmonious.

Stress, frustration, hinders the view of these. How many take vacations with their families and return exhausted? For they see their return is to the cause of their stress. Others find joy in their profession, for it is what they enjoy and they’ve chosen these paths in the face of no guarantee that a living can be made and success found. But they are true to their hearts and their inner passion or fire, if you will, to embrace what gives them joy. The reason for the joy is the giving to life of what and who they are.

So, peace of mind is finding peace within you and around you and every part of life you enjoy. Peace does not mean inactivity or non-involvement or laziness. It can include commitment to an effort to fulfill a dream, the overcoming of challenges through faith in, belief in, the worthiness of your dream. This peace of mind brings improved health and harmony within the systems of the body, the emotions and the thoughts. Peace of mind is a virtue and honors life and serves it.

July 15, 2014                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross