Simple miracles open you to the larger life

JANU: Serving that that is confined to a narrow understanding by comparison has its challenges and opportunities. Organizing, in a sense, the approach to be taken is no small consideration. Finding points of view, principles and lessons that spark an interest to a listening consciousness takes being a bit artistic. Hard to convince someone into ownership that they are the divine being that they worship, that they seek. Seems to fly in the face of the human identity. There is little substitute for direct experience. Words and philosophy are limited.

When human identity is limited to social concepts and traditions, listening to the True Nature within is not considered. When belief systems are ‘locked in’ so to speak, for the traditions of limited consciousness in society, the investment in belief without question is as being asleep to the larger life. So any experience that inspires an intimate proximity to a larger truth in life can be the catalyst needed on the path of awakening. It does not always take a huge event to convey this reality of life. Simple truths can be the most powerful yet convincing. Not dramatic, but with a simplicity of not being limited by its application to the consciousness, to the life. Seeing life in this way, one sees miracles in little things and knows there is more. Namaste.
Dec. 27, 2016 B        Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 13 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Resolving the complexities of life through enlightened simplicity

JANU:   For this morning’s journey, let us view an understanding of the complexities of life. From an incarnate point of view, these complexities seem to compound over time—complexities leading to complexities—yet the inner life seems devoid of solutions and insight. Not always, but much of the time. How does one, then, initiate a change in these complexities towards solution, leading to more solutions? The simple act is a beginning, our brother. Not just simple in possessions but simple in circumstance, simple in motivations, ambitions, and goals.

Even though one may choose numerous paths of engagement in the incarnate life, the approach can still be simplicity, free of complex manipulations, deceptions, and maneuvers for power over others. Goals include the benefit of humanity, the growth of peace in the life, and by ‘peace’ we mean the harmonious relationship with the nature of the endeavor, the patience for natural unfoldment instead of pushing beyond natural evolution in understanding and service. Genius of insight, understanding, and solutions is revealed more freely and naturally when the approach to complexities is free of agendas that disturb the flow and cause turbulence and reversals of direction. It is possible, our brother, to embrace a new path or goal and gain insight, clarity, into the ramifications, whether turbulent or flowing. Waiting to see what will happen is not mastership or guided insight.

Complexities are developed or enhanced by ignorance and lack of perception, not only of the goal but of the self and the motives. While surveying the larger life and its vastness and diversity, simultaneous reality, look for the simple truth that explains so many of these, which is their root, their origin, and a bit of their destiny. Complexity, mastered with simplicity, enlightened simplicity.

July 23, 2014                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross