Experiencing the inner life

JANU: A summary, then, of the initial awakening to the freedom of the Larger Life. One can see the wisdom in having a consciousness not limited to the veiled human experience, but more in harmony with the wisdom of the flows of life. The natural order of larger realities all coexisting, mutually beneficial. A consciousness at peace. No need to boast, not seeking self-aggrandizement, but in love with the beauty of life. The Larger Life, our brother, is at one with itself. Being part of that life makes it obvious it is your nature as well.

What then of the quest of the human veiled experience to set oneself apart and above contemporaries? It is a misperception of the True Nature that coexists with all of life, without secrets and power struggles, emotional obsessions and mis-emotions. Returning to the experience of the Larger Life from the human journey is a transitional one that brings order to the life, balance, perspective, and a peace that is free to discover the truth of every potential and every creation. How many, then, are prepared to release their obsessions? What does it take to accomplish this? It’s a choice, our brother, choosing freedom in place of obsession.

This suggests the question, ‘Why would one choose to incarnate in the first place, to create their own veil? What does the True Nature benefit from this?” The benefit is ownership of experience and the wisdom gained through it. Why else does Life manifest? To realize its potential.

“And what is wisdom?” you ask. It is the foundation for further realization of potential, expansive ongoingness. Namaste.
Oct. 30, 2018                  Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Willingness to allow

JANU: ‘At will’ is the theme for this journey, meaning: “What are you willing to be? What are you willing to allow in changes in your life?”

When engaging the larger life, what role does your will have to play, and how does it engage and interact with the willingness of countless venues of life, beings, worlds, realities? Are you willing to have what some humans would call a small or insignificant role or do you require importance? How diverse is your willingness to be part of life? And are you willing to respect the will of another, even the flow of life? What are your desires, as opportunities become apparent?

Even this journey, our brother, evolves. Willingness is not static or fixed. It is very fluid. Listening to life, no matter how it’s portrayed or embodied, is as important as expressing your involvement, your being, your desires. Being compatible with the rest of life does not mean being invisible. It is still choices, our brother. And what makes a wise choice?

This understanding is worthy of consideration. When negotiating, counseling, making agreements, contributions, and new associations, allow listening and understanding to blend with expression and decision-making. Listening, our brother, includes far more than words or thoughts. It is an experience filled with sensations, impressions, responses, and touches all that you are. The human mind is dominantly binary, one thing and another. The larger life, the larger consciousness, the larger reality is a mixture of everything, with selected involvements and relationships and, yes, associations.

What we refer to here is a departure from consciousness with borders, limitations, individuality, separation to one with inclusion, breadth and depth far-ranging and adaptable. Not everyone can embrace this in the same way or at this point in their lives. But this is all part of life, our brother, that includes everything.

Whatever journey the consciousness is walking, see the beauty behind it and in its destiny. Your willingness and theirs play a role in the larger life. Be true to your example of being. Allow them theirs. Share what you may. Be as allowing as the flow of life. Embrace the larger life and its realities in this way. Namaste, our brother.
July 8, 2016                                                                                    Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.