The Path

JANU:    Common speech speaks of being on the path of life, the path of one’s own journey into the so-called Light, travelling the ‘straight and narrow.’ Yet experience suggests that life’s journey is neither straight nor narrow. It is filled with choices, opportunities and challenges, experimentation, perception and misperception, to gain wisdom through experience and the application of a growing understanding. Even strong commitments have lapses, reversals, and renewals.

So what is this path that is spoken of? It belongs to an arcane set of understandings having to do with rituals. Life, evolution, destiny, experience, choices are not a ritual, our brother, but life in motion. And the motion includes everything.

Quite often, people search for purpose and meaning, absolutes in understanding. That is not the nature of the path. The closest thing to absolutes is that you are one with life and each other and worthy of all that comes your way, worthy of love and peace and the flow of life. Your worthiness has nothing to do with rituals, has everything to do with: you’re an expression of life and a True Nature that loves and enriches life just by being.

So, live as you may. Serve as you may. Grow as you may. Reach for understanding as you may. Be about living, invest in life, love each other, and continue. Namaste.

Apr. 16, 2015 B                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Identity shifting

JANU: We are remembering when True Natures walked the Earth in physical bodies, not fully incarnate but as completely conscious being. That is the focus this morning, for it is the focus for your sojourn as well. The choices that you make serve to make this possible once more. This accomplishment completely transforms the human experience. Life becoming far less confusing and uncertain and frustrating. Humanity is moving in this direction, but understanding it, being conscious of it, is not there yet.

We return once more to the understanding of identity shifting. What choice does humanity have but to identify as being human with a vague acceptance that they have a spiritual nature? How does one identify then as a complete being and conscious of this? It is through desire, overcoming the fear of the unknown, allowing memories to return revealing the larger reality of your nature.

Becoming conscious of who you truly are does not end the incarnate experience and the human journey. It helps fulfill it with clarity and depth. Many hunger for meaning and purpose in their lives, not sure what this means. Awakening to your True Nature, identifying yourself in this larger way, resolves this. The True Nature is more aware of the larger life, meaning it is your awareness as well, for that is who you are. When one develops a talent or skill with incarnate identity, this adds to their identity, their sense of being, and the experience and evolution and expansion of their sense of identity. Awakening to your True Nature speaks to this as well.

Consider a society where adults achieve this shifting of identity, expansion of identity. Consider the opportunity for the child, having just incarnated from the larger life, to continue the journey of their own lives, their own true identities, True Natures. Enlightened parents that understand and encourage. Many children incarnate remembering much of their natures, their memories and experiences, only to let them go, for even their parents do not understand or encourage. Limited consciousness perpetuating limited consciousness.

The larger life is more real, in a way, than the limited incarnate life, but includes it. Let your imagination explore the possibilities of a larger truth, a truth that can help you understand the limitations of your current experience. No need to fear this unknown, for it is who you are. It is your true home and your true peace.

Mar. 17, 2015                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

See also the page, The True Nature, for prior journeys on this subject.


Freedom to be

JANU:    For this morning’s journey, we realize that there lives within each one the desire and the quest to be free. Not just free of limitation and difficulties in living, but free to embrace more of life and understand opportunities to come and grand associations. Free to build a life that others can benefit from as well. Free to inspire a young child. Free to comfort and bring peace and understanding to the life of another. Free to reach into the future. Free from limitations of past experience. Free to find joy. Free to know the divine within. Free to enjoy life while embracing it. Free to know the truth, even as it evolves.

We join with humanity at this time encouraging liberation from accepted limitations of their own creation. New adventures, new possibilities, new dreams and visions and the confidence they are achievable. In the body but not of it. A larger awareness of their True Nature. And a growing love for life. Reaching inward for the truth and reaching outward to share.

Life is a blessing, our brother, not a curse. The journey you walk is yours to create. Respect each other’s truth. Life is large enough for all of them. Be at peace, and namaste.

Mar. 18, 2015                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Perpetual life

JANU: We are welcoming this opportunity to discover, if you will, the meaning of perpetual life. There is reality, our brother, larger than, more inclusive than what you understand as life. Difficult for many to grasp that this reality has always been. There is existence in this sense not described by time and space, or dimension, or energy, or manifestation of any kind. All of these things are what you would call ‘the thought’ that has always been this reality we speak of.

All creations have cycles of existence, from the infinitesimal to the scale beyond imagination, but the reality we speak of is not described in this manner. More the capacity of understanding is in the area of awareness of such a reality. Not separate from what you understand or are aware of, but included within it, in a sense within it. An understanding of oneness, only more profound. The importance of understanding this is that it places in perspective all of creation and the question of beginning and end. These terms have no meaning, do not apply to the reality we speak of, but they are put to rest, so to speak, for peace of mind that pursues the meaning of life and its duration.

So find a foundation in your perceptions when viewing the conflicts you see around you, that they are in no way a permanent reality, that all have cycles. For life is much larger than these, including your physical existence and individual identity and traditions of life experience. And all these co-exist simultaneously as one. Yet the integrity of each element of life, of creation, is supported, is maintained for its cycle of existence and contribution to life.

Dec. 30, 2014                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


What is true and what is not?

JANU: We expand then upon the dilemma that faces so many: What is real and what is not? For so many choices depend upon this determination. There is an aspect of everyone that recognizes truth. Understand that even deception has its own truth, that it’s deception, in most cases planned and executed intentionally.

So, what is truth and what is not? Truth supports what you want to achieve. Now, one can deceive themselves into thinking they know what achievement is worth having. Some truths have a more limited path than others.

So what is true and what is not? We are directed back to, in our inquiry, the truth of your own nature and its objectivity. Truth is a harmonious relationship with the flow of life. And that flow of life lives within you. Recognizing flow is a worthy achievement.

Now there are those who walk their path in life with some harmony and some movement that is not harmonious, yet it is still their truth. You must learn to read the signature of life, and all of your faculties can contribute to your appraisal. Allow them to play their role and convey their finding, not to condemn or criticize what is being observed, just to understand it for what it is. And then choose what is true and what is not, and your choice is always subject to change. Choose wisely and namaste.

Dec. 3, 2014 B                                                       Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



JANU: We have here, on this day, a portrayal of life that depicts the many coexisting layers of reality and the challenge for finite rational mind to walk that path and make sense of it. These patterns are so constructed because that is the nature of existence. Not one thing at a time but, in a sense, everything at once. As life processes itself, by way of you, by way of all of us, your selective attention allows for finite mind to maintain a semblance of order and rationality, choosing to deal with as little or as much as it decides. Not an issue, then, of right or wrong, success or failure, but more a reality of choices and their results. Life can be engaged in so many different ways. How can one point a finger at one over another? So choose, our brother, life paths, multiple paths without regret or disappointment, for there is always another with countless possibilities.

So you see, your station in life, subject to many changes, is always your choice. A simplification but: as a child choosing what to play at next keeps absorbing experience, learning and growing. Why not then just choose to live and be and marvel at the journey and what it brings, living in peace? If life is in you and with you and will always respond to your choices and, in turn, you enrich it by making them and experiencing them and changing, why not be at peace through all of this? And enjoy the journey, as do we. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

Dec. 2, 2014                                                           Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


A balanced life

JANU: As we survey the landscape of human consciousness and destiny, let us summarize, painting with one brush, that all is well. Now, you say, “How can this be said, in the face of the conflicts and turmoil of the day?” It can, our brother, because they are minor compared to the power, the true power of life, potential, destiny, and love of life. For, yes, even in humanity’s protestations, angers, and arguments, humanity would rather live than not. And where life is unbearable for a few, their heart’s desire is for life to be better, that it might be enjoyed. So the quest continues to live as fully as possible.

For this morning’s journey, let us consider the larger view when challenged by the lesser moments of struggle and confusion. This balance in perspective is a true strength and must be encouraged for the engagement of living to continue. For even those who entertain taking their lives, there is still hope that after transition there lies Heaven, and peace, love, light, friendship, and life everlasting. Understand, our brother, that transition called death is not required to experience that beauty. It will always exist and is part of the one life and can be known and embraced, whether incarnate or not, bringing much relief, perspective, inner strength, and enduring patience for the natural evolution of life.

Remember that the larger view of reality is one with, inherent in, any lesser view. It is all one, all redeemable, and all of value. It is wise to endeavor to place your observations and concerns in a larger perspective for balance, for equilibrium for each day. Humanity considers its existence as relatively private and alone in the universe. It depends on your perspective, our brother, the view taken, and the balance. And the balanced approach to embracing life considers everything, not just a moment of challenge or confusion.
This reality is within your being and has always been there, while you continue to grow into it. A balanced life, our brother, is wondrous indeed. Namaste.
Nov. 25, 2014 Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Stand in your truth, even as it evolves

JANU: Let us begin this morning’s journey by agreeing with the foundation for awakening to the Truth of Life, which is ‘standing in your integrity’ and your birthright, so to speak, as a spiritual being. Listening is a way to absorb the Truth of Life as it is discovered, allowing the understanding to slowly pass through you and touch the elements of your consciousness. Being at peace during this does not mean acquiescing to everything that occurs to you. It does mean not coloring the experience with prerequisites of configuration and meaning.

Standing in your truth is a balance between commitment to what you have accepted and openness to the evolution of your understanding and what you stand in. Taking the time to consider carefully, not only any new understanding but those that you have accepted, carries wisdom. So let us embrace the strength that comes from this perspective and reach into more profound depths of the Truth of Life. Awakening in this way brings more stability to your choices and the evolution of consciousness. Make those changes you perceive that you need, with no regrets but with patience and commitment.

Nov. 20, 2014                                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


High quality understanding and the truth of life

JANU: Let us begin, by announcing that any engagement on our part on this journey is to inspire humanity to find love and respect for themselves, to reclaim their power as co-creators, to bring love to life and, in so doing, lift the creatures in the life around them as well. We encourage freedom of spirit for understanding of expression and a noble life. Humanity is bound for greatness, to be a light to themselves and others, and other worlds as well. Everywhere in the world among you there are individuals and groups who embody this and desire this for everyone: personal integrity and honor, and service.

What does it mean, then, to love life above all else that it expand and prosper and become fulfilled? It is desiring everything life desires for you. It is designed for your success, happiness and awakening. All of creation, our brother, is more beautiful than you can imagine. Peace and harmony are at the core of it, and joy as well. So listen well to your inner desire. Be at peace and open the doorway to the genius that is your nature. Grow stronger through helping others. When you desire for the success of another, Life hears the call and will work through you to meet it as your motivation is in harmony with life. Be diligent and forgiving of yourself. Be at peace.

Nov. 16, 2014                                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Discovering who you are

JANU: We are surveying this opportunity to proceed along the line of humanity understanding itself. How does one go about exploring oneself? It depends upon the purpose of the exploration. The goal, if you will. To become more conscious of the truth of yourself, of your thoughts, of your emotions, of your choices, of your relationships, of your dreams and ambitions, how you care for your body, and your ability to change, is a path of discovery that never ends, for you are changing even during the observation, you see, and the observing is feeding the change.

So, you ask, “Why pursue such a seemingly difficult path?” Is it any more difficult than living in ignorance, the master of nothing, bouncing around through life, waiting for life to happen? Discovering the truth, and owning it, of who you are, what you are becoming, is a grand path for a richer life. For most are filled with so many blockages, contradictions and confusion to these questions, it is a wonder to ponder the awakening for many. Even though the theme this evening is introspection, considering others and the manner you do this reveals to you much of who you are.

Self-evolution and refinement is not for you alone but the life you are part of and the life you will become. Allow yourself to observe in truth. No recriminations here, or retribution or condemnation, but the claiming of your power to be the truth of who you are. Namaste.

Nov. 13, 2014 B               Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross