The Nature of Divine Intervention

JANU:  Intervention suggests introducing influence of some nature into a situation, whether it be an individual or nature or life’s many complex energy realities. And all of these are one. Intervention, then, occurs when certain protocols are met and wisdom and love are part of the foundation to proceed. It is not our intent to interfere with someone’s life path and choices arbitrarily. It is our intention to assist in bringing harmony to the conditions of life. By harmony, we mean a beneficial relationship between the situation and life itself, the flow of life, for enrichment to continue. The Divine part of this theme is the True Nature of life and its collective consciousness, and wisdom, and loving presence at the heart of all creation.

How does one initiate, then, Divine intervention and does Divine intervention only apply to disharmony? Can it also apply to expanding the Light, which is the truth of life? The answer is yes to both, for life is not static. It is in motion and unfolding and realizing its potential. Many times, a moment, a spark of Light or understanding is all that is needed to open a door to creativity, exploration, and fulfillment of life’s potential. This is called for when the one involved has a fertility of consciousness and heart for this moment of Light to take hold, to become more.

Divine intervention occurs, our brother, continuously throughout the universe. Let it become then, in your consciousness, a reality, a viable part of life, natural and uplifting. What some would call a miracle is a normal part of life. It can occur through the din of social consciousness. Divine intervention occurs through the capability and willingness of the servants of Life, from angels to grand beings to your neighbor. Yes, even the creatures of the Earth. They all can be an opportunity for Divine intervention, an open mind, an open heart, a clear agenda, and a love for life, and a willingness to respond. Live life in such a way that you are an opportunity for Divine intervention.

July 21, 2013                                     Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross