A message from the Buddha

The BUDDHA:   Let us proceed then at this time to mount an objection to the notion that the lives of so many are derelict in the face of so-called ‘enlightened beings’ and the ‘Pearls of Light’ that they bring to humanity. One must realize that the spark of genius lights everyone’s path, whether seen or known as enlightened or not.

What is enlightenment, then, but the notion that one has become fully possessed with the truth and wisdom? This is not so, our brother. Enlightenment is an evolution, a process, a blossoming of consciousness, and at-one-ment with the Truth of Life, which is always unfolding. So (do) not chase your life after one being who is moving on the path of enlightenment, but realize that you are that being, in your way of awakening. The light you seek, the wisdom, understanding, and love in another, is your own, but in your own way. For all consciousnesses are part of the whole, the whole of life. And yours is part of that whole, and essential. Be filled with joy that you are such, and you will always be such.

Enlightenment is a virtue unto itself and it belongs to everyone. It matters not at all the degree or manner or character of your path of truth. For even that path, our brother, for everyone is unfolding and changing, evolving. As you awaken, you will begin to appreciate this in others, whether they are aware of it or not. For it is their True Nature.

My presence, my brother, is that of the Buddha consciousness, as you have requested, with you for a moment, in the Now.  Welcome to the journey of life. I dearly love the Buddha in everyone. We all are the Family of Life, in the moment which is eternal and where freedom is truly found. Welcome, brother. In the truth of my being, we are Buddha.

July 23, 2013 B

Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross