The transmutation of memories

JANU:   Let us examine, then, the transmutation of memories, their pattern energy, recall, and influence upon emotions, state of mind, peace, and decision-making. How does one transmute a memory, and then, completing its mission and purpose, take full advantage of what it offers?

Memories are the result of experience, our brother, a record if you will to return to in order to complete the experience and make it your own, to own it in other words.  The opportunity and challenge here is to reconnect with the experience, the memory, the record of, this time with the advantage of objectivity and a more conscious approach to that experience. Many memories are connected in one way or another, both empirically and horizontally. So the processing of one can lead to the processing of another, probing the depth of meaning, lesson learning, and achievement of new perspective and ownership of who you are. The experience can be relived as if real in the moment and dealt with in different ways, experimenting with possible outcomes. Much to be learned in this way. This way a memory becomes an evolved memory, transmuted, if you will, by the process. So, in a sense the memory remains but it is a new one, no longer the same. Building, then, an improved foundation for engaging life, serving life and understanding it.

So see these memories, then, as they arrive, as undeveloped portions of experience, records of experience awaiting the transmutation process. These are contributors to your growth, our brother, and not there to haunt you. Be grateful that you have many. They are there to serve you and they are your own creation. So, own the record of life of your own creating and grow in the wisdom of those experiences, applying the wisdom gained to experiences to come.

May 18, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross