Being conscious as Life 

JANU: ‘Realizing’ is the key word here. When does one realize something they didn’t before, or that they had forgotten and misplaced? What is the key to awareness and understanding? It is to embrace reality, to own it. That it lives within your experience, that it has byproducts in your life, and that it enriches another. And what leads to these? Life realizing potential.

Creativity has a spark, an initiator or an initiating. A magic of life is creativity. So what is the source of this with a quest to explore? Imagination, wonderment. A thirst for one person could be a memory for another, but it is no less a wonderment, no less magical, and no less a blessing.

We all need each other. It takes all of us to explore life. To see each other in this way: What do you know that I don’t, yet? What has your life included that you are moving on from? What have I forgotten over many sojourns, and between them?

Life is a teacher. It is how it expands, enriches itself. It takes all of life—every nuance, every motion—to embrace, retain, and expand upon its journey. Every moment has value. Recognize enrichment for what it is. Be grateful for the opportunity to discover and improve your life and someone else’s, whatever that looks like.

Being at peace is a life in harmony and in motion. Be conscious of its presence, its vitality, its motion, and its love. Namaste.
Feb. 17, 2024                                                 Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

For earlier information on this idea see “More on conscious of and conscious as.”