Being conscious as Life 

JANU: ‘Realizing’ is the key word here. When does one realize something they didn’t before, or that they had forgotten and misplaced? What is the key to awareness and understanding? It is to embrace reality, to own it. That it lives within your experience, that it has byproducts in your life, and that it enriches another. And what leads to these? Life realizing potential.

Creativity has a spark, an initiator or an initiating. A magic of life is creativity. So what is the source of this with a quest to explore? Imagination, wonderment. A thirst for one person could be a memory for another, but it is no less a wonderment, no less magical, and no less a blessing.

We all need each other. It takes all of us to explore life. To see each other in this way: What do you know that I don’t, yet? What has your life included that you are moving on from? What have I forgotten over many sojourns, and between them?

Life is a teacher. It is how it expands, enriches itself. It takes all of life—every nuance, every motion—to embrace, retain, and expand upon its journey. Every moment has value. Recognize enrichment for what it is. Be grateful for the opportunity to discover and improve your life and someone else’s, whatever that looks like.

Being at peace is a life in harmony and in motion. Be conscious of its presence, its vitality, its motion, and its love. Namaste.
Feb. 17, 2024                                                 Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

For earlier information on this idea see “More on conscious of and conscious as.”


What is journeying?

JANU: Summing up, if you will, a peaceful negotiation to the protocols of harmony, prolonged communication, and our best performance on the quest for the Truth of Life and a destiny of evolving. Let us explore the conditions of life, the flow of life, the nature of everything, and by this we mean the relationships of all things to each other. Life is symmetry and an evolving diversity. Together, it brings about change, the expression of creativity, freedom, organization, limitlessness with patterns, purpose with wonder and amazement.

Being conscious is life in motion. Asking the questions, inquiries, is evidence of this. Insights are the responses. Be open to discovery and understanding. Let us continue in this direction. Namaste.
Nov. 30, 2023                                                                        Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

The topic of Journeying has come up before. The reader may also wish to read those on page Benefits of Journeying for earlier perspectives.


Some benefits of awakening

JANU:   The benefits of awakening to the Larger Life, and the Light we call the Truth of Life, can be overwhelming, for it forecasts expansion of consciousness, depth of understanding, transcendent experience, and intimacy on a scale without end. The benefits keep giving as your perceived needs evolve, your understanding expands, and your faculty to embrace the larger truth deepens. Asking any question within and a wise response in many forms ensues, strengthened by wisdom, commitment, love, and intimate embrace that proves itself again and again. To understand and sense the needs of another, their confusions, their victories, their compassion for life, their integrity, and their nature is rewarding, to say the least, to both of you. It enriches the integrity of life expressions, creations, and their potentials.

Life is in motion constantly, often without understanding the path, the direction, and even the outcomes, endless repetition of life patterns without seeming resolution. Confusion opens the door to suffering, misinterpretation, denial of reality, and even hate and greed. Awakening brings clarity that grows in penetration and scope.

Awakening brings peace and symmetry and beauty to one’s evolution. The Light shines in every corner, revealing shadows for what they are. Light brings healing from confusion and unwise choices. The system of being is healthiest when all of that system lives harmoniously. It is the strongest then and continues to evolve. Awakening reveals the endless beauty of life itself, and its patterns of expression. Awakening inspires the realization of dreams, potential, passions, creativity, and generosity. Awakening stimulates confidence that there is a guiding force in life that embodies the virtues of being, of one’s value to life.

These are some of the benefits of awakening. There are many more. Namaste.

Nov. 14, 2023                                                                Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

There may be some interest in the related topic of Benefits of Journeying.


How to love yourself and others

JANU:    When observing oneself and others, the merit of an individual is their potential, their evolution, their peace, maturing creativity, their Nature, their consciousness, their relationships with life and circumstances and others. What we look for here: a growing symmetry of balance and harmony throughout the systems of being, a growing capacity to understand themselves and each other, empathy, tolerance, and loving service. Growing into these is a path with challenges, opportunities, solutions, creativity, wisdom.

Potential is rich with opportunities and the challenges we create. There seem to be more challenges than opportunities, but they both are one.  Balance between the two is the wisdom that comes from experience and commitment to evolve. One is the challenge to love oneself and then another. Finding fault with one’s own experiences in life is not productive. It only condemns. Seeing your life as life in motion, constantly changing and evolving, speaks of freedom of becoming what you desire. Claim your power from within to awaken. The larger your consciousness, the wiser your choices.

You ask, “What is the foundation for loving oneself, a justification, a basis?” The basis is a growing awareness of the magic and beauty of life in motion, of potential, of manifestation. It is everywhere, if you would see. And each one is an expression of this in the making. Become aware of the beauty within and, through this, recognize the beauty in others, realizing that together you are the process of Life becoming. Choose to perceive this. Claim your inner power to do so, for that power shines light as far and as wide as you desire.  Namaste.
July 22, 2023                                Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Exploring the Earth

JANU:   Exploring the Earth, as you put it, is a task that can consume many sojourns. Earth is a consciousness beyond current human understanding; humans tend to perceive based only on their current knowledge and experience. They are their role model for appreciating counterparts to their existence. Consider the Earth as made up of water, atmosphere, firmament, systems, countless expressions of life and is evolving, for the life forms are evolving. And they and the Earth are one, co-dependent, mutually influential, and mutually challenging.

How does one model the consumption of resources while all life involved benefits? Survival drives much of human consciousness, as with other life forms as well. But consumption not governed with wisdom can lead to self-destruction. There are those of human existence who have striven to return balance in the presence of consumption, for sustainability of the evolution of life. It involves some sacrifice, some limitation, and sensitivity to conditions. They respect life and honor its fragility, and embrace adaptability to changes. This is true for many worlds. Some relationships more successful than others. A growing sensitivity and awareness of reality supports survival for the purpose of creation and evolution.

The forms of life are not permanent. They are in motion, as is the human form as well. Physicality can take many forms. It has, and will continue to. Physicality is evolving, as is consciousness. One can get obsessed with mastering elements of these changes and lose sight of a larger, more complex reality that is fundamental to continuation; therefore, succumbing to an isolated identity serves refinement of a focus. But with this perspective of interactions and the results of these in the Larger Life, there are those who master identity, not to the exclusion of refinement of each focus. Their consciousness is open to an expanding life in motion. They are explorers leading the way. Everyone’s destiny has a wide range of potential. Each one chooses and then changes their choice, as conditions and opportunities warrant. Understanding the Earth includes all of this, and so much more. Namaste.
Oct. 29, 2023                                                     Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross

This broadens the ideas presented in previous journey on self-governing


Elements of successful coexistence

JANU:    Understanding the nature of life expression, no matter the reality, includes coexistence. And the nature of coexistence is the expressions of life, mutually beneficial. Now, in the midst of this, the times change, evolution appears to evolve through the dissolution of certain expressions for the purpose of re-creation in new ways. A limited view is that this is destruction, but in the larger view, it is change, creativity through reassignment of resources. The building of a building in its materials involves consuming resources to create something new. This is Life in motion and existence is re-created to evolve into new expressions with diverse potentials and opportunities for their realizations. And the march goes on. From limited perceptions, it is a challenge to perceive this dance of life as positive. Coexistence does not mean status quo. It means the evidence of life expression evolving simultaneously.

Human consciousness has a tendency to want to hold on to these expressions of life for stability, predictability. This is an illusion. Adapting to change and evolution is a powerful way to coexist. So, self-examination is worth while. Adaptability to change is security for ongoingness. Successful change is a continuation of creative expression and adaptability. All of the elements of coexistence are in motion. Be open to the coexistence of an individual adaptation on each one’s unique journey. Be attuned to collective reality, including your own. Namaste.
Oct. 13, 2023                                                                                               Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


A life of change

JANU: The fountain of change is a subject, for change has momentum, multiple flow patterns. Life in motion describes this. There is nothing static about life. It may seem so, in some ways, to some unaware. But change can be outside the limits of perception to the incarnate consciousness. It is useful to observe one’s own life with this in mind. Being conscious of change makes one alert to changing scenarios in all parts of the sojourn—relationships, circumstances, environments, influences, reactions, creations, nature itself. Much to be understood, observed, embraced in a life of becoming one’s own potential.

People speak of feeling alive or bored with life and their own existence. Anticipating change stimulates awakening and an incentive to explore and discover, to find the truth of everything. No two days are identical. They can be as empty or full as you desire. At least, your perception of them. This applies to understanding, awareness, faculties of consciousness, and demonstrations of abilities to embrace life.

There are thresholds of change and awakening, for understanding and perception is a process of unfoldment, deduction, experience, and wisdom, contributing to the evolution of Life. Namaste.
July 18, 2023                                              Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


A growing identity

JANU:    Absorbing, day by day, a larger identity, a larger reality, a larger perception of life, all of life. Yes, time and distance are third dimensional perceptions of reality but they are limited in the Larger Life. Allow the perception of timelessness and the perception of omnipresence. Linger in this.

This seems to fly in the face of the perceived reality of third dimensional universe, but Life is larger than that. Only a parameter of third dimensional existence. No beginning and no end—coexistence. Let these take hold of your identity, your experience, your perceptions, your understandings.

So you see, questions and answers are connected. Perceptions and understandings are connected. Observations and experience are connected. Life in motion and evolution are connected. Life, from one moment to the next, has changed. Evolution and realization of potential. There will always be more to become. Namaste.
July 16, 2023                                                 Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


World conscious of & living its potential

JANU:    As we focus upon the beauty inherent in the potential of life, we notice this manifesting on other worlds, one in particular. No one lives in fear or anger, but has gratitude for the promise of challenges and opportunities. For they are keenly attuned to a life lived in the promise of potential. Their peace is in the form of enthusiasm to discover, evolve, create, connect, and experience and understand love of life. That means each other, for they see each other as life manifest, life in motion. Their existence is joyful, with well-being, filled with vitality. To them, life is a presence, a partnership, responsive, intimate, and revelatory.

Humanity has this potential, with moments of experience, but the plight of many, recounted so often, is discouraging. Therefore the need to discover one’s own True Nature and see beyond the din of anger and frustration. Those consumed with the need for power do not understand True Power. Their power model takes from others, rather than enriching them, for they are isolated in their identity and do not realize the rest of life is their identity. Growing into this understanding is restorative in so many ways.

The Larger Life understands this and assists where and when possible without violating the order of life: its symmetry, its diversity, its potential. Individual realization leads to group realization and the journey into the Larger Life. Be in peace and namaste.
June 25, 2023
Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


The meek shall inherit the Earth

JANU:    Worlds go through cycles of existence. They decline as others rise. The Earth is in decline in some ways. The peace we speak of is undeniable. For it to dominate a world, it must have opportunity to blossom. No longer just a dream but roots in the culture. The creatures of Earth are ready to respond to the energy creations of civilization. “The meek shall inherit the Earth” refers to this. The levels of anger and frustration are born of decline in confidence of the power of peace. Interpretation of power is limited.

Humanity’s journey does not consciously include the Larger Life, or peace, creativity, oneness, mutual love and support, true freedom to be. These are the norm, but not common. The destruction of worlds is part of nature through the evolution of resources. The re-creation and expression of life in motion seem to contradict this, but life in motion is nature, whose nature is change.  

Express it in this way. A larger, more intimate appreciation of life changes perspective. With intuition and insight guiding the way, no longer the need to blindly stumble into the future, but to realize potential as a consciously larger system of life. Humanity’s potential, as with other species on other worlds, has its beauty. As each one sees this, their commitment to the beauty of life becomes a way of living.

So let us not become angry or frustrated at the destructive elements of civilization, but choose to see clearly and find the beauty of potential. Life is larger than destructive emotions and perspectives. Choose the Larger Life and all it can be. Namaste.
June 21, 2023                                                       Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross