The power of choice

JANU:   There are those who speak of peace and say they are against warring, violence, hatred, cruelty. It has been said that challenge is an opportunity to become stronger through choice, through evolving in consciousness, through caring for others. Well, if evil (so-called) challenges peace, then where, without evil, is the challenge to evolve, to gain wisdom, and create more wisely?

The challenge is to discover and understand more of the creativity of life that is harmonious, masters challenges, and understands the dynamics of living, creating, and loving. Life is so much more than destruction, cruelty, and warring. Wasting opportunities, resources, can seem wasteful when trying to discover more of life. There is much wisdom to be gained in exploring these dynamics and more, which allows for wiser choices, the paths to achievement, the nurturing of resources in consciousness collectively speaking.

What is peace, then? The harmonious relationship with life and all of its systems, including your own. How many have been lost with warring, starvation, disease, deprivation, suicide? Why does Life permit such behavior? Because evolution in consciousness comes from choice, creators of our own destiny. Which do you choose? Can you understand your choices and their outcomes before they are made?

Being grateful for every moment of life opens the door to more. Choices breed outcome. Choosing wisely is a challenge and an opportunity. Ponder this and your True Nature will help guide you. Namaste.
Dec. 16, 2023                                                              Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

This follows directly from the concepts of Enriching Life.


How to love yourself and others

JANU:    When observing oneself and others, the merit of an individual is their potential, their evolution, their peace, maturing creativity, their Nature, their consciousness, their relationships with life and circumstances and others. What we look for here: a growing symmetry of balance and harmony throughout the systems of being, a growing capacity to understand themselves and each other, empathy, tolerance, and loving service. Growing into these is a path with challenges, opportunities, solutions, creativity, wisdom.

Potential is rich with opportunities and the challenges we create. There seem to be more challenges than opportunities, but they both are one.  Balance between the two is the wisdom that comes from experience and commitment to evolve. One is the challenge to love oneself and then another. Finding fault with one’s own experiences in life is not productive. It only condemns. Seeing your life as life in motion, constantly changing and evolving, speaks of freedom of becoming what you desire. Claim your power from within to awaken. The larger your consciousness, the wiser your choices.

You ask, “What is the foundation for loving oneself, a justification, a basis?” The basis is a growing awareness of the magic and beauty of life in motion, of potential, of manifestation. It is everywhere, if you would see. And each one is an expression of this in the making. Become aware of the beauty within and, through this, recognize the beauty in others, realizing that together you are the process of Life becoming. Choose to perceive this. Claim your inner power to do so, for that power shines light as far and as wide as you desire.  Namaste.
July 22, 2023                                Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Mutual enrichment

JANU:   Mutual enrichment is the theme here, the alternative to wars, violent conflict, partisan politics at the expense of the community, of the people. Mutual enrichment belongs to a path of life discovered on other worlds that benefits everyone and reinforces resilience to the challenges of life. Many do not feel resilient or see a path to this. What they see is chaos, disorder, conflicts of interest, and certainly not peace or harmony among the systems of life.

Mutual enrichment includes all of the systems of life, in one form or another. Enrichment is not limited to physicality but to consciousness on all levels. Mutual enrichment comes from a different perspective, a different attitude about the reason for living, the opportunity of living, the destiny of living. Overcoming challenges strengthens the reality of this. Resources for enrichment are depleted in the presence of conflict, violence, struggles for individual power.

Life is rich with opportunity. Inner wisdom is a profound resource not consciously embraced by most. Because of this fragility a few can take advantage of the many, not realizing how they diminish true enrichment. Life is sustainable when being in harmony with it, for nature has its own integrity of existence.

Israel and Palestine are an example to learn from. Surviving with others paying the price is not success, but wasteful of opportunity. Focusing on mutual enrichment brings revelation into these elements of success, when this takes place.

Being on the path of mutual enrichment enriches everyone’s harmony of their systems of life. Namaste.

Nov. 6, 2023                                           Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Being at peace is liberating

JANU:   We are pleased once more to bring to the fore that which presents itself as Life, the source of being, the force of creation and evolution. Let it be announced that there comes with this an implied and suggested and encouraged obligation to embrace your own Nature, which is at one with Life. Resisting this opportunity only leads to a delay but, in the larger reality of Life, time is a perception, Life omnipresent, ongoing, eternal.

Endure, if you must, your choices in life. Learn from them. Become wiser. See them as opportunities to become more conscious. Grow in your love and respect for your own Nature. Rewards are countless. The opportunities are to marvel at. You are the road sign to all the paths in life from which to choose. Grow in your perception of these opportunities. Experience the life that you are.

In many ways, others mirror you but unique in their way of interpretation of choices, for it takes all of life to understand all of life and the changes to come. Can you not see that all of life is connected, no matter the diversity or uniqueness? Everyone is your partner, in some way, and that relationship changes as you both evolve and the opportunities are presented to awaken.

Being at peace removes preconceptions, limited biases, misinterpretations, and delays you have chosen. Be at peace, which is a powerful and liberating state of consciousness and being. Namaste.
Sept. 30, 2023                                                                      Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


The power of choice

JANU: It is part of the goal of all of us to find peace in everything throughout the systems of Life, including the physical, bringing clarity of observation and understanding. This is part of the True Nature of Being; therefore achievable for it already exists. One of the many challenges and opportunities of incarnate life.

See pain, discomfort, challenges as opportunities to find direction, purpose, and fulfillment. They are all temporary, for as long as you need them. They are fulfilling their purpose. Pay attention. Do not disregard. They are Life speaking to you. Own them. Understand them. Resolve them. And move on. No one is ever alone in this. The True Nature is always intimately involved.

There are many in the Brotherhood who serve awakening, enlightenment, creativity, understanding. Allow this to be your experience. It is within you, around you, and has always been there. Become the Larger Life. There are no limits except those self-imposed. The choice has always been yours to make. So choose. Namaste.
July 30, 2023                                                                       Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Mastering the many faces of identity

JANU: The focus, mastering the many faces of identity, a profound treatise on a consuming journey of discovery.

The role of identity, for most, is to establish purpose and to master that purpose, to benefit from it, to display and to compare with others. Identity becomes a central focus for most, not seeing it as a transitory reality, temporary but with purpose. Identity becomes the focus for understanding, skill development, personal relationships and alliances. Identity has the scope that results from exploration, experimentation, and discovery. Identity offers peace of mind, to a degree, identifiable traits and development.

Identity gives recognition to individuals, to each other. It’s similar to accepted names, unique to a degree, different enough to reveal diversity. Some identities are cultural—skills, talents, types of personality, racial, gender, performance. They are a limitation as well, for the common roles of each identity have their limit, their range, their inclusion. Some envy or long to be the so-called identity of another, in terms of many things—profession, language, culture, economic, appearance, even ego—not appreciating their identities as limitations.

There are some who explore alternatives to this, learning new professions, new skills and talents, exploring deeper meaning and revelation of their own True Nature, who they are beyond physicality, social norms, nationalities, and, yes, even gender. This is the journey of awakening, of becoming more realized, gaining access to previously achieved understandings and abilities. The challenge is letting go of one to gain something larger that includes some of previous, becoming more a conscious collective of possibilities, creations, experiences, life journeys, with a growing ability to see this in others, whether physical or not. For they realize there is a larger Life than social humanity. It is all around them, all part of the one Life which is ever-changing, evolving, creating.

Identity is temporary, but with purpose and opportunity to focus on a path of exploration, of wisdom-gaining, and of service to life. Understanding such as this opens the door to patience, tolerance, and contribution. Find peace in this and liberation, freedom to be whatever you choose from the opportunities that come your way. Namaste.
Oct. 2, 2023                                                       Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Exploring self-awareness

JANU:    Enumerating the discourses of the past, your challenge for the new vista of peace-mongering, the stronger struggle for evolution in the consciousness and affairs of the world, reaches thresholds and reversals. The peace you seek is the peace you have known. Reaching into the barrel of topics for exploration, let us assume that there is, in the beginning, a source for these, but they evolve as well and the flow of opportunities, new points of light, continues.

Life itself is the great communicator. It communicates with itself, through all of its expressions, creations, through the development and processing of understanding and the structure within and because of no structure. To understand the nature of life, one must become more conscious as it. The perception of distance or separation among the realities of life is a limitation.

Let us continue to explore not just realities of life but the nature of it all. To know one’s self, live and be as one’s self. The consciousness grows in inclusiveness. A never ending journey of absorption, of observation, of change, of expansion, of identity. Does Life identify with its own Nature? Once more, a limited point of view. What is self-awareness? Explore this. Namaste.
July 4, 2023                                               Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Living in freedom

JANU:    Mustering the strength, you see, to master challenges, to find opportunities, to penetrate limitations, to experience achievement. Our conscious union is one. Like so many others, has been beset with challenges and the opportunities they bring. As we have just experienced, all of them can be overcome. And they transition, transform into successful life patterns of our intent, desire, and design. We are freedom to be.

The nuances of life range far and wide. Each challenge, in some ways, is created by one’s own life patterns, for the opportunities they present vary according to their creator. Visiting other worlds and their cultures reveals this diversity, yet are customizable life journeys. Failure is not inevitable. Limitations are not final. Opportunities are without limit.

Love brings peace to all of this. Love into being your choices, your desires, your achievements, with the patience of Life itself.  Live in freedom. Namaste.
June 6, 2023                                                   Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Being ambulatory in consciousness

JANU: ‘Ambulatory’ comes to mind. Not just in the physical sense, but in consciousness as well. There are correlations in life patterns. All of life is connected. What does ‘ambulatory’ look like in consciousness? It is the freedom to move in any direction, to explore and discover life everywhere. Time and space not an obstacle but an opportunity. Exercising this freedom strengthens it.

Explore your interests with wisdom that the True Nature possesses. Be at peace with the results, and understand them. Explore life’s connections and their contributions. Be sensitive to the ripples and currents of life. What seems like chaos and randomness has purpose, outcomes, consequences, and opportunities. Reach into the fishbowl of life and experience it. Be open to identity that is larger and larger, more inclusive, more ambulatory, more free. Understand challenges and perceived limitations as opportunities.

All of these come into play, and more, when exploring other worlds, other realities, and your own nature. Remember, each one you meet is life in motion. Cherish everyone. Namaste.
June 5, 2023                                                         Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Observing the Earth

JANU:  The other world we observe at this time is none other than the Earth. What we see here is the complexity of the diversities of life, finding their footholds in what seems to be uncontrolled chaos, cross-purposes, a huge range of conflicts and cooperations. The journey of life for this world came from mostly potential but the influences of other existences is sprinkled throughout. But still left with the challenges, and opportunities to make use of these and evolve is still in play.

When studying the potentials and manifestations of other worlds, the journey of Earth has its own footprint in Life, but is still connected, not just in physical patterns—life patterns—but in consciousness and the creative forces that enrich manifestation. The challenges of the moment come and go but the seeds spring forth as a result to sprout and grow. That potential is an evolving reality for what therefore manifests from this is influenced by so much.

The cycles of evolution, evolution in consciousness, experience and wisdom have so many eddies and currents as to be confusing but clarity grows through experience. And Earth’s commitment to survive, discover, understand, and contribute will see it through. The suffering along the way has its pearls as well. Rich with motivation to overcome and enjoy the rewards. The lessons to be learned have benefits far-ranging, even beyond the human journey.

Open the eyes to what is to come. Have the courage to meet it. Humanity is never alone. It is part of a larger family. Namaste.
May 20, 2023                                                        Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross