Conscious union and the Larger Life

JANU:    Exploring conscious union is not so much the fact of but the results of the door it opens to possibilities of universal consciousness , of the peace that guides and is guided by the Truth of Life. Let us focus upon not so much the path to conscious union but the path from conscious union, which is not so much vocalizing, publishing, lecturing, but contribution by way of fundamental principles of evolution and enrichment, that which liberates the seeker of the Light and their own union.

Understanding and evolution provide enrichment. “And what is that?” you ask. Enrichment is the fuller at-one-ment with the potential of Life and its creation. Complication diminishes, for the Truth is natural and ever present and never changing. Awakening experience is like becoming more alive. With each achievement, perspective is enhanced. Consciousness is more complete. Life in motion is full of fulfillment and love is lived more fully.

Observing the path of others is a good teacher of perspective and diversity on the path of evolving. So this is our focus and so be it.
Jan. 2, 2024                                                                Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Wise sharing of the Truth of Life

JANU: Summoning up the courage to explore in the face of the challenges of ignorance. Conscious connection with others still exploring the lesser path is a challenge in itself, for the natural urge to serve becomes challenged greatly when attempting to share understanding that has not been embraced yet by others. The tolerance is founded in appreciation of the reality of being on all levels and the freedom of each to choose the steps on their path and their timing. You will discover among them, including yourself, those who hunger for more clarity, who look for solutions and answers to questions, are not so different from your path. What they need is up to them and their own Nature. The timing and depth and scope is theirs. Your challenge is to be what you are more conscious of, even with those whose consciousness has advanced beyond yours.

Choose privacy on your journey, subject to inner promptings to share, and even then, what to share, when to share, and how to share. Beyond just being, walk these steps of awakening slowly, allowing yourself and others their timing, their diversity, their model for living. Allow others and yourself space and time, patience and Life’s loving guidance. Not everything revealed at once. That bypasses the wisdom of experience, that leads to confusion and intimacy not founded in love.

Be patient. Be understanding. And be all you can be. Live your life in this way, and Life will not waste you or those you wish to serve. Namaste.
Nov. 16, 2023                                                     Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Mastering the many faces of identity

JANU: The focus, mastering the many faces of identity, a profound treatise on a consuming journey of discovery.

The role of identity, for most, is to establish purpose and to master that purpose, to benefit from it, to display and to compare with others. Identity becomes a central focus for most, not seeing it as a transitory reality, temporary but with purpose. Identity becomes the focus for understanding, skill development, personal relationships and alliances. Identity has the scope that results from exploration, experimentation, and discovery. Identity offers peace of mind, to a degree, identifiable traits and development.

Identity gives recognition to individuals, to each other. It’s similar to accepted names, unique to a degree, different enough to reveal diversity. Some identities are cultural—skills, talents, types of personality, racial, gender, performance. They are a limitation as well, for the common roles of each identity have their limit, their range, their inclusion. Some envy or long to be the so-called identity of another, in terms of many things—profession, language, culture, economic, appearance, even ego—not appreciating their identities as limitations.

There are some who explore alternatives to this, learning new professions, new skills and talents, exploring deeper meaning and revelation of their own True Nature, who they are beyond physicality, social norms, nationalities, and, yes, even gender. This is the journey of awakening, of becoming more realized, gaining access to previously achieved understandings and abilities. The challenge is letting go of one to gain something larger that includes some of previous, becoming more a conscious collective of possibilities, creations, experiences, life journeys, with a growing ability to see this in others, whether physical or not. For they realize there is a larger Life than social humanity. It is all around them, all part of the one Life which is ever-changing, evolving, creating.

Identity is temporary, but with purpose and opportunity to focus on a path of exploration, of wisdom-gaining, and of service to life. Understanding such as this opens the door to patience, tolerance, and contribution. Find peace in this and liberation, freedom to be whatever you choose from the opportunities that come your way. Namaste.
Oct. 2, 2023                                                       Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Living in freedom

JANU:    Mustering the strength, you see, to master challenges, to find opportunities, to penetrate limitations, to experience achievement. Our conscious union is one. Like so many others, has been beset with challenges and the opportunities they bring. As we have just experienced, all of them can be overcome. And they transition, transform into successful life patterns of our intent, desire, and design. We are freedom to be.

The nuances of life range far and wide. Each challenge, in some ways, is created by one’s own life patterns, for the opportunities they present vary according to their creator. Visiting other worlds and their cultures reveals this diversity, yet are customizable life journeys. Failure is not inevitable. Limitations are not final. Opportunities are without limit.

Love brings peace to all of this. Love into being your choices, your desires, your achievements, with the patience of Life itself.  Live in freedom. Namaste.
June 6, 2023                                                   Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Life in motion

JANU:    Summarizing encounters, their progress towards conclusions as to the nature of significance and understanding, compounded by the seeming frailties of expressions of creation. Let us assume that there is an integrity of life that transcends fragility and confusions. So what does one hang their hat on, so to speak, to rely on, to fall back on, to start over from, and to build on? The nature of existence varies according to the existence, for how does one understand, relate to, and grasp life essence that has such potential. Other worlds and civilizations, other systems and subtler realities find the support they need to not only exist but continue.  Many search for cause for everything. The question being: What is the nature of every thing, every world, every reality?

Expressions of oneness exhibit infinite diversity. It appears to some that the Nature of Life and the creations are only connected beyond understanding. A limited point of view from a physical life. What we are suggesting here is the vision, a perception of the worlds being explored that what is sustained isn’t just the expression of creation but life in motion, no matter the form or the expression. Even understanding is not fixed, for Life is in motion and understanding must be as well.

So, when observing a society or a natural expression of life, think not in terms of only longevity and permanence and origination, but see Life itself in motion no matter the expression. For one’s consciousness to evolve, as well as understanding and wisdom and contribution to life, this perception we refer to contributes greatly to your own being in motion. So even sojourns that come and go are only the beginning and modifications of expressions of life in motion. Be not attached to these, or identified with them, but allow them their life and contribution. Ponder this. Namaste.
May 29, 2023                                                                Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Savoring the richness of life

JANU: Savoring the richness of life is a peaceful journey through its creations. Its diversity and its evolution are unlimited. Exploring other worlds is part of this, but not all of it. There are thoughts of cause, results, origins, purpose, reason, potential, timing, connectivity, relationships, timelessness, cycles, and pure being. These—and many more avenues of discovery, exploration, understanding—go hand in hand with exploring any part of life.

So whatever is explored, have a foundation of a larger reality of which the exploration is a part. Even perspective is evolving. The elements of life are evolving. The descriptors are evolving. Much to be learned from exploring worlds, for they reflect on your own and your journeys. A grand perspective to achieve is the reality that everything is connected in countless ways. And everyone, as well. Diversity and oneness coexisting in a symphony of Life and Light. Namaste.
May 27, 2023                                                   Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


What is your philosophy?

JANU: The interesting opportunity in exploring other worlds is growing understanding that they represent the Nature of Life, that seemingly invisible element of reality. Hard to describe but by exploring, understanding, and touching the creations of life, experience deepens to realize that all of this is life, not separate in any way. This is true for Earth as well, but exploring other worlds broadens the understanding and the appreciation of the diversity of life and how the systems of life support each other, create each other, and the people and beings who live it.

So, while exploring other worlds, put it in the perspective of Life itself. And what can you conceive of that is not life? All that is, all that will be, all that has been. Nothing lost, nothing forgotten. There are worlds emerging in consciousness discovering this, making it part of their philosophy of life. A valid question for each one: what is your philosophy of life and is it growing? Is it proving itself and your understanding of your own nature? Always question and wonder and open to a larger truth, which always includes more plus what has been gained. Namaste.
May 4, 2023                                         Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Observing the Earth

JANU:  The other world we observe at this time is none other than the Earth. What we see here is the complexity of the diversities of life, finding their footholds in what seems to be uncontrolled chaos, cross-purposes, a huge range of conflicts and cooperations. The journey of life for this world came from mostly potential but the influences of other existences is sprinkled throughout. But still left with the challenges, and opportunities to make use of these and evolve is still in play.

When studying the potentials and manifestations of other worlds, the journey of Earth has its own footprint in Life, but is still connected, not just in physical patterns—life patterns—but in consciousness and the creative forces that enrich manifestation. The challenges of the moment come and go but the seeds spring forth as a result to sprout and grow. That potential is an evolving reality for what therefore manifests from this is influenced by so much.

The cycles of evolution, evolution in consciousness, experience and wisdom have so many eddies and currents as to be confusing but clarity grows through experience. And Earth’s commitment to survive, discover, understand, and contribute will see it through. The suffering along the way has its pearls as well. Rich with motivation to overcome and enjoy the rewards. The lessons to be learned have benefits far-ranging, even beyond the human journey.

Open the eyes to what is to come. Have the courage to meet it. Humanity is never alone. It is part of a larger family. Namaste.
May 20, 2023                                                        Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Solar One speaks 

JANU: As you well know and imagine, there are limitless opportunities for this kind of journey, the nature of which is so rich with life experience that one can gain universal perspective through its diversity. We would conclude from this that the life you experience at this time must, by this understanding, be included. So, networking with other worlds means that not only are you journeying in understanding into their reality, but they are journeying into yours as well. For networking means mutual communication and benefit.

Now, with that understanding, let us proceed this morning into a realm not understood or aware of by those in your reality, meaning the Earth experience, that finds its domain of influence in and around your sun, your solar body. Now then, the immediate rejections of this are that this reality cannot support life. It is too hot, too volatile, too much radiation, nuclear and otherwise. All these objections are true from a limited perspective. When we suggest that life is everywhere, it is not an ambiguous statement. Your solar body is life and life that has consciousness, meaning, purpose, service, connectedness, ongoingness, and evolution. Your solar body indeed does possess liaison opportunity and we are arranging such as we speak.

Leave behind, for the moment, that the physical solar body is its only reality. Allow your consciousness to engage the solar body harmoniously. That is correct. You are now beginning to appreciate, become aware of, its reality in consciousness and you can  observe that the physical intensity of its existence is a byproduct of its consciousness. Now then, at this point, we have established a communication opportunity with liaison representative aspect of this solar consciousness, to begin at this time.

JR:   Greetings, Solar Representative. May we initiate that which has been arranged into understanding.

SOLAR ONE:  Greetings, brother in the Light. And we speak of the light from our understanding of it, which is more inclusive of a larger reality than your use of the term. We are light more than your relationship and experience to our existence as your solar body. We are light as focus of coalescence of an intensity of single thought generated by life and brought to bear, so to speak, giving us beingness. Be aware that a solar body extends far past your dimensional experience of it and we maintain the structure continuously. When a solar body mutates, if you will, from what you are currently aware of, these are transitional experiences born of that creative genius of our original design. So, in a truer way, a sun does not die. The creative genius continues through a variety of experiences. We exist vibrant continuously. We are aware of and experience our energetic nature continuously. We never experience inert reality. What you call peace and stillness in your experience, we call symmetry, harmoniousness, balance, movement, expression, and fulfillment.

The worlds that exist, called planets in your tongue, are elements within the solar reality. They are nurtured by the nature of the relationship and are part of the solar body function. What they provide is opportunities for various functional continuations, monitoring or feedback of outcome caused by the solar body ongoingness and movement through changes in expression. We are aware of and in contact with all life on all planet realties in the solar body reality. There is a sphere-like aspect to the solar body that is somewhat larger than the furthest path of any world within it. It does have boundary and presence.

I am identified for you as Solar One. My reality of beingness is not any form you would recognize. But you can experience my beingness and we allow this through the courtesy of those who arrange such accommodation. Let us merge now, briefly and slightly for a beginning. You are now moving away from your human identity and position and we have engaged your true nature with mine. And you understand more than before. You are a solar body as well. Many orbs within your being of life, each with their destiny and purpose, yet one with that you are. I am that nature and move and have my being throughout the entire body of this system of life. I am you and you are me, as we are at this moment. And you understand that the physical sun is but a part, and that its light intensity is but a focused element of the solar body that includes the entire system of worlds.

Let us now drift to our former arrangement to return again at another time. Slowly now, and with deliberation.

I am Solar One once more, in previous or original configuration, announcing that we have successfully merged and shared a moment of truth. We welcome further opportunity to bring understanding of such things into your world.
December 14, 1998 A                                             Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Living life a day at a time

JANU:  What you ask for already exists. No need to re-create it, only to reaffirm. Being at peace is also allowing life to be, to grow and evolve. Take it as it comes and make the best of it. See its beauty, its simplicity, and its diversity. Choose these things. Be in motion and connected.

Accept the gifts of life. There are many. They are with you always. Many are ignored, misinterpreted, and misused. Taking life a day at a time has wisdom. Past and future are only elements of the Now, patterns. Namaste.
Apr. 23, 2023                                                          Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross