What is your philosophy?

JANU: The interesting opportunity in exploring other worlds is growing understanding that they represent the Nature of Life, that seemingly invisible element of reality. Hard to describe but by exploring, understanding, and touching the creations of life, experience deepens to realize that all of this is life, not separate in any way. This is true for Earth as well, but exploring other worlds broadens the understanding and the appreciation of the diversity of life and how the systems of life support each other, create each other, and the people and beings who live it.

So, while exploring other worlds, put it in the perspective of Life itself. And what can you conceive of that is not life? All that is, all that will be, all that has been. Nothing lost, nothing forgotten. There are worlds emerging in consciousness discovering this, making it part of their philosophy of life. A valid question for each one: what is your philosophy of life and is it growing? Is it proving itself and your understanding of your own nature? Always question and wonder and open to a larger truth, which always includes more plus what has been gained. Namaste.
May 4, 2023                                         Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross