Being all you have gained

JANU: Incurring responsibility takes many forms. Many forms are needed for the needs are diverse and many. Service to life takes many forms as well and many are needed. One not greater than another, but different enough to fulfill the most needs. Your confusion in this area is due to awakening to the different forms of service and ability to respond.

What we see in this is the power and effectiveness of being. Not just words and ideas but presence, qualities, potential. Consciousness and vitality, the presence of Life, go hand in hand. Holding the need of another into the Light, the Truth of Life, is a subtle doorway of Light to be shined upon the need of another. Their consciousness, their desire to know, to be and understand, is their key to unlock opportunity, insight, and potential.

Do not underestimate the universal continuous presence of Life and its vitality. Being this is significant, reinforcing, bringing into clearer consciousness what has been gained. Build the stronger foundation for that yet to be gained in beingness. Embrace this with clarity that grows. Not just an idea, you see, or philosophy, but an actual presence, a part of life and its universality, its oneness, its connectedness with everything. Reinforce this foundation with this in mind, of becoming more fulfilled and fulfilling. Namaste.
Oct. 26, 2023                                                                                               Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Life in motion

JANU:    Summarizing encounters, their progress towards conclusions as to the nature of significance and understanding, compounded by the seeming frailties of expressions of creation. Let us assume that there is an integrity of life that transcends fragility and confusions. So what does one hang their hat on, so to speak, to rely on, to fall back on, to start over from, and to build on? The nature of existence varies according to the existence, for how does one understand, relate to, and grasp life essence that has such potential. Other worlds and civilizations, other systems and subtler realities find the support they need to not only exist but continue.  Many search for cause for everything. The question being: What is the nature of every thing, every world, every reality?

Expressions of oneness exhibit infinite diversity. It appears to some that the Nature of Life and the creations are only connected beyond understanding. A limited point of view from a physical life. What we are suggesting here is the vision, a perception of the worlds being explored that what is sustained isn’t just the expression of creation but life in motion, no matter the form or the expression. Even understanding is not fixed, for Life is in motion and understanding must be as well.

So, when observing a society or a natural expression of life, think not in terms of only longevity and permanence and origination, but see Life itself in motion no matter the expression. For one’s consciousness to evolve, as well as understanding and wisdom and contribution to life, this perception we refer to contributes greatly to your own being in motion. So even sojourns that come and go are only the beginning and modifications of expressions of life in motion. Be not attached to these, or identified with them, but allow them their life and contribution. Ponder this. Namaste.
May 29, 2023                                                                Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Savoring the richness of life

JANU: Savoring the richness of life is a peaceful journey through its creations. Its diversity and its evolution are unlimited. Exploring other worlds is part of this, but not all of it. There are thoughts of cause, results, origins, purpose, reason, potential, timing, connectivity, relationships, timelessness, cycles, and pure being. These—and many more avenues of discovery, exploration, understanding—go hand in hand with exploring any part of life.

So whatever is explored, have a foundation of a larger reality of which the exploration is a part. Even perspective is evolving. The elements of life are evolving. The descriptors are evolving. Much to be learned from exploring worlds, for they reflect on your own and your journeys. A grand perspective to achieve is the reality that everything is connected in countless ways. And everyone, as well. Diversity and oneness coexisting in a symphony of Life and Light. Namaste.
May 27, 2023                                                   Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


The origins of mind

JANU: Exploring the options of discovery in the area of the origins of mind, we would pursue and prevail upon the many initiations of consciousness. The reality of being individual life has the reality preceding it. The term cloud of reality initiating consciousness comes to mind. This cloud transforms and is transformed into a coalescence of the reality of being as an individualized element of many for the purpose of exploration and experience of potential. So, you see, even potential was a creation. So mind became a natural manifestation of inquiry into the nature of potential, its manifestation, and its contextual experiences.

The reality of all of this is available for understanding and revisiting, for it is part of the ultimate nature of being. The sense of “you” in your inquiries is an evolving consciousness, born from the universal consciousness as it began to observe the nuances of potential, which are still evolving and will continue to do so as life explores Life.

These dynamics come to the fore the more potential is realized, for the discovery of what will be has a counterpart into the discovery of what has been. Both directions of discovery form the looping reality of life; past through present into future enriches everything and the circle grows. The incidentals of living and evolving reveal in the perception of the depth and breadth of being. Ultimately exposing the consciousness to the reality of being one with life, being one as life. Namaste.
Mar. 3, 2023                                                        Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross

Based on reading of The Textbook of Theosophy by C.W. Leadbeater.


Individuality and oneness  

JANU: The sense of individuality seems to give purpose to existence. The sense of individuality is part of the incarnate experience due to the veil. The reason for this is focus and the evolution of life itself. The individual, so to speak, is motivated as the driving force for evolving. The True Nature and the monad are the evolving life principle throughout the creations occurring in the realms. The sense of individuality is a healthy vehicle to experience evolution.

The isolation of the veil allows for the assignment of failure and frustration as to the nature and actuality of these outcomes. But this is a limited perception. Allowing reality to unfold in a peaceful but committed manner allows for continuation.

See identity, then, as not so much a separation from the rest of life but as an expression of the Larger Life, the source of being. Namaste.
Mar. 5, 2023                                                          Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross

Based on reading of A Textbook of Theosophy by C. W. Leadbeater.


Identity of mind to universal oneness

JANU:     Mind is a term for ‘collector of life impressions’ but is limited to the incarnate experience and sensory input. Let us explore a concept of that reality with new meaning, larger meaning.

Consciousness is a state of being, of perceiving. But what is conscious? The term ‘mind’ does not embrace this. It’s an incarnate expression and perception, concept. What is conscious is ‘true nature’ and functions differently than incarnate mind. This is consciousness, this ‘true nature’ is more in the direction of oneness, the intimacy of oneness that leaves ego separation, any sense of borders or limits, to the incarnate perception. The True Nature is a more universal reality than the word ‘mind’ can embrace. Pure being is pure oneness. It becomes the reality experienced, perceived, understood in the sense that it is its oneness of being.

Higher and lower mind, so to speak, do not embrace this reality. They are a result of it, with a purpose of exploring an experiencing a part of life. Individuality as such does not apply to universality. But universality is. Putting your attention upon this connects you to it, liberating your identity from limitation into the connection of oneness and unlimited intimacy.

We will explore this further, as needed. Enjoy the beginning. Namaste.
Feb. 25, 2023                                                       Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross

This journey follows directly upon the previous one.

Higher and lower mind comes from the writing of C.W. Leadbeater in A Textbook of Theosophy. 


Shedding light on the nature of mind

JANU:   Assuming an assembly, the criteria for the rite of understanding, let us begin by saying: the discourse* is a reflection of another’s experience in understanding. Perspectives on the truth of this vary.

In our case, for instance, we are awakening to the larger truth of being through the formlessness of light and the love of life. True experience in this direction encompasses, embodies much more. The discourse in the literature can be a small trigger or catalyst to a fuller truth. Experiencing this is a diverse reality occurring in stages, the elements of which occur spontaneously due to life experiences and processes. The answer to your query is “Yes” but a qualified one.

These discourses tend to tie things together with a ribbon that cements the discourse as a complete understanding. It is not, but it has value for it stimulates inquiry. Higher and lower mind is a misrepresentation or, should we say, a limited one of the reality of oneness, of union, of the reality of awakening. In a larger perspective, the entire being is awakening, for the entire being is one but is also many elements of reality. Registering these insights has reference and opportunity.

Continue as we have. Read as you will. Return for clarification, illumination, insight, and application. Namaste.
Feb. 24, 2023                                                       Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross

*The ‘discourses’ under discussion come from C.W. Leadbeater’s book A Textbook of Theosophy


Understanding the Larger Life

JANU:    Living in the moment  is a prerequisite for manifesting the determination to awaken to the Larger Life, for that is the central reality to the journey of life. Past and future are the radiations of the moment. The reality of time tends to encourage past and future and present as unique realities. They are, within their domain, but there is more to this. These are elements of a larger oneness where reality is a more profound understanding.

Cycles of life relate to these. ‘Life’ is a limited expression.*  The word contains perceptions of beginnings and ends. It describes the cycles. Identifying with any of these is limitation, which is useful for exploration of these, but a limitation with a purpose. To be conscious in this larger way removes what might be called borders that describe ‘this and not that.’ Identifying with these is a limitation. But the perception of the elements of these brings wisdom through experience and enriches Life and fulfills it. Wisdom brings peace through balance and harmony to diversity. Let us enrich each other through this process, and this unites us in our perceptions. Patience is a powerful tool to explore all of this. Namaste.
Jan. 18, 2023                                                      Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross

 *This concept was introduced in “Understanding the True Nature and the Incarnate Life.”


Life owns you and you own life

JANU:    Life is a jewel with many facets, each of which is unique yet together they are one, rich in their contribution to life and each other. Live life as a jewel, a facet that enriches life and inspires where it may. Each facet is an evolving jewel, constantly changing and in motion, drawing essence and vitality from the richness of life. Not in competition for anything, but filled with evolving opportunities from the same source.

There is Larger Life that includes this larger life. Open the mind to consider reality larger than time and physicality. All that you are evolving, in motion, yet peaceful. In this stillness, find understanding, experience, and wisdom. Life owns you and you own life. Find freedom in the oneness. Namaste.
Dec. 20, 2022                                              Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Living in the Now – 3

JANU:   Being in the Now consciously is powerful, for it combines the illusions of separateness into one all-inclusive reality revealing the connection of everything, the presence of everything, of all perceptions, all desires, and all potential. Opening the consciousness to The NOW  is a reality larger than individual identity, of any sense of separation, isolation.

Creativity is thwarted by isolation. Individual identity continues this. An alternative to individualization is the freedom of oneness. Nothing to prove, justify, regret, or make claim to. ‘Isness’ is peaceful and has its own pattern. Engage life more fully in the Now. Namaste.
Nov. 25, 2022                                                                  Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross