Allow the Larger Life to reveal itself

JANU:   Exploring the coexistence of realities is similar to the reality of attuning the consciousness and the experience to a larger relationship with life. The perception that a reality, a dimension, is some distant thing perpetuates the perception of separation, of isolation from coexisting realities. These journeys are movement in the direction of conscious union with all of life, but some limitations remain in the longstanding perception of separation.

Allow, then, a reality to reveal itself to you. It’s in its nature to do so, but perceptions long held can block this, you see. Allow yourself to be conscious as all that you are. Not just human ego, personality, but including that as well. Conscious union is more than just the expansion of individuality, but becoming conscious as more and more of life.

Now the human consciousness can move in this direction, but it is a process, while conscious as a human, of adjustment. Getting used to, being comfortable with, feeling natural as the awakening proceeds. Not to shock the consciousness into awakening, but to merge in a healthy manner with more and more. The ‘we’ we speak of is all that you are, and as one becomes consciously united with the Larger Life, the ‘we’ expands to mean all beings.

Individuality coexists with union. The rest of life mutually enriching, surviving and thriving as a diversity of expression. Your so-called neighbor in a physical dimension you coexist with more apparent as the veil diminishes. No longer the need for privacy, for what is there to protect from? The more one becomes aware of reality, the more the reality of integrity becomes identified with, and the integrity of others as well.  This is true coexistence, and so it is with dimensions and other reality.

You speak of exploration. Life is unlimited exploration and is growing. Allow the truth of these perceptions to reveal themselves in their own way. Be more alive than you imagine. Namaste.

Nov. 8, 2023                                                         Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


The freedom of universal consciousness

JANU: The formation of other worlds is of interest to those who attempt to grasp the workings of manifest life. The universe is part of this, but the history of understanding and that to be understood complies with the evolution of consciousness, the evolution of being, the evolution of creating. The study of these worlds brings this to the fore. For as one engages in consciousness the realities of a world, these understandings become attractive to the curious, the open-minded, and those who embrace and love life.

The formation of planets and suns and systems is becoming understood more and more, but what about the creation of species, cultures, sciences, arts, survival, and the evolution of species? The bigger picture, as it is embraced, brings a growing sense of connection to everything. ‘Here’ and ‘there’ become faint perceptions, for as consciousnesses embrace life, the consciousness is everywhere at once. All fear disappears. The eternity of being is added to this larger identity. This takes nothing from individuality experience and personal identity, for these are part of the journey of life and its enrichment.

Linger, from time to time, in this freedom of being and find peace, harmony, and well-being. Namaste.
May 15, 2023                                                                  Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Individuality and oneness  

JANU: The sense of individuality seems to give purpose to existence. The sense of individuality is part of the incarnate experience due to the veil. The reason for this is focus and the evolution of life itself. The individual, so to speak, is motivated as the driving force for evolving. The True Nature and the monad are the evolving life principle throughout the creations occurring in the realms. The sense of individuality is a healthy vehicle to experience evolution.

The isolation of the veil allows for the assignment of failure and frustration as to the nature and actuality of these outcomes. But this is a limited perception. Allowing reality to unfold in a peaceful but committed manner allows for continuation.

See identity, then, as not so much a separation from the rest of life but as an expression of the Larger Life, the source of being. Namaste.
Mar. 5, 2023                                                          Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross

Based on reading of A Textbook of Theosophy by C. W. Leadbeater.


Identity of mind to universal oneness

JANU:     Mind is a term for ‘collector of life impressions’ but is limited to the incarnate experience and sensory input. Let us explore a concept of that reality with new meaning, larger meaning.

Consciousness is a state of being, of perceiving. But what is conscious? The term ‘mind’ does not embrace this. It’s an incarnate expression and perception, concept. What is conscious is ‘true nature’ and functions differently than incarnate mind. This is consciousness, this ‘true nature’ is more in the direction of oneness, the intimacy of oneness that leaves ego separation, any sense of borders or limits, to the incarnate perception. The True Nature is a more universal reality than the word ‘mind’ can embrace. Pure being is pure oneness. It becomes the reality experienced, perceived, understood in the sense that it is its oneness of being.

Higher and lower mind, so to speak, do not embrace this reality. They are a result of it, with a purpose of exploring an experiencing a part of life. Individuality as such does not apply to universality. But universality is. Putting your attention upon this connects you to it, liberating your identity from limitation into the connection of oneness and unlimited intimacy.

We will explore this further, as needed. Enjoy the beginning. Namaste.
Feb. 25, 2023                                                       Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross

This journey follows directly upon the previous one.

Higher and lower mind comes from the writing of C.W. Leadbeater in A Textbook of Theosophy. 


Balance of conscious of & conscious as

JANU:    Understanding through experience brings wisdom. The journey in your world brings about such changes. The incarnate life is to be experienced as it is to be understood. The wisdom gained broadens the embrace of life in such a way as to inspire it. The elements of wisdom gained elevate the base of understanding, enriching the path of awakening and enlightenment.

All of life draws upon this and is enriched, not just individuals but the framework of existence. All enlightenment is embraced by life. The power of peace is deepened. Understanding through experience awakens perception into reality and this, in turn, awakens the consciousness to an appreciation of all life and all it can be. Being conscious beyond the limits of individuality of the finite being, any reality in that is an instrument to explore life, to touch as much of it as possible.

So touch everything available in an enlightened way. It does not mean succumbing to anything detrimental but finding a balance between conscious of and conscious as.  There is vitality in this. The spark of life is a direct experience of awakening. Namaste.
Jan. 24, 2023                                                                                                 Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


The nature of coexistence

JANU:    Coexistence,  then, the theme of your inquiry, is a subject that is transcended beyond the perceptions of individuality or borders or limitations, yet includes all of these in a symphony of life which, in its way, coexists with realities beyond framework. To be conscious in this way is possible in short glimpses as to the nature of existence. The infinite diversity of life expression is one in the sense of the source of existence, which is not contained in any framework of perception. Coexistence is understood by the reality of consciousness that can exhibit and contain, in a sense, collective reality as a unity of the diversity of life.

So let us proceed with a glimpse of this. Your True Nature has explored this understanding and experience and shares this. In the direction of pure being, to be at-one-with the diversity of Life and its eternal nature in the sense of without beginning or end. It is Pure Being, beyond any limitation or perception of not being. Time is an expression of limited perception, with the purpose of enriching life with a frame of reference for the unfoldment of evolution.

An expression worthy of exploration is: What is essential nature that is not separate from any expression, any reality? One can almost sense the vibrational reality as a tone. It has a ring to it of being life in motion, beyond perception. The source of manifestation in every dimensional reality, beyond any judgement, beyond merit.

This is but a glimpse to remember. Namaste.
Jan. 19, 2023                                                     Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross

 Another series on the realities of coexistence can be found, more recently, at ” Coexistence and the veil and preceding three journeys.


More on the Orders of Life

JANU:    Absorbing culture as pertains to the Family of Life presupposes affinity to the Orders of Life that they become entrenched, so to speak, into the patterns of True Peace within the being. Let us assume, then, that these Orders of Life are present, viable, and natural to the flow of life. What we become, here, is an element of something larger than individuality, a contribution to a reality that is life-giving and life-serving. Being in the Now, in the present, is timeless and is synonymous with the flow of life. All is one. Namaste.
June 8, 2021 B                                             Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


A larger reality than individualism

JANU:    Begin, then, to assimilate peace and listening more deeply into these journeys. The depth and texture of love has many faces. Loving oneself into awakening establishes a foothold into the larger reality of life.

‘We are one’ has a larger reality than individualism. Loving oneself is preparation for enlightened expression, embracing the reality of connection. ‘We are one’ includes others as well, whether incarnate or not. Allow the many forms of love to flourish throughout your being—our being. Serve others by example. Namaste.
June 1, 2021 B                                                 Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Ripples and connectedness 

JANU: Enriched is a term used when describing the elements of life, the journeys of many, the comings and goings of stellar reality. A grand journey in consciousness is to be aware of the contribution in evolution of all of these elements of life to every portion of life. Individuality identity can isolate one from this reality, but the True Nature consciousness is privy to this. The journey of awakening is grand indeed.

It is possible to feel the connection, individually, to all of life yet maintain integrity, continuity of existence, and enrich life at the same time. Every contribution has a ripple effect, so to speak, and these ripples extend more than one might imagine. So ponder, from time to time, the ripples of one’s contribution. They are observable when attuned to. This helps appreciate the reality of connectedness. Namaste.
Jan. 13, 2021                                                                        Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Individuality and coexistence

JANU: Talk of super powers makes one wonder what to believe in, what is possible, what is only fantasy.   Conscious union is a super power, but only in the sense that the veil has hidden this from most people. Times have changed. Awakening is occurring, not as a function of time but as the evolution of consciousness.

One may ask, “What is the benefit of the veil experience? Why would one agree to it?” The answer lies in the larger life of the individual. Another blessing of awakening is revelation. The veil is an opportunity to explore intimately incarnate life, which is a life expression, without distraction. Identifying as such brings intimacy of experience, which is recorded in the larger Nature and so enriches the larger consciousness.

This does not mean one is isolated completely from the Divine Self, the True Nature. Urgings, inspirations, subtle guidance still occur, even with the veil. There even occurs a time when one is called home, so to speak, sometimes leaving incarnate life, and others awakening while incarnate. There is wisdom to revelation and what is revealed and when, for this is not the first experience of the True Nature, of the total being.

A growing respect and confidence in the incredible wisdom in all of life. Individuality, being alone to any degree in the journey of life, is a very limited point of view. Individuality is only part of reality but it has a purpose. It fosters a sense of individual responsibility, dedication, commitment, honor, integrity. But with this collaboration, cooperation, came partnership, community, as the depth of the integrity of individuality.

Can you not see the wisdom in this? It speaks of wholeness, balance, the strength of diversity. Individuality is real but exists within a much larger reality, all coexisting and mutually beneficial. Together we are strong, in a larger way. Namaste.
Oct. 2, 2019                                                                                                   Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross