Balance of conscious of & conscious as

JANU:    Understanding through experience brings wisdom. The journey in your world brings about such changes. The incarnate life is to be experienced as it is to be understood. The wisdom gained broadens the embrace of life in such a way as to inspire it. The elements of wisdom gained elevate the base of understanding, enriching the path of awakening and enlightenment.

All of life draws upon this and is enriched, not just individuals but the framework of existence. All enlightenment is embraced by life. The power of peace is deepened. Understanding through experience awakens perception into reality and this, in turn, awakens the consciousness to an appreciation of all life and all it can be. Being conscious beyond the limits of individuality of the finite being, any reality in that is an instrument to explore life, to touch as much of it as possible.

So touch everything available in an enlightened way. It does not mean succumbing to anything detrimental but finding a balance between conscious of and conscious as.  There is vitality in this. The spark of life is a direct experience of awakening. Namaste.
Jan. 24, 2023                                                                                                 Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross