Worthy of the love Life has for you

JANU: At the moment unencumbered by the protocols of incarnation, let us embrace our freedom to be all that we are, all that we can be. Such is the atmosphere potential for others as well. Humans have accomplished much in their current state of consciousness. In this testimony, definitions of success in each one’s consciousness are the similarities and differences.

What is success, then, in the life but the continuation, the rich opportunities being engaged, new ideas forming, new experimentation and its successes and failures, embrace of challenges that enhance the platform of life to take on new ones, to evolve. The evolution of life, the universal standard, involves a failure, so to speak, that is understood, a portion of success. It is feedback in the adventure of living on the journey of success. That’s what understanding accomplishes. A challenge that repeats has its positivity as well in the form of unfinished business or its messages find another path or doorway to new understanding.

That experimentation is a worthy freedom. Life fundamentally survives, one way or another. Moments of joy, peace of mind, enrichment are elements of success. Refinements physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually sweeten life. Defeatism contradicts and will eventually close doors of opportunity but does not end them. The more life self-perpetuates, be a partner with life. Choose to grow, endure, understand, gain wisdom, apply opportunities, and share in harmony with the natures of others.

Patience, endurance, and a loving perspective are powerful. Know that, fundamentally, you are worthy of these things, capable of them, and supported in them. Be true to your own nature and the love that life has for you. Live this life to help pave the way for others. Namaste.
Jan. 26, 2024                                                                   Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross