Allow the Larger Life to reveal itself

JANU:   Exploring the coexistence of realities is similar to the reality of attuning the consciousness and the experience to a larger relationship with life. The perception that a reality, a dimension, is some distant thing perpetuates the perception of separation, of isolation from coexisting realities. These journeys are movement in the direction of conscious union with all of life, but some limitations remain in the longstanding perception of separation.

Allow, then, a reality to reveal itself to you. It’s in its nature to do so, but perceptions long held can block this, you see. Allow yourself to be conscious as all that you are. Not just human ego, personality, but including that as well. Conscious union is more than just the expansion of individuality, but becoming conscious as more and more of life.

Now the human consciousness can move in this direction, but it is a process, while conscious as a human, of adjustment. Getting used to, being comfortable with, feeling natural as the awakening proceeds. Not to shock the consciousness into awakening, but to merge in a healthy manner with more and more. The ‘we’ we speak of is all that you are, and as one becomes consciously united with the Larger Life, the ‘we’ expands to mean all beings.

Individuality coexists with union. The rest of life mutually enriching, surviving and thriving as a diversity of expression. Your so-called neighbor in a physical dimension you coexist with more apparent as the veil diminishes. No longer the need for privacy, for what is there to protect from? The more one becomes aware of reality, the more the reality of integrity becomes identified with, and the integrity of others as well.  This is true coexistence, and so it is with dimensions and other reality.

You speak of exploration. Life is unlimited exploration and is growing. Allow the truth of these perceptions to reveal themselves in their own way. Be more alive than you imagine. Namaste.

Nov. 8, 2023                                                         Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross