Ripples and connectedness 

JANU: Enriched is a term used when describing the elements of life, the journeys of many, the comings and goings of stellar reality. A grand journey in consciousness is to be aware of the contribution in evolution of all of these elements of life to every portion of life. Individuality identity can isolate one from this reality, but the True Nature consciousness is privy to this. The journey of awakening is grand indeed.

It is possible to feel the connection, individually, to all of life yet maintain integrity, continuity of existence, and enrich life at the same time. Every contribution has a ripple effect, so to speak, and these ripples extend more than one might imagine. So ponder, from time to time, the ripples of one’s contribution. They are observable when attuned to. This helps appreciate the reality of connectedness. Namaste.
Jan. 13, 2021                                                                        Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross