The freedom of universal consciousness

JANU: The formation of other worlds is of interest to those who attempt to grasp the workings of manifest life. The universe is part of this, but the history of understanding and that to be understood complies with the evolution of consciousness, the evolution of being, the evolution of creating. The study of these worlds brings this to the fore. For as one engages in consciousness the realities of a world, these understandings become attractive to the curious, the open-minded, and those who embrace and love life.

The formation of planets and suns and systems is becoming understood more and more, but what about the creation of species, cultures, sciences, arts, survival, and the evolution of species? The bigger picture, as it is embraced, brings a growing sense of connection to everything. ‘Here’ and ‘there’ become faint perceptions, for as consciousnesses embrace life, the consciousness is everywhere at once. All fear disappears. The eternity of being is added to this larger identity. This takes nothing from individuality experience and personal identity, for these are part of the journey of life and its enrichment.

Linger, from time to time, in this freedom of being and find peace, harmony, and well-being. Namaste.
May 15, 2023                                                                  Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross