Savoring the richness of life

JANU: Savoring the richness of life is a peaceful journey through its creations. Its diversity and its evolution are unlimited. Exploring other worlds is part of this, but not all of it. There are thoughts of cause, results, origins, purpose, reason, potential, timing, connectivity, relationships, timelessness, cycles, and pure being. These—and many more avenues of discovery, exploration, understanding—go hand in hand with exploring any part of life.

So whatever is explored, have a foundation of a larger reality of which the exploration is a part. Even perspective is evolving. The elements of life are evolving. The descriptors are evolving. Much to be learned from exploring worlds, for they reflect on your own and your journeys. A grand perspective to achieve is the reality that everything is connected in countless ways. And everyone, as well. Diversity and oneness coexisting in a symphony of Life and Light. Namaste.
May 27, 2023                                                   Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross