Being at peace is liberating

JANU:   We are pleased once more to bring to the fore that which presents itself as Life, the source of being, the force of creation and evolution. Let it be announced that there comes with this an implied and suggested and encouraged obligation to embrace your own Nature, which is at one with Life. Resisting this opportunity only leads to a delay but, in the larger reality of Life, time is a perception, Life omnipresent, ongoing, eternal.

Endure, if you must, your choices in life. Learn from them. Become wiser. See them as opportunities to become more conscious. Grow in your love and respect for your own Nature. Rewards are countless. The opportunities are to marvel at. You are the road sign to all the paths in life from which to choose. Grow in your perception of these opportunities. Experience the life that you are.

In many ways, others mirror you but unique in their way of interpretation of choices, for it takes all of life to understand all of life and the changes to come. Can you not see that all of life is connected, no matter the diversity or uniqueness? Everyone is your partner, in some way, and that relationship changes as you both evolve and the opportunities are presented to awaken.

Being at peace removes preconceptions, limited biases, misinterpretations, and delays you have chosen. Be at peace, which is a powerful and liberating state of consciousness and being. Namaste.
Sept. 30, 2023                                                                      Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross