The joy of awakening

JANU:   Established as one, we begin again this dialogue of light. Establishing, then, once more the momentum of being. Reaching, then, into the vastness of the Truth of Life, some call the Light, we choose to see and understand what is.

Let us begin, then, by announcing the forthcoming of a degree of enlightenment, a threshold to be achieved by humanity through self-determination and their own True Nature. The future is not doom and gloom. It is awakening to the full potential of life, individual being, and an enriched and awakening society. Preparing, then, for productive and meaningful connection and exchange with the Larger Life that already exists.

Let us proceed, then, through the discourses to come with an open mind and open heart and a desire to awaken. There is so much more to be experienced and service to be rendered through direct knowing and co-creating. We see at this time momentum building in this direction. There is no culmination or end to this awakening, this movement of life, for all of life is in motion, changing and evolving and creating.

We anticipate and look forward to the joy of becoming, for everyone. Solutions to challenges, the meaning of everything, realization of potential, and the joy of being coexist with your current level of awareness. Ideals and heart’s desire. We begin again, bidding namaste.
Sept. 25, 2023                                                         Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross