Self-governing—collective social gov’t

JANU: Self-governing for a society entails a measure of awakening through conscious union. It can begin with a desire to find common ground with others. What do you have in common as a foundation for mutual benefit? Reaching into the vast possibilities, embrace a model that evolves, changes, grows, realizing a greater and greater potential. What relationships and structures can benefit everyone, appropriate to each one’s potential? Discovering the reality of mutual connection, perceiving with a perspective of understanding coexistence of individuality and common good or benefit.

The imposition of laws and regulations imposed by a few does not carry the insight of collective consciousness, integration, and the wisdom each one possesses from within. In a world of many creatures, “nature” if you will, the benefit in productive consciousness effects all nature, for it is all connected. Even the behaviors of creatures of the world will evolve. Humanity will come to realize these many levels of contribution to the rest of nature. The direction this takes is a choice. Humanity unawakened does not realize it is not alone in this. All of life is in motion, attempting to realize its potential and evolve into new possibilities, new achievements which set the foundation for even more.

Self-governing is much more than current politics and legalities. Everyone is involved, learning, growing, understanding, and awakening to a larger life. By any comparison, many are still in slumber. The veil is not fixed or permanent. It is temporary. Self-determination and awakening move beyond any limitation, based in a growing wisdom as to the nature of Life. Each one has a legacy of insightful wisdom, of experience, memories. This of course takes initiative, assumption of responsibility, standing in your truth, and exploring it. This is government by the people who have common ground in their True Natures. Namaste.
Oct. 12, 2023                                               Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross