The Art of Oneness—a beginning grasp

JANU:   There is an art to oneness, the reality of it, the achievement of it, the implementation of it. Oneness comes under the category of harmonious peace and intimacy of relationship, an identity that includes the identity of others and the rest of life. How then does one select this sort of relationship with life, appropriate to the moment? Oneness already exists throughout life, but a conscious relationship with it, depending upon the consciousness, is selective through degrees of confidence one has in their own being, the openness of mind, the peace in one’s own consciousness and existence, and maturity in understanding life.

Now, curiosity is not the theme here, but an acceptance of the responsibility that comes with knowledge and experience and a respect for the integrity of the rest of life’s expression and realities. The primary reason for gaining understanding of more of life is to enhance one’s service to it, that that life benefit on its path of discovery, evolution, and potential. So, when one ponders oneness with anyone or anything or any reality, these qualities must be present.

One would do well to ask the question: Why does one seek oneness with anything or anyone and what does that mean? When asking from the point of view of individualization, it is difficult to perceive a larger view of the reality considered. So, as oneness is applied to the life experience and capability, one moves to that degree from just individual consciousness, single identity, to cosmic consciousness, a larger identity more at peace with all of life and more involved. So oneness, then, our brother, is intimacy, involvement, and harmonious peace with life, with respect for integrity and the life that it is.

The Art of Oneness is the art of harmonious at-one-ment with. Another process of life of return to what we all are. Namaste.

May 21, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross