The axis of life

JANU: This evening we attune to that which pretends to be the savior of humanity. This pretender is a dark horse entry into the flow of life and draws its vitality, its life, from the energy of those who believe this interloper. This one takes from those who do violence, cheat their neighbor, misrepresent the truth of life to foment confusion and despair. When people live in fear, which is the foundation for anger and hate and mayhem, they are vulnerable to this vampire-like activity, claiming not their True Power but the apparent power of mayhem.

The true savior of humanity is the human consciousness that chooses freedom: freedom to love and be loved, freedom to honor their existence, and to dream with others for a richer life of freedom. It is within humanity’s consciousness to know the difference from the false savior to the one who lives within them and has always been there. Awakening gives individuals confidence to choose in this direction, for awakening reveals the larger Truth of Life that collective humanity has such power already to be the Light Beings they are. And the interlopers fade away, for they are not in harmony with True Power and have their own distorted agenda of purpose and meaning. It has always been the right time for awakening.

Life turns on its axis; its motion is repetitive and unique, at the same time. Your solar system’s bodies spin on their axes as well, yet ever-changing and evolving. Become well aware of the axis that your life and your consciousness and your dreams revolve on. It is possible to move in consciousness from one world to another and another, on the life reality and vitality of the axis of Life, the core of each reality.

June 17, 2014                                                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross