Examples of loving life and changing the world

JANU:As you enjoy a beautiful and peaceful day, we also have our comparable realities. When we observe in humanity a moment of peace and beauty and the love of giving, in anyone’s day if you will, we enjoy it as well. We would have you know that the mayhem you see in your world, and its intensity, is an indicator of the times to come, for eventually more and more of humanity will choose the alternative, finding they can no longer be happy with such a life. We choose to encourage humanity to realize it has everything it needs to choose the alternative and create it. Humanity has profound power to manifest its choices. Mayhem is a choice, our brother, and so are peace, joy, the love of giving, and the love of life.

Nature everywhere, all creatures, can sense and respond to this kind of consciousness. But not all creatures, and not all nature, have experienced kindness from humanity, but nature welcomes it. You have experienced sending love to a fish in an aquarium and have seen it approach in response. You have seen birds flock in a tree next to you when your consciousness was loving the morning. This is part of what we mean by ‘loving life’ genuinely, without agenda. Words are not needed, but loving energy is. This works with people as well, whether you know them or not.

Practice loving life as a viable and real way of living. The beauty and magic of this, our brother, will change the world. It is a powerful way to live, in harmony with life, and in harmony with who you are. The possibilities are unlimited and have always been available. Namaste, our brother.

June 20, 2014 B                                                                  Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross