Experiencing love beyond words

JANU:   We are answering your request to experience love beyond words. Let go of social consciousness as to its perception of love for what you seek is beyond this. There is a reality that transcends the incarnate but coexists with it. Its nature is to support creation on all levels. It is part of Life’s design for ongoingness and realization of potential in the life and lives of each one. It supports being. It is part of Life’s nature. No condemnation or judgement. It is in harmony with the nature of everything. Listen. Feel its presence. Hear its song. Allow it in your consciousness. It is part of everything.

Love life, whatever the form or circumstance. Love it in yourself. Allow its presence to be known to you and to be experienced.
July 20, 2022B                                                        Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Experiencing universal love

JANU:  We are encouraged by the medium of choice here, that being ‘love.’ A worthy focus for exploration and achievement. Why not progress the understanding and experience of this? For it is at the root of everything. And, if so, its reach into the Truth of Life is unlimited. A reality not limited to definition, or any one perception or reality or desire. It belongs to, so to speak, the True Nature of Life itself. And it is not an ‘it’ but a presence.

So let our journey be one of awakening to that particular nature of life that connects us all. As you contemplate any experience or manifestation or reality, allow the experience and the understanding of the love that is the nature of it. The universe seems vast, physically. Love is vaster, our brother. Allow its reality to permeate your awareness and any other person. What greater peace would you find than the loving nature of everything, everyone, every reality?

Being at peace is being one with Love. There are no secrets, our brother. Loving something into your life is powerful beyond words. Be at peace. Namaste.
Jan. 17, 2017                                                 Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross


Loving humanity unconditionally

JANU: You have asked to understand and experience the nature of the love that exists for humanity, no matter how outrageous or brutal some can be. It is the kind of consciousness that can forgive and love oneself deeply. As a shared experience with others, the love that forgives without condemnation or recrimination. The love that sees potential and nurtures it. The love that understands and touches the deepest part of a person’s true nature. The love that understands oneness profoundly. The love that does not perceive right or wrong and is always at peace with the journey of life.

There is plenty of brutality in the world, meanness, manipulation of others, cruelty. Practice manifesting this love, exploring its potential, not to agree with or disagree with behavior, but to see beyond that and all that is involved. Practice these things, our brother, not in theory but in life. Namaste.

July 28, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The act of love

JANU: We are Janu speaking, to explore the meaning of love, its purpose, and its expression. What we see here at first is the coalescing factor of love, uniting life and its expressions, its creations, into composites, forms, beings, worlds, and universes. It is possible to look at a single fish in the sea with awakened eyes and see love all around it and through it. It is conscious of this and has a natural urge to relate to others in a loving way, combining lives, stronger to overcome the challenges of living. Portions of humanity see this and live this way. Others do not.
Would that people could see one another as an opportunity through love to be stronger and more complete, more creative, more insightful, and mutually beneficial. It would change the face of the Earth in terms of human consciousness and society. Love serves the expansion of life, ever growing richer with endless possibilities. Even Life itself, our brother, is not aware of all it can be. We are not speaking of life here as a thing, an object, but as a reality with vitality and presence and Pure Being.
When a planet coalesces from the debris of creation, it isn’t just gravity that brings these together. It is the love of Life, creating platforms of life to expand and enrich in countless ways. Science has done well to understand the mechanics of life, but how life functions through love is still a mystery.
Most of humanity sees love as a thing of passion and emotion, procreation. It is these, but so much more. Exploration of life with new understanding and experience is an expression of love. Discovering the needs of another, and their reasons for these, the desire to be of assistance is an act of love. Taking good care of your physical body is an act of love. Incarnating, fulfilling potential in the life is an act of love. Helping another fulfill their dreams is an act of love. Taking care of the Earth is an act of love. And even taking another breath to continue the life is an act of love. Standing in harm’s way to save the life of another is a grand act of love.
Acts of love are all around you and bring purpose and meaning to life and to love. Have a loving day, our brother, and namaste.
July 1, 2014 Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Examples of loving life and changing the world

JANU:As you enjoy a beautiful and peaceful day, we also have our comparable realities. When we observe in humanity a moment of peace and beauty and the love of giving, in anyone’s day if you will, we enjoy it as well. We would have you know that the mayhem you see in your world, and its intensity, is an indicator of the times to come, for eventually more and more of humanity will choose the alternative, finding they can no longer be happy with such a life. We choose to encourage humanity to realize it has everything it needs to choose the alternative and create it. Humanity has profound power to manifest its choices. Mayhem is a choice, our brother, and so are peace, joy, the love of giving, and the love of life.

Nature everywhere, all creatures, can sense and respond to this kind of consciousness. But not all creatures, and not all nature, have experienced kindness from humanity, but nature welcomes it. You have experienced sending love to a fish in an aquarium and have seen it approach in response. You have seen birds flock in a tree next to you when your consciousness was loving the morning. This is part of what we mean by ‘loving life’ genuinely, without agenda. Words are not needed, but loving energy is. This works with people as well, whether you know them or not.

Practice loving life as a viable and real way of living. The beauty and magic of this, our brother, will change the world. It is a powerful way to live, in harmony with life, and in harmony with who you are. The possibilities are unlimited and have always been available. Namaste, our brother.

June 20, 2014 B                                                                  Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

The Nature of Love: The Ways of Love

JANU:    The Nature of Love is a journey of longstanding, profound depth and unlimited potential. What is there to understand of love, other than it is the vehicle of life to exist, to be, to express, to embrace itself, to continue, and to become richer. Love is a reality that has so many attributes, characteristics, it is difficult to describe them. Here and there one appreciates the reality of love in a particular expression of life.

The path of discovery and growing into the meaning and purpose of love is a never-ending journey, but the entire journey is rich, our brother, and full of life. The meaning grows and deepens. And on this journey, one becomes conscious of oneness, connection with all that life is and can be. Even in deep despair and isolation, seeming separation from life, love is present. And yet one with your life continuing, to discover who you are, what you’re capable of, and why you exist.

The troubadour and his song are inspired by love and attempt to express it. The infant, newly born, is the embodiment of love, not only in its creation but in its love for the opportunity to be one with the parents and flower into this world. Everywhere that life issues forth, in new birth and in the transition of changing life, there is love. It never ceases, always in motion, and embraces you from within and without. It is interesting to observe love moving in waves through life, through populations, communities, families, surging and ebbing with conditions of consciousness.

Can an individual who lives alone be in love? They can and must be, our brother, for they are loved into life and, in return, are in love with life. A circle of being, one enhancing the other, as the Breath of Life moves across Creation. Life nurtures itself through love. The manifestations are beyond number. Find love in one way or another every day. Namaste.

May 1, 2014                                           Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The Nature of Love: the magic and elixir of life

JANU:             The nature of love is life itself. But more than that, it is many expressions. Even as life is a continuum of creation and return, of potential and realization, so is love.

Love binds life into this continuum we speak of. Love is the attraction of life to know itself, to serve itself, to realize its potential. It is like the magnetic field that draws everything to itself. It coalesces the elements of life, of creation, into form, opportunity, and relationship. For what is life to gain, without these relationships of interaction, of potential, of history, of memory? Love even brings us together, our brother, for these journeys. For without love, they would cease to be, for they would lose meaning and purpose and fulfillment.

Love attracts elements of life after their own nature or kind or patterns of existence, desires, and interests. Fundamentally, love exists everywhere but is activated, so to speak, by those consciousnesses that live in its embrace. Humanity is not the only player in this field. All of life is, in its own way, according to its patterns of existence, its beingness, its need to give and to receive.

Love realized brings joy, freedom, enrichment, and the encouragement to be all you can be. Love frees the heart from the restrictions of limitation and expands the heart and the mind into beauty, understanding, and serving life. Describing all that love is and can be is an endless journey, but one worth taking, our brother, for it is the magic of life, the elixir of birth, the adventure and the coming home, at the same time.

Jan. 12, 2014                                                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

All life is loved and IS love

JANU:  Loving, then, is the natural way of life, all of life. What do we mean by ‘loving,’ then? For it finds an infinite variety of expressions. There is the love between people, isolated in the form it takes between two, to subtly imply that one loves only one and not another, dedicated to the well-being and nurturing of a mate. The love of a community is different in their perception, for a nation or humanity, unique expressions of the universal love of life.

How does loving then become a way of life, a way of being, a way of perceiving, and a way of serving? Must it always be modified with the circumstance, the object of loving? Yes and no, our brother. Yes, in the sense of the nature of that needed in another or a circumstance or a condition. No, in the sense of oneness, connection.

Another form of love is that which accepts and cherishes love from another, and from life itself. This honors the giver and, when lovingly received, supports the love of self. Love is an exchange of the presence of life: its beauty, its infinite embrace, and its continuation. For when life continues, consciousness expands and becomes more inclusive, and from the infinitesimal to the infinite, to the collective of all life, new creation is inspired and life fulfills its destiny.

A loving consciousness communicates everywhere and every-when. The entire process of life is revealed in the reality of Now and is touched, connected with past, present, and future. So live and love in the moment, our brother, without evaluation of worth, for all life is of equal worth, is loved, and is love.

July 5, 2013

Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross