The act of love

JANU: We are Janu speaking, to explore the meaning of love, its purpose, and its expression. What we see here at first is the coalescing factor of love, uniting life and its expressions, its creations, into composites, forms, beings, worlds, and universes. It is possible to look at a single fish in the sea with awakened eyes and see love all around it and through it. It is conscious of this and has a natural urge to relate to others in a loving way, combining lives, stronger to overcome the challenges of living. Portions of humanity see this and live this way. Others do not.
Would that people could see one another as an opportunity through love to be stronger and more complete, more creative, more insightful, and mutually beneficial. It would change the face of the Earth in terms of human consciousness and society. Love serves the expansion of life, ever growing richer with endless possibilities. Even Life itself, our brother, is not aware of all it can be. We are not speaking of life here as a thing, an object, but as a reality with vitality and presence and Pure Being.
When a planet coalesces from the debris of creation, it isn’t just gravity that brings these together. It is the love of Life, creating platforms of life to expand and enrich in countless ways. Science has done well to understand the mechanics of life, but how life functions through love is still a mystery.
Most of humanity sees love as a thing of passion and emotion, procreation. It is these, but so much more. Exploration of life with new understanding and experience is an expression of love. Discovering the needs of another, and their reasons for these, the desire to be of assistance is an act of love. Taking good care of your physical body is an act of love. Incarnating, fulfilling potential in the life is an act of love. Helping another fulfill their dreams is an act of love. Taking care of the Earth is an act of love. And even taking another breath to continue the life is an act of love. Standing in harm’s way to save the life of another is a grand act of love.
Acts of love are all around you and bring purpose and meaning to life and to love. Have a loving day, our brother, and namaste.
July 1, 2014 Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross