The destiny of human communication

JANU: For this morning’s journey let us partake of excellence in the arena of destiny.  The destiny we refer to is the destiny of speech, of communication.

Humanity’s common speech is rife with misrepresentation, ambiguity, falsehood, and limitation. What is coming, our dear brother, is not just telepathy but direct knowing and the ability to perceive the energy fields of each other. This will go a long ways toward communicating with other species on other worlds for a number of them are accomplished in this area. Needless to say, this will completely revolutionize human relationships, behavior, conduct, and integrity.

The transition will be slow at first, with breakthroughs here and there, confusing to many uncertain as to its grasp on reality and reliability. Current speech patterns continue for they are difficult to challenge, decipher, and probe the truthfulness of. But as the new abilities come into being, the advantages will be obvious to those who continue in the old ways. The legal system will change dramatically. Confessionals in churches will, as well. Negotiations between nations and politicians will come to a halt, at first.

This is all part of human awakening, you see, which we bring to point once more. Consider deeply, even before this becomes common, the impacts to come on communication and interactions, relationships, and individual thoughts and behavior. How many people presently endeavor to make their true thoughts and feelings known to those they communicate with? It would be wise to carefully consider this destiny of human communication. Even prayers to whatever deity you choose will be impacted.

There will be schools, so to speak, to guide those slow to enter this new communication and the abilities required, to reduce the conflicts and mistrusts, for there will be divisions in human culture between those who do and those who do not. Much effort will be needed to overcome this rift. Many challenges, our brother, as this changes. Most of human culture will be affected and will change. We do not offer a timeframe, but it is on the horizon and can be explored, even at this time. A good beginning to this is individual assessment of their own truthfulness and clarity of thought and feeling. Namaste.

June 29, 2014                Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross