Loving humanity unconditionally

JANU: You have asked to understand and experience the nature of the love that exists for humanity, no matter how outrageous or brutal some can be. It is the kind of consciousness that can forgive and love oneself deeply. As a shared experience with others, the love that forgives without condemnation or recrimination. The love that sees potential and nurtures it. The love that understands and touches the deepest part of a person’s true nature. The love that understands oneness profoundly. The love that does not perceive right or wrong and is always at peace with the journey of life.

There is plenty of brutality in the world, meanness, manipulation of others, cruelty. Practice manifesting this love, exploring its potential, not to agree with or disagree with behavior, but to see beyond that and all that is involved. Practice these things, our brother, not in theory but in life. Namaste.

July 28, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross