The triune nature of life

JANU: We are teaming once again, if you will, to explore life, a life in motion, constantly changing and interacting. This morning, may we explore that which belongs to a group of stars in your Milky Way galaxy that are rendered in gravitational equilibrium due to close proximity and their small size. These stars represent triune balance in nature, which does also exist in subtler realities.

You ask, “Why triune? Why the three balanced ingredients found naturally in life?” It has to do with balance and equilibrium between the forces that sustain life. These forces are bound together into a dynamic matrix that pull on and give to each other. So, you see, existence is a relative relationship with a certain tension, if you will, that keeps everything in harmony yet still in motion. For without the motion where would be the evolution, the growth, restructuring?

This triune nature throughout life can be found in your consciousness as well and one can perceive the tension that exists, that neutralizes one force dominating another but allows interaction. The peace we speak of from time to time is this balancing tension in the triune nature of life.

Now, these three elements do not exist as a triangular shape or form or relationship. They coexist in equilibrium, not limited to space/time reality. They also form a portal for consciousness to explore life anywhere, anytime, on any scale. It is what you might call the ‘back door entry’ into the structures of life, the root cause. So exploring the trinity, as many have used this term, takes on a deeper, broader, wider ranging meaning and can begin with gaining insight through the triune nature of your own being, your own consciousness.

Aug. 29, 2014                                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross