Politics and personal integrity

JANU: The element of discussion this evening has to do with the propensity of humanity to agree with the so-called authorities of the moment. Witness the political scene prior to elections. Many of the claims made are somewhat outrageous when viewed from the larger perspective. You ask, “Why is it then that humanity has a tendency to follow authorities without close examination?” There is a malaise in humanity. It is easier to follow others than think for yourself and process your life experience for its wisdom, gaining insight, and discovering what lives inside you.

Can you really say that one party or another is motivated primarily by the needs of the people? They have created a system that requires vast sums of money to be influential. Can one with a pure heart and a wise view of life maintain these qualities and succeed in politics? The system is powerful indeed to control this. The real power in society, although not yet fully used or developed, is the hearts and minds of the people.

The True Nature of individuals can still find expression in the complexities of human society. And this is a function of the clarity of desire and commitment to a better life that supports freedom to be, creativity, and a love-filled life. We of the Brotherhoods of Light have long known this and supported this in other societies, not only on the Earth but on other worlds as well. The issues of the day on Earth, for humanity, seem countless and overwhelming to achieve anything of this nature. The solutions, our brother, compared to the challenges, the issues, are always straightforward and have the flavor of profound simplicity.

The current condition of humanity includes the politics of the day but, while complying with the rules of society, temper them with a loving heart, an enquiring mind, true peace, and a love of the truth that lives within you, and who you are. Insights will come. Act on them. Test them for their merit. And be grateful for the opportunity to find peace. Namaste.
Oct. 31, 2014 B                      Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

A semi-update on same topic Nov. 5th:

JANU:  We are noticing that political tension in human consciousness is softening, even in other nations for their concern is for the influence American politics has on their economies. These cycles of worldwide tensions and concerns are a dynamic force, for this contributes to a lack of peace and certainty. Ideally, the next phase is reconciliation and cooperation for the benefit of people. Not always the case, you see. Politics aside, let us focus our attention upon the structures for living successful and happy lives unconditioned by politics and its vagaries.