Understanding prayer

JANU: For this morning’s journey, let us include in our current series the condition of prayer. Much of the prayer at this time, for humanity, is conditioned to address a deity. There are several levels of understanding and reality in this.

For those of a certain awareness, because of their intention that a deity continue the reality of the deity, and their expectations of the capability of deity, of the reality of this, their prayers deepen and continue the relationship.

What of those who pray with no sense of deity, or acknowledgement of same? You ask, “Who do they pray to?” Their prayers, such as they be, render their concern and sense of need, in reality, to their own True Natures, whether understood or not. And in a very real sense, each one’s True Nature is their deity, for it is their True Nature, their total being, their authority for their life. There is some spillover from this kind of prayer to that to a deity in the sense of ‘something greater than they are aware of.’

Now, there are those who are understanding that life itself is beyond and includes all sense of deity. And the authority and the power of their prayers are in harmony with all of life. Not just manifestations of life, but the life that allows manifestation, simply eternal, universally present, all pervasive, and all knowing, for the nature of life itself is one with all of creation. What is more wise and powerful and informed than the collective of all that is?

Prayer has many forms, and all have merit. Now, what indicates, our brother, the effectiveness of any kind of prayer? What can it be other than the result, not just in manifestation but in the complex consciousness of having done so, bringing peace of mind, comfort, and a faith they are not alone in their existence, with hope and dreams and trust in a better life and a power to overcome any challenge. Therefore, our brother, prayers are always appropriate, powerful, in their own way. One form not to be judged by another. Anyone seeking help and uplift with their concerns is engaging life as they understand it. And the engagement includes reality more than they know. Every prayer serves the path of awakening into the larger life, and so it is, and so it shall be. Namaste.

Oct. 28, 2014                                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross