
JANU: We are hammering away again, if you will, at this concept of self-mastery. And “What is meant by this?” you ask. It is to be in conscious control, at one with, all of your faculties, motivations, purposes, relationships, and well-being. And what is in control is not the ‘personality-ego’ or mundane interests but the whole you that is your true Nature.

A central theme of awakening is not only “what are you awakening to?” but “what is awakening–what is the being?” A profound question, answered as you mature and contribute to life. We do not mean the power to manipulate at the expense of life around you, but to serve life in its countless destinies. And, in so doing, come to realize and understand in the most profound ways you are that life. Moving from individual consciousness only to universal consciousness, some call ‘Cosmic Consciousness.’

Structured life, form, boundaries, limitations are created by life that is not limited. Both are necessary. Both co-exist. And both serve each other. This beginning of understanding of the function of life.   We of the Brotherhood of Light are still growing in this direction, understanding there is much more beyond this principle. The principle being a doorway or window.

We speak of service, but what is doing the service, our brother? What is its authority, its True Power, its nature? The wisdom that comes from loving life selflessly, simply, enduringly, with the patience of eternity, with the strength of True Peace. Self-mastery, our brother, is a grand journey indeed. Let us begin. Namaste.

Jan. 14, 2015 B                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross