A larger view of life in the moment

JANU: We present this morning a tribute to the unlimited potential of life for creativity and evolution. What we speak of this morning has to do with the resemblance of patterns of life to the potential of each individual.

The perception that the universe in the future where strangers of unknown reality and experience gives way to the realization that all of this is in harmony with who you are and what you will be, for everyone. You and the future are designed as one life for the purpose of realization. In a sense, all of life is on the same path of becoming all that it is capable of. As a divine being, how can you go anywhere that is not a part of the destiny of life? For you are that life, and that life is you. With more wondrous surprises, opportunities, and rewards than you will ever imagine.

Life is not designed, our brother, to be miserable. It is designed to be wondrous and rich and everlasting. And our journeys in the past and in the future will reflect this, will speak to this, and will fulfill this. Having faith and understanding in this will serve everyone very well indeed. Walk with the larger view of life in the midst of the moment, and the two become one. Namaste.

Jan. 15, 2015                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross