What is awakening?

JANU: Elements of this morning’s journey will be considered as temporary perspectives on the facets of the jewel that is humanity. The journey of awakening is not a simple one, but there is a fundamental truth to it, that being: it is a journey of profound changes and revealed so-called ‘mysteries’ and the realization of unforeseen potentials. Temporary in the sense of ever changing and evolving.

From the incarnate perspective, the question always arises: When? How fast, and what can be done to accelerate this? The answer to the ‘when?’ is when you are ready. The matter of accelerating awakening must consider the aspects of awakening that are not physical, beyond time/space. The maturity to deal successfully with what awakening affords is a process. Self-mastery arises in these considerations to include patience, sensitivity to conditions of the moment, insightful awareness of the trends in your life, and a growing realization and sense of the nature of your relationships with everything, a growing sense of the flow of life and your relationship with it. Is any part of your life swimming against this dream, or are you flowing with it? Can you see these changes in others, and understand them?

Awakening is not measured in time or speed. How can it be, when it is an eternal, growing reality? So you see, the goal here is not the awakening but the realization of it, what your consciousness and being evolve into in so many ways. Where do you begin to measure that? What terms?

Being at True Peace and growing into this more and more is part of a journey that embraces an unlimited journey. Awakening is not a thing, but a growing embrace of life with profound changes. Namaste.

Feb. 18, 2015                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross