Welcome home to the larger family of life

JANU: We are warming up to the idea that the joy of inner communication brings about a confidence in the self amidst the circumstances of life that overcomes doubt and confusion. You would say, at this point, that many in humanity attribute this experience to different names: the presence of God in the life, the presence of Jesus in their life, true for other religions as well. Something divine, something present and wise and powerful and, above all, loving. And there are those who awaken to the point that ‘deity’ takes on new meaning, new reality. We refer to, at times, the larger life, the larger you, unlimited consciousness, and Oneness.

For some, faith in this for the time being is sufficient, for the joy and the confidence is the result. For others, understanding includes this but moves beyond it, understanding that the previous is part of that larger life. No one, our brother, is locked out from the inner divine, the inner joy, and the wisdom and love. They need only choose it and embrace it. It is their legacy, their birthright.

When that inner confidence and connection is present, there is the confidence that all things are possible. When you observe individual lives and their circumstances, it is not difficult to see that this simple reality would profoundly change their perception of the new life and their experience. Everyone is powerful in the truth of their being.

Fear not the future. Embrace it with full expectancy of a wonderful and illuminating life. This is the peace we speak of, that conscious embrace and the inner knowing of the larger life that you already are. The larger Family of Life includes everyone. Welcome home. Namaste.

Mar. 3, 2015                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross