Elemental patterns of life

JANU: What we address this morning is the elemental nature of life that exists as the patterns, blueprints if you will, but living patterns that are the reference for manifestation. They are key ingredients in the creation of life and life’s creations.

Now, what life means to many is a product of this, these patterns. Patterns are created for manifestation to be guided and develop. The elementals of life are the product of thoughtful creation. Realize, there is a hierarchy to life, each ingredient, each element essential. A consciousness in harmony with these patterns is in harmony with the creator of them. You could describe these as thought-forms, which are the framework for manifestation. And they are in motion as well, ever changing, for the looping reality of life allows for re-creation influenced by how life unfolds.

You have asked about the design of the human vehicle and where it comes from. This is part of the source of the human design and evolution. Elementals, elemental patterns, but are shaped by, designed by, the many structures of life, their interactions, and what they produce. All under the auspices of the eternal nature of Life itself.

Much to become aware of and understand as to the hierarchy of life, an eternal ongoing reality that is constantly changing. For life is in motion, all of it, but it is still a system of life. Many orders of subtlety compared to gross physical manifestation, but includes this as well. To be in harmony with the flow of life does not mean a lack of individual initiative, creativity, desire, and service. All of this and more is part of Life in motion.

Humanity continues to seek to understand the so-called Source of Life. It is understood through the countless systems of life, their interactions, their function and purpose, their evolution, their nature. And as you do, you understand—or begin to—who and what you are in a larger and larger way. How do you define in words the source of that which is eternal?

Apr. 14, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross