Understanding dimensions

JANU:    You have spent much time querying about the discarnate life, faculties of perception, visual counterparts, limitations and non-limitations of engagement, counterparts to form, recognition of each other, and movement.

To begin to understand the nature of form or presentation, consider the aura of a flower, of an individual. This is a beginning, an energetic appraisal of the presence of consciousness and life focus. Perception is not with eyes but the entire being. Your attention and interest controls much of this. And, yes, there are protocols of non-disturbance but also protocols of harmonious engagement, collective reality, synergism. Movement as such is not physical but energetic. Time and space are not limitations.

Perception of physical reality from a non-physical existence comes under the heading of ‘attunement,’ an adaptation of consciousness and memories that bring recognition and understanding. The right to manipulation of physical reality is limited, thus the need for incarnation to more fully serve the physical existence and inspire others in the world of their making.

What we are accomplishing here in the merging of human and True Nature consciousness speaks to the future of humanity and, yes, even communication. The True Nature and consciousness living as one. No need for fear in any of this, for life regulates its existence, self-perpetuating. Recycling itself, yes, but not the end of core realities. Essential nature continues.

The concept of dimensions is an illusive one, for the human frames of reference for this understanding are based upon imaginings and some misinterpretation and limited understanding of physical existence and its relationship to the larger life. There are parameters of existence that co-exist with other parameters, worlds within worlds, you see, with some overlap and connection with a consciousness that has the capability of touching everything.

To separate the perception of one so-called dimension from another is a very limited understanding, but understandable from a larger point of view. One understands life with the faculties at their disposal at any moment. It is wise to embrace that there is a greater truth behind any understanding or perception and be open to this. Seeing through the veil, so to speak, is a process of realization, leaning towards a larger life, as limitations are understood and left behind. Change is the key here, our brother. Namaste.

Apr. 28, 2015                                                                                   Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross